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I'm weighing you down, leave me behind.
~ Lambert being rescued by Henri, just before being stopped by the Germans.

Blood on my hands... Blood on my hands... Blood on my hands.
~ The Beast's distorted wall ramblings, foreshadowing its true identity.

The Beast (also commonly referred to as a "Demon", "The Monster" or "The Stalker") is the main antagonist of the 2023 horror survival game Amnesia: The Bunker. Before transforming into a grotesque creature, he was a French soldier by the name of Augustin Lambert during World War I. It constantly stalks Henri Clément - the main protagonist - throughout the game.

Unlike enemies of the previous games in the series, the Beast is the sole enemy of the game that the player must constantly avoid. Similar to other enemies in the series, the Beast can't be killed by normal means, so running and hiding from it are the only viable options.

It is the first enemy in the Amnesia series to be completely dynamic and random. Unlike other enemies in the series, instead of being summoned by only triggers and scripted sequences, it will adapt to many types of possible situations in game, mostly ones created by the player.

Though the voice actor of the Beast is unknown, Augustin Lambert was voiced by Ossian Perret.


The creature appears to walk on all fours despite its humanoid appearance, similar to a gorilla or chimpanzee, although the Beast sometimes walks on two legs when moving slow enough. Despite once being a soldier, the Beast's tattered clothes do not resemble that of the standard French Army uniform. Instead, the clothes appear tattered and blackened, as if burnt. Its skin is lined with wrinkles and bloodied gashes. Some parts of its body appear patchy, as if some areas of skin are completely torn open or removed.

Its face still appears to still resemble Augustin, but barely, as its head is greatly enlarged and mutated compared to that of a standard human. Its hands and feet have gnarled claws (with the hands resembling talons), and the structure of its legs resemble that of a werewolf. The neck supporting the head is very elongated and reaches forward, not upward (giving it a hunchback appearance). Its eyes are black, and the left half of its face has overly long, sharp teeth.

Its cheeks appear webbed, giving the creature the ability to open its mouth wider than normal. Some animations reveal that it has a long tongue. Its ribcage is visible, and two swords can be seen stuck inside the creature, but do not hinder its movement in any way.


At an unknown point in time prior to the game's events, Augustin Lambert enlisted in the French army and became a soldier. He has a wife and at least one child. During his time in the army, he met a fellow soldier by the name of Henri Clément, and the two became very close friends.

Prologue of Amnesia: The Bunker[]

During a brutal attack from the German army, Henri takes refuge in a trench. With only a pistol and very little ammunition, he is forced to hide from the assaulting Germans. The Germans then throw gas grenades inside the trench, suffocating Henri. Augustin rushes in and saves his life by pulling him out of the gas.

On July 8th, a superior needed a soldier to be on patrol duty, requiring either Augustin or Henri. The two decided to leave it up to a game of chance (though this game wasn't specified), and Henri cheated by using a sleight of hand trick to ensure his victory and leave Augustin with the patrol duty, a decision that would haunt Henri for the rest of his life.

The next day, Augustin had not returned from his duties. Henri, feeling guilty, decided to sneak out and go on a rescue mission to find his lost friend. He had found Augustin in a deep and unnatural crater, injured to the point of being unable to move. Henri gives Augustin unnatural nearby spring water to help keep him alive, then manages to carry Augustin out of the crater and reach the surface, but are surrounded by German soldiers. Henri's running speed is greatly slowed by carrying Augustin, who even recommended being left behind, but Henri - overcome with guilt and determination - decides to keep pushing on.

An explosion incapacitates the two. The game does not show the events immediately after this, but notes found in the game reveal that thanks to the strange water Augustin drank, his wounds were quickly healed and was somehow able to carry Henri to safety with unexplainable newfound strength. This water was also responsible for transforming Augustin into the Beast that haunts the titular bunker. Prior to the transformation, Augustin would go on late night walks which he'd never remember, as well as experience animalistic and hedonistic cravings, explaining much of the Beast's nature.

While Henri was unconscious and suffered amnesia, the Beast killed and mutilated many of the other soldiers that remained in the bunker, leaving Henri completely alone in the bunker with the creature, starting the events of the game.

Events of Amnesia: The Bunker[]

Henri wakes on a hospital bed inside the bunker, confused and unaware of many recent events that transpired. He is unable to find anyone else that can help him, and is completely alone during the entirety of the game. He finds an injured soldier that begs to be put out of his misery, but is soon killed by the Beast before Henri is able to do anything, although Henri is able to take his weapon for self-defense. If playing the game in shell shocked mode, this person is already dead before Henri wakes, and the weapon is instead placed in a randomized locker, which adds even more difficulty in dealing with the Beast, as Henri won't have a weapon to defend himself until the gun is found.

Henri soon discovers that the only exit out of the bunker has collapsed, due to one of the superior officers escaping and detonating the bunker's exit to trap the beast inside, as well as many of the soldiers still inside. Many notes can be found around the bunker explaining the other soldiers' encounters with the Beast, often describing it as a "demon from Hell".

Throughout Henri's endeavor through the bunker, he is constantly stalked by the Beast. The creature is able to hear anything that Henri does, and can be heard crawling through the foundation of the bunker, giving an idea of where it is at any time. The Beast can enter the main areas of the bunker through large holes in the walls, and will do so when it hears enough sound. Light seems to slightly ward off the Beast, lessening the chance it will patrol an area. When the bunker is in complete darkness, the Beast's encounters are much more frequent.

The Beast seems to be somewhat invulnerable, as nothing at the player's disposal can kill it. Explosions from barrels and grenades, as well as revolver bullets and shotgun shells, are not enough to kill the creature, no matter how much damage it takes. These attacks can only stun the creature's movement, and buy the player some time to escape. When Henri enters the chapel area of the Bunker, it is discovered that this area is the Beast's nest, as it is strewn with chains and mutilated bodies.

When Henri finally manages to find some dynamite and blow up the rubble blocking the exit, it does not create an opening, but instead opens a tunnel that goes straight down. This tunnel leads to an area of the "Other World", another plane of existence previously encountered and mentioned in past Amnesia games. It is here that Henri can confront and defeat the Beast. He can either destroy wooden planks while the creature is walking on them, which will send it falling into the dark depths below, or simply escape with the creature still following him.

If Henri escapes without defeating the creature, he will be back outside, about to be found by a German patrol. The Beast will escape into the "no man's land" just before. Whether the creature fell into the depths of the Other World - likely to be consumed by The Shadow, or escaped into the war zone, its fate is left unknown. It can be assumed that the Beast continued its killing spree if it was freed, and that it likely died if it fell into the depths.


Before transforming, Augustin Lambert was a loyal soldier and friend, willing to do anything for the French army and those close to him. He was also very heroic and brave, putting his life in danger multiple times to save Henri Clément's life despite the deadly, impossible odds.

After transforming into the mutated creature, nearly no semblance of humanity remained. The Beast became uncommunicative, berserk and hostile, only growling and constantly hunting anything that lives. It chooses to reside in the walls and ceiling of the bunker, being heard moving about the foundation when it hears something, or may just move around at random. Exactly how the Beast survives and what it does when residing in the foundation is never seen.

When enough sound is made, the Beast will curiously exit through one of many holes in the wall and begin patrolling the immediate area for the source of the sound, causing nearby lights to flicker, making it tricky to spot. This occurs less frequently when the bunker's generator is powered and the lights are on. According to a note left near the generator, the creature "hates light". Despite this, well lit areas will stop the Beast from searching around. Sometimes, the Beast will just reach out of a hole with one hand to attempt to feel anything nearby. Very loud sounds such as gunshots, explosions and doors being bashed open will always summon the creature.

The Beast's aggressiveness will alter depending on the game's difficulty. On easier difficulties, the Beast will spend less time searching for disturbances, while it will spend more time searching on the hard difficulty, and even moreso in shell shock mode - the hardest difficulty. In the two hardest difficulties, the Beast's nature is more unpredictable. The frequency of the Beast crawling out of the walls to find the player can also be altered with difficulty.

If the bunker is surrounded in darkness, the Beast will search the bunker more frequently, making exploration much harder. It is alarmingly strong, and can destroy nearly anything with just one strike. Encountering the Beast is almost always an instant death for the player. However, if the Beast attacks through a hole in the wall, the player will survive if their health is high enough. The monster has very acute hearing, and can hear Henri in nearly any part of the bunker. It also has very good sight in the dark, as it's possible to spot Henri even in the darkest of areas, hinting that it likely has some sort of night vision.

Shooting the beast with bullets or shotgun shells can briefly stun it, with a random amount of shots being enough to make the Beast run away for a short time, but it will only pursue the player with more anger afterward, if they're still nearby. This is revealed in a note found in the game. There are aggressive mutated rats that are dotted around the bunker, and although the Beast never interacts with these rats, the rats will momentarily scurry away if the Beast is near them.

The reasoning behind the Beast's true nature is somewhat explained, as the transformation left Augustin with nothing more than the desire to aggressively hunt and kill. If it survives during the ending, it will choose not to kill Henri, and instead run free. A few notes describe how drinking the mysterious water leaves one feeling addicted to dark, hedonistic things, simply written as "Sex. Blood. Flesh."

It is very subtly hinted that the monster may realize who and what he truly is, as a writer of one of the notes found in the game said that the Beast stared at him and recognized him, though there was no further elaboration on what really happened. Two of the most compelling moments that involve the monster having some form of humanity are at the end of the game, where the Beast simply escapes into the distance instead of killing Henri (assuming the Beast survived in the area just before), hinting that the Beast may realize who Henri really is, and/or be more interested in the fact that he is now free of the imprisoning bunker.

The other moment is when Henri gives the Beast a rabbit doll, which causes it to hold the doll curiously while placing the other hand over his chest. The Beast then briefly runs away, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. When this happens, it will return the doll to the chapel area of the Bunker.

Audio Samples[]

Spotting Player[]


  • The Beast is very similar to Overseer Wilbur Frisk, an enemy in Penumbra: Black Plague, another survival horror video game made by Frictional Games. They are both psychotic, animalistic and violently hostile creatures that have tragically formed from normal humans. They both hide inside the walls of their respective locations, can leave through holes in the wall to attack the player, and are evasive to light. They have also both been changed by supernatural and otherworldly forces. However, the Beast can exit walls and scout areas whether there is light or not, while Overseer Frisk is never seen by the player, and the latter can only attack in completely darkness if the player is standing near holes in the wall. Additionally, the Beast can appear anywhere in the Bunker, while Overseer Frisk is limited to just one area.
  • Ghoul cutout

    Appearance of a harvester from Amnesia: Rebirth.

    The otherworldly nature of the water that led to the Beast's creation is unclear, as in Amnesia: Rebirth, drinking water from the Other World had the purpose of turning its victims into harvesters, which took on the appearance of emaciated humanoids resembling zombies with sharp teeth, claws and black eyes. Harvesters were also made to serve masters in that world. It is unknown if the Beast is meant to be a different variant of a harvester. It's also possible that the ongoing war at the time played a part in the Beast's transformative appearance.
  • There are two swords lodged into the Beast's body. This is likely from two previous victims trying to stab the Beast in self-defense.
  • If the player remains on the main menu of the game for a long time, they can eventually hear the Beast's growling.



Augustin Lambert[]

The Beast[]


External Links[]


Frictional Games Logo  Villains

The Archaic | Tuurngait | Clarence | Tuurngait Infected | Richard Eminiss | Wilbur Frisk
The Dark Descent: Alexander of Brennenburg | The Shadow | The Gatherers | Kaernk | Daniel
Justine: Justine Florbelle | Suitors
A Machine for Pigs: The Machine | Manpigs (Wretch | Engineer | Tesla | Failed Experiments) | Oswald Mandus
Rebirth: Empress Tihana | The Shadow | Harvesters | Wraiths | Yasmin | Hank| Leon De Vries | Doctor Metzier
The Bunker: The Beast | German Army | Toussaint Beaufoy | The Shadow | Rats
The Warden Unit | Johan Ross | Construct | Scavengers | Fleshers | Terry Akers | Proxies | Robot Head | Viperfish | Anglerfish | Jin Yoshida | Leviathan
