The Hasselback Gang are minor antagonists in the Disney animated series Amphibia. They are a family gang of criminals who harass the residents of Bittyburgh for their money.
They are voiced by Jenifer Lewis, Eden Riegel, and Keith Ferguson.
They first appeared in "The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar" when one of their members, Judro Hassleback, is harassing the residents of the small town Bittyburgh for their money, but Hop Pop stands up for them and sends Judro away. However, Judro comes back with his entire family to get revenge on Hop Pop. when their leader Mama Hassleback challenges Hop Pop, he tries to to remove her, but he can't because of her large size. So Mama Hassleback wins and sends him out of town along with Sprig, Anne and Polly.
Later, Hop Pop comes back to challenge the Hassleback Gang again, but this time, he secretly has help from the kids. Using his tongue along with blinding light and rocks from the kids, Hop Pop fools the Hasslebacks into being defeated. However, Mama Hassleback finds out about the trick and attacks the residents of Bittyburgh. But Hop Pop still stands up to them, which makes the Hasslebacks beat him up. However, the residents of Bittyburgh then suddenly become ferocious and attack the Hasslebacks with their sharp teeth, defeating them, much to Hop Pop and the kids' apparent shock. It is unknown what happened to them after Anne and the Plantars left.
- When the bitties take down Mama Hassleback, one of them bursts out of her chest, referencing the scene from "Alien" when the alien embryo burst out of Kane's chest.
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