The Evil Big D, also known as Boss, is the prime villain of the notorious Flash video-game known as Super D respectfully.
The Evil Big D appears to be a huge cube with 6 faces. The faces are all the same, of a eldery angry expression. His eyebrows are red, as well as his beard. While his lips are green, and eyes black. The color of the cube is dark blue.
The Evil Big D is the owner of the tower of Dicedom. Inside of it, the Evil Big D managed to capture other cubes, and keep them captive inside of his tower. The protagonist "Super D", has to free the other cubes (or "collect" them). During the collection of the other cubes, Super D is constantly going upwards, and dodging the other cubes, that cause him damage. However, after jumping on the cubes, the cubes get free.
Super D has to go climb the tower, until he reaches the end. At the end of the tower, Evil Big D and Super Dice have a fight. Depending on how you play, you either may lose the battle against The Evil Big D, or win and ultimately destroy the Evil Big D's tower forever.