Images of Satan or The Devil from Theology .
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A depiction of Lucifer before his fall.
Lucifer in Heaven, plotting his rebellion.
Alexandre Cabanel, The Fallen Angel, 1847.
Lucifer having been cast out of Heaven.
A classic depiction of the Devil.
The scarlet dragon (the Devil), the beast of the sea (the Antichrist), and the beast of the earth (the False Prophet).
The Devil falling after being casted out of Heaven in Paradise Lost .
Lucifer Posing as the Snake, Tempting Eve.
The Serpent, having been punished by God to slither on the ground after Tempting Adam and Eve.
Lucifer Symbolically speculated to be The Serpent giving both Adam and Eve the idea of humanity.
The Devil effortlessly attempting to persuade Jesus.
“Get behind me Satan” - Jesus casting out the Devil who walks in defeat.
Satan Hovering over Humanity.
The Devil giving the Antichrist authority over the world.
The Devil being Condemned by God's Army.
The Devil taking Job's many Children.
The Devil Torturing Job, bestowing with Boils.
Lucifer over the Throne of the Lord requesting in proving his thesis over Job.
The Devil after banished in the fiery lake.
The Devil being brought down in defeat by Arch-angel Michael in the Book of Revelations.
God Exiles Lucifer out of Heaven.
The Red Dragon and The Whole of Babylon during the Day of Revelation.
Lucifer rounding his liegence.
The Scarlet Dragon's final Punishment in Chains.
The Devil and the False Prophet thrown into The Lake of Fire for eternal punishment.
A classic/modern depiction of Satan.