Marilyn, also known as the Emporg, is a minor antagonist of the French anime-influenced animated seriesWakfu, appearing as the main antagonist of the second season's titular episode. He is known for being the strongest player of Gobbowl in the city of Brakmar.
In order not to spoil the show, Judge Benchwig, along with the Prince of Brakmar, decided to release him from prison when the Brak 'N' Blacks team wanted to take revenge by Gobbowl on their team captain, The Masked Gobbowler, after he is revealed to be a female. The Emporg has the reputation of being particularly dangerous.
Marilyn is a muscular but morbidly obese Brakmarian with distinct minotaur-like features and a underbite, dark tan skin, long black hair and moustache. he has tattoos on his body, a red collar, torn burgundy shorts and electric speed boots. When infuriated, Marilyn sports demonic eyes with red and yellow sclera, as well bull-like horns on his head.
Wakfu (TV series)[]
The Emporg was released from prison on the orders of the Prince of Brakmar and Judge Benchwig to be the new team captain of the Brak'N'Blacks after the Masked Gobbowler, their original captain, revealed himself to be a girl named Maude, who is an old friend of Kriss Krass. Just before the match starts, The Emporg states to his teammates that he had sold his soul to Gobbowl a long time ago. Hearing this caused Ruel Stroud to be absorbed by something else; He is convinced that he has already seen the Emporg, but under a different name. During the match, just as the Emporg was about to score, Ruel, after intense reflection, finally remembered that the Emporg's real name is Marilyn and he screams out the name loud enough for everyone to hear. On hearing his old name, the Emporg comes to a standstill. Everyone in the stadium didn't understand at first but they finally realized what Ruel meant and they burst out laughing, even the Brak'N'Blacks team, with the exception of the Brotherhood of the Tofu, Yugo, Kriss Grass, and Maude. Seeing a frozen Marilyn reacting in embarrassment, Yugo took pity on him.
When a member of the Brak'N'Blacks, a Pandawa named Actator, mocked Marilyn by saying "Now I understand why you call yourself the Emporg!", Marilyn snapped and went berserk, eventually beating and killing his own team, to the horror of everyone in the stadium. In his wrath, he breaks the stadium in two, much to the ire of Slomo, the Xelor referee of the Gobbowl match. Taking advantage of this unexpected turnaround, Yugo recovers the Boufball and fled with it. Seeing that the Emporg's anger does not seem to subside, after a failed attempt to calm him down, Yugo is forced to flee the stadium to try to lose him in the alleys of Brakmar. The attempt proved to be disastrous as Marilyn rampaged through the city, destroying anything that stood in his way, causing collateral damage in the process. To try to stop him, Kriss Krass finally succeeded in assimilating the technique of the Gobbowlzooka" and he, along with Maude, carried a very powerful blow to Marliyn, defeating him. Later, Marilyn is sent back to prison for his crimes, and dons a cloak to hide his identity. In the prison' cafeteria, two prisoners were having a conversation on the events that happened, with one stating the revealing of the Emporg's real name. This angered Marilyn, who yelled "Never call me Marilyn!!!".
Wakfu (game)[]
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