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The Felt is the main antagonists of the webcomic Homestuck. They're a gang of time travelers that operate across various timelines and universes to serve their master.
1 - Itchy[]
Itchy is incredibly high-strung and constantly tense, due to the massive amount of caffeine he consumes. His power is the ability to slow down time relative to himself, allowing him to move at blinding speed. He uses this mostly for quick escapes and cheating at cards. He was killed by Spades Slick, who ended up tripping him by sticking his leg out and then clubbing him to death.
Itchy's name is based on the Japanese word "ichi", meaning "one". It also refers to the cue sport term "scratch", meaning a foul move such as pocketing the cue ball.
2 - Doze[]
Doze's power is the opposite of Itchy's, meaning he can slow down time, but only for himself. This makes him incredibly slow but also completely unfazable, making him easy to capture (which he often is) but almost impossible to interrogate. Besides being physically slow, Doze is also described as being "very slow both upstairs and downstairs". He was killed by Clubs Deuce via an explosive placed in his hat.
Doze's name comes from both the word "doze" meaning to sleep, and the word "dos", Spanish for "two".
3 - Trace[]
Trace is a shark-like man skilled in infiltration. He has the ability to follow other people's "Past Trails", an otherwise invisible trial of red smoke that shows where other people have been and what they were doing at the time. He uses this to his advantage for gathering information and sneaking around, though if others are aware of his ability, they can use it against Trace, as Diamonds Droog does- after Trace uses his power to find Doze, he is killed via the same explosive hidden in Doze's hat.
Trace's name comes from the word "tres", Spanish for "three", as well as his ability to "retrace" people's Past Trails. His shark-like features are a play on the term "pool shark", meaning a skilled pool player.
4 - Clover[]
The smallest member of the Felt, and extremely supersticious. His power is simply extraordinary luck, making him difficult to harm (he claims that a gun pointed at him would probably just jam). His main role in The Felt is as an accountant or advisor, though he will gladly provide advice to anyone, even the Midnight Crew- but only if they are able to solve one of his mind-bending time-based riddles. Despite his claimed immunity to harm, he can still be enticed to help with less lethal implements, such as a rolled-up newspaper.
Clover's name is based on four-leafed clovers, a symbol of good luck often associated with leprechauns, which he resembles both in looks and personality.
5 - Fin[]
Like Trace, Fin resembles a shark, though his power is the opposite of Trace's- instead of following Past Trails, he can follow other people's "Future Trails", which show where someone is going to be, including where they die. Future Trails are orange rather than red. He uses this power for scooping crimes planned by the Midnight Crew, much to Spades' chagrin. But just like Trace, when other people know of his power they can use it against him, as Diamonds Droog does to shoot him from the future. He eventually dies of blood loss from his bullet wounds.
Fin's name is based on a slang term for U.S. five-dollar bills, as well as a reference to shark fins. It's also a play on the Latin word "fin", meaning "end", fitting for his future-seeing powers.
6 - Die[]
Die's power comes from a voodoo doll he carries with him, along with a set of pins, each one corresponding to a member of The Felt as well as The Midnight Crew. When a pin is inserted into the doll, the holder is warped to an alternate timeline defined by the death of whoever the pin corresponded to, although the nature and time of death vary greatly. Die uses this skill to settle grudges with other members, by warping to timelines where they are no longer alive. Since every member so far has died of Midnight Crew-based complications, this usually causes him to appear close behind whenever a member of the Felt is murdered. When Die tried to use this to get rid of Spades Slick, he ended up in a barren wasteland version of his world. Pulling Slick's pin out shortly after, he reappeared in the current timeline and was immediately killed by Spades Slick via slitting his throat.
Die's name refers to both the number of sides on a standard cubic die, and "die" as in death.
7 - Crowbar[]
Crowbar carries an actual crowbar, one with the power to destroy any temporal artifact it strikes, and completely negate that object's effect on the timeline in the process. He was originally killed prior to the events of the intermission, but Spades brough him "back to life" after monkeying around with Die's voodoo doll to meet him in an alternate timeline, then knocking him out and bringing him back inside his Warchest. Crowbar died again after he and Sawbuck got lost in time and accidentally shot each other, and then got decapitated by Spades Slick after re-appearing in the current timeline.
Crowbar's name comes from how the number 7 resembles a crowbar, and the word "crowbar" having seven letters.
8 - Snowman[]
Main Article - Snowman
Snowman is the sole female member of The Felt, and one of its most feared. While she lacks the time manipulation powers of the other Felt members, killing her would destroy the entire universe. As a result, everyone immediately ceases any gunplay or dangerous activities whenever she's around.
Snowman is named for the pocket 8's slang in poker, as the number 8 resembles a snowman. Like the 8-ball she represents, she's unique amongst the Felt by having a nearly all-black complexion as well as being the only female member. She's also one of the only three members whose name is not entirely printed in green; the letter "o" in her name is printed in black, similar to how Doc Scratch's name has a white letter "o" representing a cue ball.
9 - Stitch[]
Stitch has the ability to fix temporal entropy, which manifests itself as rips and tears in the fabric of Lord English's Cairo Overcoat(s). He carries two pins, which are similar to Die's pins, except that they are white with yellow stripes, which would make them correspond to Stitch. He has an assortment of effigies in his workshop, which correspond to the members of the Felt (and after some cajoling, Slick and Droog as well.) These effigies display how the person they represent is wounded, and become scorched and black should that person die. They can be used to remotely heal whoever they correspond to by stitching up the cuts in the fabric, or to inflict harm by immolation. Duplicate effigies also appear to accommodate time duplicates—Eggs and Biscuits have their effigies stored in a separate warehouse to accommodate the many, many copies they create.
Stitch's name refers to the idiom "a stitch in time saves nine", as well as the scar on his face and the fact that he is a tailor.
10 - Sawbuck[]
Whenever Sawbuck is wounded, he and his attacker are sent to a random point in the current timeline. Knocking him outHS.svg via asphyxiation does not seem to trigger this effect, however it does seem to count the removal of an offensive objectHS.svg as a separate injury to its insertion. Fortunate for himself, Sawbuck's portly build is apparently very hard to severely injure, as Spades states he can only ever seem to inflict flesh-wounds. If this stems in any way from his ability, there's no firm indication as such; it may just be because of his corpulence.
Sawbuck is named after a slang term for U.S. ten-dollar bills, as well as the X-shaped device of the same name used to hold wood for sawing into smaller pieces, which corresponds to the Roman numeral for 10.
11 - Matchsticks[]
Matchsticks is a large Felt member who served as part of the gang's "muscle". He was already deceased by the time the intermission began, although later on he was seen with a fire extinguisher in Doc Scratch's burning room. According to Andrew's Formspring, he can travel to any time and place in the timeline by using fire as a gateway. He keeps a fire extinguisher with him so he can put out the fires and prevent any more of him from arriving, unless he wishes to exploit the fire for battle purposes. A fire alarm in Scratch's room, and possibly other such fire alarms in the mansion, can be used to summon Matchsticks. He was killed (possibly being his sole cause of death in the timeline, with him having been summoned forward in time, never to return) in Scratch's room by Spades Slick.
Matchsticks' name refers to matches being a common source of fire, as well as how the number 11 resembles a pair of matchsticks. The word "matchsticks" also has eleven letters, and the two 'stick'-like digits of his ball number 'match'.
12: Eggs[]
Eggs is a dangerous moron. He can use his egg timer to travel back in time by increments up to one hour. Eggs can thus become a one-man fighting force, with each incarnation a little more damaged than the last. According to Andrew Hussie, Eggs may branch off into a new timeline each time he goes back, as opposed to staying within the same timeline. Eggs potentially has no limit to how many time clones of himself he can have — this is vexing to friend and foe alike, as this senseless warping creates quite an unstable time loop, leaving his comrades (specifically, Stitch) to deal with the collateral damage.
Eggs' name is based off of both his egg timer, as well as the typical number of eggs sold in a carton.
13: Biscuits[]
Biscuits is another dangerous moron. His time power comes from a kitchen oven- he believes that by turning the timer on the oven and climbing inside, it will allow him to travel into the future, just as Eggs' egg time allows him to travel to the past. However, because its just a regular oven, he only "travels in the future" at a rate of one second per second, which means that his "power" is essentially just sitting in a broken oven for several minutes. While this means that Biscuits is completely useless and nonthreatening by himself, he often teams up with Eggs, which results in their combined stupidity creating all kinds of trouble- when Eggs uses his egg timer while holding Biscuits' oven, they both get time-cloned, making double the clones to pester the Midnight Crew. He was killed after Clubs Deuce put a time bomb inside his oven while he was hiding in it.
Biscuits' name refers to a baker's dozen (thirteen), as well as his oven.
14: Quarters[]
Quarters is an exceedingly tall Felt member and as such constituted part of the gang's "muscle", but was already deceased by the time the intermission began. Through time shenanigans, he appears again in Doc Scratch's room a short time after that of Matchsticks. Quarters was summoned to the scene by Clover flipping a coin which featured the two member's respective pool balls on either side; according to Andrew Hussie's old formspring, Quarters possesses a collection of eight such quarters bearing paired images of all the different pool balls. If a coin is tossed, the Felt member corresponding with the side that faces up will be summoned from some place in space and time. If the member on the other side is present, the two will switch places and times. If a member tosses their own coin and gets his own number, they will die. Quarters lets Clover keep his coin because Clover is so lucky that he will never get his own number. Members 1 through 5 share their coin with the member with their own number plus ten. 6 shares with 9, 7 with 10, and 8 with herself. Thus, the double-8 coin has two special traits: it can easily be used to summon the conflict-halting Snowman, and letting her toss it is highly inadvisable. He also weilds a minigun with an insane amount of ammunition.
Quarters' name is based on "quatorze", the French word for fourteen, as well as a reference to the American 25-cent coin, as well as the writing of one quarter as ¼.
15: Cans[]
Cans is an enormous brute and the overall biggest and strongest member of the Felt. Spades Slicks regards Cans as a challenge to kill — he doubts the Midnight Crew brought enough ammo in their raid on Felt Manor to finish the job. Cans was the last surviving member of the Felt to be revealed in the central timeline, when he made his entrance in a display of prodigious strength Kool-Aid Man style. He has the ability to literally punch (or, rather, "clock") his enemies into next week; when he hits Diamonds Droog, Droog is sent a week into the future, where he finds himself in the middle of grocery shopping. He also manages to clock Hearts Boxcars into a completely different calendar (year).
Cans' name is based on the word "quinze", French for fifteen.
- Except for Doc Scratch and Snowman, every agent of the Felt got killed off during the Intermission. They were later brought back to life using Die's doll by Spades Slick.
- All members of the Felt have their name written in green text, with the exception of Snowman (who has the O in her name written in black), Doc Scratch (who has the O in his name written in white) and Lord English (who has the O in his name replaced with a rotating gif of a billiard ball).
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