“ | These extraordinary creatures live in crevices deep in the sea walls and floors and utilize a snatch and grab style of carnivorous hunting, often grabbing prey and pulling it back into it's thin, alley-like nest before it's soon-to-be-meal even knows what has happened! | „ |
~ caption of one of The Cervice's image |
The Cervice is a species of monsters and urban legend created by Canadian horror artist Trevor Henderson. They are said to be man-eating monsters living in cervices hence the alias.
We don't know what their body look like. Their head is a long and meaty one (looks like a worm's head) with big, round scleras as eyes. Creature has a nose that looks like a human's skeletons and a large, frowning mouth with darkness inside (might just be hollow).
The Cervice's are said to be living in cervices deep in the sea walls and floors which they make their nests. Creature are said to be hunters that use a snatch and grab style of carnivorous hunting, often grabbing their prey and pulling it back into it's thin, alley-like nest. They do this extremely fastly as
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