Darryl Diggs with Rabbi Avram Belinski
Darryl devastated when he finds out that the boat to San Francisco is gone
Darryl explaining his "situation" to Avram
Darryl offered a solution by Avram
Darryl begging Avram for help
Darryl with Avram informing his brother, Matthew "Matt" Diggs the bad news about the boat
Darryl introducing Matt to Avram
Darryl informing their partner,
Mr. Jones the bad news as well
Darryl asking for their horses and wagon back
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones interested when they hear that Avram has the money needed to pay for horses, a wagon, and supplies
"It's real kind of you, Avram. I don't know how's we could ever pay you back. Do you, Matt?"
"Well, you pay the $50, you can have a seat with a cushion on it. Can't he, Matt?"
"Ya-wee! Matt, The Lord is smilin' on you and me today!"
Darryl with Avram in a wagon
Matt and Darryl with Avram
Matt checking on Mr. Jones
Matt and Darryl followed by Mr. Jones
Darryl with Mr. Jones attacking Avram
The Diggs brothers on the run while Mr. Jones robs Avram
Darryl laughing sadistically as Mr. Jones continues abusing Avram
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones at a casino
Darryl noticing Avram approaching them
Matt getting stolen back by Avram
"Hey, what the hell you doin', mister?"
Matt restrained by Mr. Jones
Matt confronted by Avram again
Matt watching Avram while Darryl and Mr. Jones laugh sadistically
Matt laughing sadistically
Matt watching Avram recover while Darryl continues laughing sadistically
Matt pushing Avram towards Darryl
Darryl struck with a beer jug by Avram
Darryl punching Avram again
Darryl laughing sadistically again
Darryl and Mr. Jones placing Avram on the bar
Matt getting ready to smash Avram's face with a beer barrel
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones stopped by Tommy Lillard
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones held at gunpoint by Tommy
The Diggs brothers with Mr. Jones trying to shoot Tommy
The Diggs brothers with a shocked Mr. Jones after Tommy nearly shoots the latter in the groin
The Diggs brothers watching Mr. Jones give Avram back his stolen $200
Darryl forced by Tommy to give their own money to the latter
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones forced to leave by Tommy
The Diggs brothers and Mr. Jones ambushing Avram and Tommy on the beach
"It's time for a little comeuppance, boys!"
Darryl trying to burn Avram's Torah
Matt grazed on the head by Tommy
Darryl out of bullets after wounding Tommy
Darryl reaching for the late Mr. Jones's gun
Matt angry with vengeance
Matt spying on Avram and Tommy
Matt holding Avram and everyone else at gunpoint
"That man killed my brother."
Matt challenging Avram to a duel
Matt threatening to kill innocent people unless Avram agrees
Matt giving Avram the same gun he used to kill his brother with for the duel
Matt forcing Avram to draw his gun by shooting near him
"You yellow bastard, draw!"
"You draw or I'm gonna bash your head in!"
Matt trying to bash Avram on the head with his gun when the latter refuses to draw
Matt held at gunpoint by Avram
Matt losing his gun; thanks to Tommy
Matt shocked to find Tommy back
Matt held at gunpoint by Tommy
"But he killed my brother and I'm gonna kill him!"
Matt offered a solution by Avram
Matt exiled and threatened at the same time by Avram