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The Doctor is a minor antagonist from Dragalia Lost. He is the main antagonist of the campaign Scars of the Syndicate and one of the leaders of the eponymous syndicate.

He is voiced by the late Unshō Ishizuka.


He is a man who puts intellectual advancement and the intellectual progress of civilization over ethics and morals. His pseudo-philosophical rambling is distinct and has high thoughts about his intellect. He will stop at nothing for his research resorting to atrocities such as kidnapping a village of people and attempting to fuse Euden into Aspedochelone.

He also shows little care for Aldred, one of his experiments that were for the creation of a human that can have many wyrmpacts like Prince Euden, calling him one of his more rubbish experiments. It was later revealed that the chimera Aldred killed earlier was his sister fused to it by one of the experiments much to his horror. When his attempts to fuse Euden into Aspedochelone were thwarted, he decided to fuse with the beast itself. While the heroes manage to kill him while he’s merged with Aspedochelone, he warns them that his death will not be the end of the syndicate and there are more members out there.


The Doctor has blue hair, a slim face, blue eyes and glasses. For clothe, he wears a black coat and pants with red trimming and various gold accessories.



            Dragalia Lost Logo - Copy Villains

Dyrenell Empire
"King Aurelius" | Leonidas | Phares | Valyx | Beren | Emile | Harle | Alex

Nedrick | Ayaha and Otoha | Ciella | Volk | Kai Yan | Tartarus

Ilian Church
Origa | Graht | Basileus | Michael

Sinister Dominion
Satan | Loki (Dragalia Lost) | Lilith | Jaldabaoth | Asura | Iblis | Surtr

The Progenitor
Xenos | Morsayati | Beren | Otherworld Euden | Otherworld Halidom

Event Antagonists
King Archeole | Phraeganoth | Pumpking | Storm Sentinel | Hypnos | Manticore | Sabnock | Gustav | Valfarre | Thanatos | White Nyarlathotep | Princess Veronica | Loki (Fire Emblem) | Qitian Dasheng | Barbary | Chronos | Akasha | Hastur | Dr. Wily | Ebisu | Fatalis | The Syndicate (The Doctor, Aspedochelone, The Captain, The Overseer, The Master) | Barbatos | Thórr | Mei Hou Wang | Styx | Scylla | Carmen | Astrals | Otherworld Ramiel | Augus | Elysium | Aether | Doman | Menoetius | Shadow Emile | Madame | Anassa | Eirene | Finni | Saiga | Cardinal Lambert | Paladyn Goma | Father Glennie | Kanaloa | Nyarlathotep | Prosecutor Guaron | Gassbag | Tsukuyomi | Oki | Replica of Alberius

Adventure Story Antagonists
Bareed | Bauer | Bellina | Bishop Roalta | Burly Boys | Count Delchi | Count Dian | Doomcrier | Dorothy | Elua | Father Nikolai | Galkin | Logius | Master Xuan | Mother | Otherworld Harle | Parker | Radelle | Ramon | Robelle | Shirley | Werner | Yelda | Yurius | Zardon

Other Antagonists
Air Man | Bahamut | Bubble Man | Crash Man | EMMA | Flash Man | Heat Man | Jinlorda | Metal Man | Quick Man | Wood Man
