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This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being |
“ | Why you... you young scamp, I demand you give me that chemistry book, or I'll... I'll... I'll show you. I'll show you! FOOLS! I needed that book for my experiment! I'll kill them, I'll destroy this library... The whole city! They can't do that to me, THE CLOWN! | „ |
~ The Clown beginning his rampage and his vendetta on Davey and Magno. |
The Clown (real name: unknown) is the main antagonist of Magno, the Magnetic Man series, later known as Magno & Davey.
He is an arch-criminal mastermind and, as his name implies, a clown-themed supervillain who would become Magno's most recurring and personal archenemy. Most of the time, he would work alone but has recruited or join forces with other criminals and supervillains until eventually beginning to work for Adolf Hitler himself and his regime. He has on several occasions survived death and became a constant thorn to the dynamic duo every time and would create several deadly weapons to kill them.
His goal is to become the most powerful crime lord in the criminal underworld and eventually take over the entire nation of America.
There's no backstory to the Clown, no background of where he came from or what his true identity really is. In fact, we are never told of anything about him besides what we are shown the pages of the comic. But it has been implied he may not be American, and was a scientist ousted by the science community after his ideas were rejected. As such, he grew to hate the world and vowed revenge on humanity for rejecting him. He would brainwash a woman to be his unwilling accomplice to his crimes and keep her in his lair as a mindless slave only obeying his whims.
The Clown first appears in Super-Mystery Comics #5 where he was in a library to get a chemistry book for his experiments. When Davey, Magno's kid sidekick, got to it first, Clown was infuriated to the point he vows to kill millions of people and tries to murder Davey. After wrecking the library and killing the librarian, Clown tries to burn the American flag in front of crowd witnessing him trying to desecrate their country's symbol. After a duel between him, Davey, and Magno ends him being defeated, he flees to his lair where upon he gave himself preparations against the duo's magnetic powers. He would then go on a killing spree killing hundreds of people, all to lure the duo to a trap where upon he brings them to his lair to experiment on them. Planning to steal their powers for himself, the two broke free and destroyed the Clown's lair. But the Clown survived and would pester Magno and Davey for several issues of the comic series.
He would cheat death and come back several times or escape prison somehow to wreak more chaos only for the heroes to stop him once more. Eventually, he would sell his services to the Nazis and become a sabotuer, earning the disgust of fellow criminals who still remain loyal to their countrymen. His schemes can stem from grandeur or small, desiring to conquer the United States before moving down to simply robbing banks or jewelry stores to earn money. But this does serve a purpose to him beyond petty thefts, as he desires to use the cash to fund his own criminal empire and reign as the most powerful mastermind the underworld has seen.
He often recruits criminals or other villains to work for him, and other times team up with other bad guys. Examples including his pyromaniac henchman Torcher, and his partner-in-crime Dr. Steele who saved his life at one point and the two formed a (albeit temporary) partnership. But he tends to either abandon his allies or murder them when they're no longer useful to him.
It is not until his last appearance, he is finally caught by the heroes and sent to prison to face justice for all of his atrocities. It's confirmed he is sentenced to death for the mass killings and crimes he has committed, marking it as the end for the Clown.
Other Media[]
The Clown's true identity was revealed to be Albert Bean who became a powerful businessman in the 1980s after retiring from supervillainy in the 40s. It's revealed he hired the villain known as The Keeper to put his archenemy Magno in suspended animation since the 1940s, along with several other superheroes.
The Protectors[]
The Clown is renamed Wisecrack and is an interdimensional alien instead of a regular human being. He, along with the Great Question and Conqueror, partook in the battle of Brinkston clashing with the public domain superheroes of the golden age. The incident led to the destruction of the whole town and the disappearance of all the big-name villain. After the events known as the Brinkston Incident, Wisecrack was teleported into a hellish dimension of demons of which he became ruler and held hundreds of human slaves. He was confronted by The Protectors who ended up in his dimension and tortured the hero Gravestone to death for a while. He would escape with the rest of his slaves and was never seen since.
Project Superpowers[]
The Clown appears as a villain in the Project Superpowers universe, where he would become the founder of ClownCo. and was a member of The Supremacy, a supervillain group that wants to ensure that the future falls into their favor. Like his original counterpart, he was a supervillain active during the 40s-50s before many years later in the present, where he is now an old man. He would create a clone body of his arch-foe, Magno, and store his mind thus gaining his nemesis's powers for himself and regained his youth in return. He would later don Magno's costume but added the color pattern of his own costume, green and yellow along with white makeup.
“ | Magno and Davey are here, eh? Spoiling all my plans again, saving all those people who should've been killed! I'll fix them! When The Clown is set out to destroy people, nobody can stop him! Go free Mr. Cat and go help Clown with his killing! Now let's what you can do about that Magno and Davey. | „ |
~ The Clown's demonstrating his homicidal tendencies |
The Clown is a depraved monster, a psychopathic maniac hellbent on murder and destruction. Above all, he is defined by his misanthropy who hates the entire world and sees himself above everyone else. It's implied his hatred of humanity may have stems from his implied background of once being a brilliant man whose ideas were rejected, and thus he grew resentful of the world because of it. He thinks of nothing of slaughtering thousands of innocence or ruining the lives of others so as long as he elevates himself. He is a man so petty he's willing to kill millions over any slight against him, even murdering children as Davey soon found out. He is so cruel, he's willing to slaughter children in mass to satisfy his sadistic urges, even once cutting ropes to a giant carnival tent so it'll crush all the disabled children whom he hoped would perish. He especially hates when those he tries to kill are saved due to outside interference and makes sure those whose lives he wants to ruin suffer.
Above all, The Clown is a traitorous cutthroat at heart. A backstabber who will dispose of his minions when they're no longer useful to him and betray allies when it suits him. He is also an egomaniac, one who shows no mercy to anyone who bruised his pride or intervene with his work. He thinks himself highly important, even taking pride on the fact he is deemed the world's greatest criminal mind and those who hinder him even slightly would be enemies of his. When he once faked his death in prison, he noticed the grave keepers weren't giving him a "proper burial with honors" he deserved, so he killed them along with their horse. Of all the people he hates, it's Magno and Davey who always interfere with his plans each time, but he seems to have a grudge against the latter even more. He is also a coward underneath it all, often begging for mercy when he's being pummeled by the heroes or when he loses the upper hand.
He firmly believes that in order to gain power, money is the answer, as money to him is the key to requiring said power. Demonstrating his insatiable greed, as he believes that it is the only way for him to fund his criminal empire he sought bring to fruition throughout the comic's run. His plans often have him robbing banks, the gold depository, to stealing valuable artworks and diamonds for him to sell at the black market. The Clown also seems to hate children most of all, often targeting them and trying to murder them each time he sees one. He is also manipulative and cunning, often swaying people to his side, even once corrupted a once benevolent scientist into a murderous criminal like himself. He tries to mold innocent children into being harden criminals like him, goading them to murder innocent or commit petty thefts and assaults.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Genius-level intellect: Possibly his most dangerous weapon is his criminal mind, a scientist and chemist who used his brilliance to deduce means to defeat his archenemies. He has created several gadgets and brainwashing devices, even made a giant mechanized vehicle to wreak entire cities for the Nazis. He developed weapons and buildings meant to be immune to Magno and Davey's magnetic powers and made a projector to open the 4th dimension which if enter increases the any object's size significantly. He also makes chemical weapons to kill countless people or use them to help him escape the police. He often makes long term plans for every crime he plans to commit, cleverly setting events in motion so things go nicely in his favor and often they do.
- Super-human attributes: The Clown is almost inhuman for someone who mostly lack superpowers. He can leap through high buildings as if he were flying and can land with any scratches, akin to the old days of Superman before he had the power of flight. He abnormally strong, having be able to lift a whole gorilla and leap hundred feet in the air without any trouble. He also has survived death many times, from jumping from a light tower into the ocean, something can kill any normal person and having been shot seven times and stabbed through the heart yet still manages to survive those.
- Swordsmanship: He carries a rapier with him which he uses to gut his enemies, killed two armed police officers during his attack at a carnival.
- Durability: As stated before, he has survived death many times, once hit an electric fence directly, fell into the ocean from a light tower and only came out with "a few bruises". He was shot six times and stabbed directly in the heart and still manages to survive those, with the story implying he might be an immortal of some kind or just inhumanely hard to kill.
- Blades: He used to hold a rapier with him during his debuts, he often carries with him to attack his enemies with. He also carries with him several daggers and sharp items to kill people with, which he often does in most of his appearances.
- Laughing Powder: A substance he concocted that can give the person a slow and painful death. Once he puts them on the person, they die by laughing themselves and only he holds the cure to them in his private lab.
- Mento Belt: A brainwashing device he created to be used on Magno's sidekick Davey, so that Davey will be an unwilling apprentice of his to go on committing crimes across town. Davey was forced to fight Magno to the death thanks to Clown's Mento Belt.
“ | Davey: He's the one that caused the explosion. He's tossing bombs! The monster is killing hundreds of people that way!
Clown: I'm going to kill millions after I finish off you two! |
„ |
~ Clown being confronted by Magno and Davey. |
“ | BAH! Sentimental rubbish! Out of my way! | „ |
~ The Clown punching aside an old lady. |
- He bares striking similarities with another clown themed villain, The Joker, almost uncannily which helps that they debuted in the same year only months apart. Other than the clown themes, both of them are enigmatic figures who's backstories are almost never revealed and would eventually become the archenemy of a superhero who has a kid sidekick. Clown even makes his own Laughing gas called "Laughing Powder" which works he exact same way as the former does. They also tend to cheat death the most, surviving nearly impossible situations where any person would've been killed, just to pester the heroes even more. They also hold a criminal genius to them, creating gadgets and utilizes in chemistry.
- One of the only main differences between him and Joker however, is Clown is perfectly willing to become a Nazi himself while most versions of the Joker absolutely despise Nazis.
- The character, including his archenemies Magno and Davey, are currently in the public domain. Meaning anyone can use them, especially the Clown, anyway they want.