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Was fencer created as a human or something not of this world? If they were human would that mean they'd have some form or memory of emotions? I want to hug them,..

They are a student fencing champion who was sabotaged by a rival team and left for dead. They're dead-set on getting revenge. They're too angry to die.

~ Trevor Henderson describes The Fencer

The Fencer, or simply known as Fencer is an urban legend created by Canadian Horror artist Trevor Henderson, it takes the look of an average fencer. But is not actually one.


The Fencer depicts a disfigured human-like figure inside of a standard fencing suit, fencer's suit is white and is covered with red stains on it, presumably blood, his fencing uniform covers its entire body except for his face which is wobbly and looks very deformed, it is covered in a very thick metal of mask with a mirror that can be seen through it, he wears white gauntlets which covers what his entire skin looks like if he even has any, due to the fact that the fencer is always seen wearing a hood, it is difficult to see what he truly looks like due to the shadows. He is always seen holding a weapon in his hand, it can vary. Some features about him looks normal at first glance, but when you get a clearer look at him, he does not look like an ordinary fencer.

The rest of the information about the fencers appearance is not yet known other than the fact it has a very distinct appearance of an average human


Because to the fact that the fencer was killed by his team wrongfully, he is really aggressive and is filled with anger, hatred, and vengeance. He is very misanthropic and goes above and beyond to take revenge, Trevor even states that he consistently looks for the rival team that killed him, and he will not stop until he is dead. Some people may think he does not go after innocent people, but he is stated to be blinded by rage and anger which causes him to think that everyone is apart of the team who killed him. Any unfortunate victim that encounters the fencer does not walk out alive. He is also able to understand human language, but he cannot be persuaded or be talked out of what he is doing by any means

The fencer is also filled with extreme bloodlust and is extremely violent and aggressive with his murders, he invokes fear into people and prefers to watch them suffer. He has been seen stalking and killing victims, mainly during nighttime, he is also able to invoke stress onto his victims as he stalks them for hours, or even days before going in for the kill of his victims, he will not go away until his victim is dead.


Unlike many of Trevors creatures who do not have a backstory or lore, the fencer has a surprisingly amount of information covering his origins. Trevor states that he used to be a normal human, but unlike most of Trevors creatures who used to be human, fencer did not undergo any transformation. But he was a normal fencing champion, Trevor gives a significant amount of information regarding this on how fencer was in a very intense match, another rival team who was wealthy had unfairly sabotaged and fatally killed him, assuming out being envious of fencer being a good champion and his position, it is also implied that they used real swords for the match which explains the bloodstains and stab wounds he has all over his suit, after this, they left him to die. And tragically, while he was still alive, they hid him in a place where no one could see them, they set him on fire where he was left to burn which adds onto more evidence of his disfigured appearance. As days passed, the fencer woke up and refused to die, he was filled with immense rage and anger and he stood up from his place and ran off like nothing had happened, searching for the team who killed him and killing anybody who crosses his path

Powers & Abilities[]

  1. Undead physiology: Due to the fact that the fencer was killed, he was revived and turned into a supernatural zombie which grants him his abilities.
  2. Anger and rage empowerment: This is self explanatory, due to the fact the fencer is motivated by hate and anger by his rival team killing him.
  3. Immortality: The fencer is stated that he is too angry to die and was revived by his anger, so he cannot physically die, anybody who tries to fight against him has failed, guns and swords, and ordinary weapons don't kill him
  4. Weapon mastery: Trevor states that the fencer uses various weapons, like rapiers, single-sword foils, sabers, daggers, epees, and others.
  5. Regeneration: Because of the fact the fencer was burnt and still managed to survive and produce fresh blood and does not decompose, this can probably imply he has functioning cells that can regenerate from severe damage
  6. Unbreakable armor: While this is not stated, fencing armor is usually made to be tough and bulletproof, which can imply his anger probably adds an extra layer of tough armor
  7. Superhuman strength: Trevor states that the fencer is capable of overpowering any fully grown adult
  8. Intelligence: Despite being a bloodthirsty killer, he displays an astonishing amount of intelligence, he uses it to plan out his murders and stalkings and plans to kill people.


  • Trevor states that the fencer fights like red from us
  • Despite the fencer being a brutal murderer, he is stated to fight with "sportsman-like conduct" which can presumably imply that he gives his victims a chance to escape or atleast fight him if they start to catch onto him early enough, even though the chances of this happening is very slim.
  • When asked who'd win in a fight between all the slashers, it'd be a tie between Fencer and Cold Clay due to both of them being more or less immortal.
  • Trevor said that if he was in a movie, it'd start with him walking inside a fencing tournament with a real sword and killing his opponent, then escaping through the chaos.
  • Trevor's "favorite kill" is when he stabbed the priests eyes with two swords.
  • He uses various types of swords like rapier, dagger, single-sword foil, epee, and sabre.


External Links[]


           Trevor Henderson Navbox Villains

Original Myths
Siren Head | Cartoon Cat | Cartoon Dog | Bridge Worms | The Man with the Upside-Down Face | Country Road Creature | God Of Roadkill | God Of Chicken | Mr. Mascot | The Fetid King | The Old Detective | The Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening Blade | Mother Superior | The Piece-Meal Men | The Lamb | The Man in the Red Room | Turn Out The Lights | The Smile Room | The Smile Room Host | Forgotten Baby | Yoyo | The Clatter | The Imposter | Body-Of-A-Pig | Ribbit | Hole Man | Hey Stop A Minute | Meat Horse | The Angel | Peeping Tom | The Stranger | The Nervous Houseguest | The Dove | The Singing Clergyman | The Veins Deer | Cartoon Ghost | The Goblin Shark | The Crevice | Hokkaido Hands | Hand Prints | One Thing, But with Many Voices | Humanoid Robot | Cotton Ghost | Sleepwalker | Old Woman | Bad Things Coming | The 90's Slasher

Breaking News | The Giant with Red Dots | The Wandering Faith | The Wandering Doom | Sky Tentacles | Misty Storm Wanderers | Giant Puppeteer | Moon Worshippers | The Bird Watcher | Misty Guests | Remain Indoors | Morning Walkers | Storm Warning Entity | Wildfire Giants | Leviathan | Tendril Giant | Mantas | The Fire Giant | Slid Down the Clouds | The Giant Bat | Tentacle Crab | Highway Worm | Passerby At Night | 20th Century Boy/Sky Screamer | Overlooker | Godzilla | Avian Giant | Precursor of the First War |

The Slashers
Rowdy | The Fencer | Cold Clay | Dummy | Pumpkin | The Child |

Four More Found-Footage Creatures
The VHS Figure | Deer Imposter | The Upstairs Man

Wanted-Missing Pages
Bonesworth | Sensory Processsing | Night People | ??? Nugget | Long Arms | Meat Nugget | Dollsbody | The Marionette | The Pig Creature | Night Walk | The Pointy Shares | The Fugitive | The Pursuer | Under The Surface | Weird Girl | Head Light | Good Boy | Train Creep | The Sewer Spider | Vending Machine Monster | Mr. Bag | A Circus Down | The Walking Guts | The Three Jesters | Friend Upstairs | Hospital Creature | Scissors | The Haunter | Armless Creature | Thumper | Smile With Me | Basement Wolf | Wounded Man | Richard | Linda | Homebody | Midnight Skulk | Bridal Maggot | Housefly | The Sewers | Diving Suit | Noises From The Downstairs Apartment | The Light Lurker | Subway Creeper | A Winning Smile | A Horse At Night | Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear | Clockwise Jack | Decoy for Humans | The Sacrifice | The Mindless Husk | Evil Eye | Unannounced Houseguest | Death and the Devil | The Occupants | Baby Bird | Milkwalker Ambassador | Scribble Head | The Extra Slide | The Fence Monster | Subway Crawler | The Night Watchman | The Grand Joke | Midnight Basement Swimmers | Rough Face | Street Horse | Anxious Dog | Scuttling Head | Man On The Street | The Mannequin | Death and The Devil | The Wall Bender | Evie | Your Friend | Humanoid Rabbit | White Linen Boy and Girl | Blood, Dark, Ice, Shadow and Wood Siren Head | The Old Growth | Starliner Cinema | The Hag | Strange New Life Form | 98-8-13 | Skeletal Ghost | Humanoid Owl | Bellringer

Isolation Interactive
Siren Head | Wendigo

Disambiguation Pages
Siren Head


Notable Legends
Aliens | Ape-Men | Beldams | Bogeyman | Bunyips | Centaurs | Chupacabra | Cyclops | Dragons | Demons | Devil | Dullahan | Fairies | Ghosts | Ghost Pirates | Ghouls | Giants | Goblins | Golems | Gremlins | Grim Reaper | Hags | Headless Horseman | Humans | Jinn | Kraken | Lake Monsters | Loch Ness Monster | Medusa | Minotaur | Monsters | Mothman | Mummies | Ogres | Piscine Humanoids | Revenants | Sea Monsters | Sea Serpents | Sirens | Skeletons | Swamp Monsters | Trolls | Umibōzu | Undead | Vampires | Wendigo | Werewolves | Wyverns | Yeti | Zombies

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach | Absalom | Aigamuxa | Ajax the Lesser | Amata | Ame-onna | Amaron | Amnon | Amulius | Amazons Andvari | Antaeus | Atreus | Aos Si | Astral Vampires | Bandits | Baobhan Siths | Baron Samedi | Bean Clan | Black Rock Witch | Blair Witch | Blunderbore | Bolster | Busiris | Cacus | Cain | Cassiopeia | Cercyon | Circe | Christie Cleek | Christman Genipperteinga | Chullachaki | Cleek's Clan | Creon | Cycnus | Danaides | Danaus| Davy Jones | Delilah | Draug | The Faceless Phantom of Venice | General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins | Goliath | Gomorrahites | Green Knight | Green Man of Knowledge | Green Witch | Hags | Haman the Agagite | Hanako-San | Herod the Great | Herodias | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Humanity | Iemon | Ixion | Jezebel | Judas Iscariot | Jure Grando | Kansa | King Ahab | King Arthur | King Oenomaus | King Vortigern | Kuchisake-onna | Laius | La Tunda | Lilith | Lord William de Soulis | Louhi | Lucius Tiberius | Lycaon | Marry-san | Meg of Meldon | Morag | Morgan le Fay | Nanny Rutt | Nessus | Orang Minyak | Otus and Ephialtes | Pandarus | Paris | Phaedra | The Pharisees | Pharaoh | Pisadeira | Polyphemus | Procrustes | Rich Man | Romans | Saci | Saul | Sawney Bean | Simeon | Sciron | Shechem | Sinis | Sko-Ella | Sodomites | Soumaoro Kanté | Tadodaho | Tamamo no Mae | Tantalus | Tepegöz | Tereus | Thyestes | Turnus | Tydeus | Yallery Brown | Ysbaddaden | Zahhak

Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary | Bell Witch | Black Monk of Pontefract | Banshees | Duppy| Crew of the Flying Dutchman | Crew of the Caleuche | El Silbón | El Sombreron | Captain Van der Decken| Hanako-San | Hinnigami | Lord William de Soulis | La Llorona | La Santa Compaña | La Sayona | La Viuda | Tunche | Teke Teke | Onryo | Poltergeists | Stingy Jack | Mackenzie Poltergeist | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |

Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) | Greys | Giants of Voronezh| Reptoids | Hopskinville Goblins | Flatwoods Monster | Men in Black |

Abo Ragl Ma Slokha | Black Annis | Black Volga's Driver | Bugbears | Boggarts | Baba Yaga | Coco | Krampus | Grýla | Yule Cat | Yule Lads | Sack Man | Sacamantecas | Namahage | Metminwi | Tokoloshe | Whipfather | Wewe Gombel |

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc | Ahuizotl | Akhlut | Akkorokamui | Amarok | Amemasu | A-mi’-kuk | Ao Ao | Averasboro Gallinipper | Bakeneko | Basilisk | Boneless | Chaneques | Chimera | Cirein-cròin | Clurichaun | Cockatrice | Count Dracula| Cuegle | Cuélebre/Culebre | Devil Monkeys | Dip | Dragon | Dry Body | El Comelenguas | Erymanthian Boar | Escornau | Fouke Monster | Giants of Voronezh | Goblins | Golden Cicada | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Groundhogs | Hidebehind | Harpies | Herensuge | Hydra | Ijiraq | Jackalopes | Jasy Jatere | J'ba Fofi | Jiangshi | Krampus| Kappa | Kigatilik | Kinie Ger | Kurupi | Liches | La Cegua | Lambton Worm | Leviathan | Manticores | Michigan Dogman | Mikari Baba | Monster of Mount Bandai | Morag | Mordred | Morgan le Fay | Mungoon-Gali | Nekomata | Nidhogg | Ojáncanu | Onamazu | Orcs | Paparrasolla | Pesanta | Pombero | Qallupilluk | Rougarou| Redcaps (Robin Redcap) | River Mumma | Scylla | Sphinx | Stymphalian Birds | Tailypo | Tarasque | Te Wheke-a-Muturangi | Tikbalang | Tizheruk | Thardid Jimbo | Thinan-malkia | Tokoloshe | Trolls | Trauco | Tupilaq | Typhon | Undead | Whowie | Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bray Road | Beast of Gévaudan | Black Eyed Children | Black Stick Men | Blue Devil | Bunyips | Cherufe | Chupacabra | Devil Monkeys | Dog-headed Men | Emela-Ntouka | Enfield Horror | Fear Liath | Flatwoods Monster | Ghosts | Goatman | Grafton Monster | Gremlins | Greys | Highgate Vampire | Hoop Snake | Indrid Cold | Jackalopes | Jersey Devil | Kelpie of Loch Ness | Kongamato | Loch Ness Monster | Malawi Terror Beast | Mamlambo | Manananggal | Maricoxi | Mngwa | Momonjii | Morag | Morbach Werewolf | Mothman | Nobusuma | Ogua | Pale Crawlers | Pope Lick Monster | Popobawa | Pukwudgies | Rawhead Rex | Reptoids | Roc | Ropen | Salawa | Sea Serpents | Shadow People | Sheepsquatch | Slide-Rock Bolter | Snallygaster | Spring Heeled Jack | Tanuki | Thunderbird | Two-Toed Tom | Water Horses | White-Eyed Children | Yeti | Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) | Amanda the Doll | Black Goo | Bloody Mary | Bunnyman | Cameraheads | Cartoon Cat | Cartoon Dog | Charlie | China Doll | Clown Doll | Commander (Russian Sleep Experiment) | Crisis | Crying Boy | Eyeless Jack | Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) | Ghost Trains | Hairy-Armed Woman | Hatman | Herobrine | 1x1x1x1 | Homey the Clown | Hook Killer | Jeff the Killer | John and Susan Buckley | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Kankandara | Karadedeler | Kidney Thieves | Kunekune | La Tunda | Licking Maniac | The Man Upstairs | Martinez Dog Demon | Melon Heads | Men in Black | Momo | Monkey-Man Of Delhi | Mystery Killer | Nain Rouge | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square | Orie Chef | Paimon | Patasola | Robert the Doll | Test Subjects (The Russian Sleep Experiment) | The Baby in Yellow | The Bacteria | The Gendarmerie Commander | The Lifeforms | The Seeker | This Man | Ticci-Toby | SCP Foundation | SCP-035 | SCP-049 | SCP-087-1 | SCP-087-B Entities | SCP-096 | SCP-106 | SCP-173 | SCP-343 | Siren Head | Smile Dog | Skinned Tom | Slender Man | The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water | Teke Teke

Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati | Rain Man | Men in Black

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll | China Doll | Clown Doll | Coffin on Wheels | Curse Jar | Ghost Trains | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Painting of the French War | Robert the Doll

Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains

H.P Lovecraft "Cthulhu" Legends
Main: Cthulhu Villains

Creepypasta Legends
Main: Creepypasta Villains | Backrooms Villains | Marble Hornets Villains | Slendrina Villains | Channel Zero Villains | Sesseurverse Villains | Stress Level Zero Villains

SCP Foundation Legends
Main: SCP Foundation Villains

Trevor Henderson Legends
Main: Trevor Henderson Villains

RPC Authority Legends
Main: RPC Authority Villains
