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You can try to seek solace in the skies... ...But I will always find you.
~ The Herald

The Herald is a major antagonist in the Fortnite franchise.

The Herald is the herald of The Nothing and a member of The Last Reality. She was introduced in the cinematic trailer of Chapter 3: Season 3. She was the one responsible for spreading the chrome in Reality Zero during Chapter 3: Season 3 and Chapter 3: Season 4.


The Herald is a sinister alien entity who shares the same wish as the other members of The Last Reality: to annihilate all realities until only Nothing remains. She has no value for the life of others or for her own not caring to sacrifice herself if it's to accomplish her mission. Just like The Cube Queen, she takes pleasure in destroying and doesn't take her opponents seriously, not even bothering to fight or protect herself even when attacked by around thirty opponents as she demonstrated during Fracture where she preferred to walk quietly towards the Reality Tree ignoring the incoming attacks. However, unlike The Cube Queen, she almost always displays a completely neutral expression, changing expression only in very rare cases.


Chapter 3: Season 3[]

As Loopers celebrated the victory over the Imagined Order, The Herald began watching the Island, more specifically, the Reality Tree, a tree using the energy of the recently released Zero Point. As Reality Zero was on an impending doom, The Zero Point started bringing in a lot of powerful artifacts from many realities in an attempts to warn everyone on the Island of the upcoming danger. The Herald later arrived, and started to Chrome eastern part the Island, chroming The Foundation and The Order in the process. The remaining members of The Seven: The Scientist, The Paradigm, The Visitor and The Origin tried to study the Chrome, with The Origin designing battle plans against his former colleague.

Chapter 3: Season 4[]

During their study, a sample of Chrome broke free and The Origin, The Scientist, and The Visitor were consumed by it, before The Herald use it to build her own body and laugh at Paradigm, who was cornered by Chrome. However The Paradigm managed to escape by flying and started to head toward The Zero Point. In the meantime The Herald would set up her chrome fortress over the now abandonned Sanctuary, Herald's Sanctum. From her new base, she continued to observe the Reality Tree, making the Chrome from the eastern part of the Island heading toward it, while at the same time making Chrome emerge from all the Reality Saplings that emerged from the roots of the Reality Tree all around the Island.

Agent Jones later informs The Looper that The Origin had planned on launching an attack on the herald. AMIE stated that it was a stupid idea but dangerous and beneficial to the Island so she decided The Looper should do it anyways. The Looper went to Herald's Sanctum and defeated The Herald in battle however this did not stop the expansion of Chrome as they were incapable of killing her as The Herald herself is made out of Chrome and so she can recreate her body endlessly. Later The Paradigm made it clear to Jones, AMIE and The Looper that there was no way to win and that Reality was going to end, no matter what they do, but however she had a plan to save people.


The Herald used a Chrome Tornado to transport herself to the Reality Tree There she seemed to be unfazed by the many bullets and pellets being fired at her by the little resistance left. Her chrome body was ultimately destroyed by a barrage of rockets, the Loopers protecting the Reality Tree started to celebrate while the Herald reformed herself and turned into a larger chrome version of herself. She then quickly chromed the Loopers and the Reality Tree by slamming her hand on them. Once she had eliminated the Loopers, she fused into the Reality Tree and destroyed Reality Zero, leaving the Zero Point alone. After the destruction of Reality Zero, The Paradigm asked Amie and The Looper to find the Zero Fragments in order to restore the Zero Point's energy and initiate the Zero Fusion. During the process the Reality Tree merged with the giant form of The Herald was picked up by Zero Point and shrunk. After the Zero Point has recovered all its energy, Paradigm triggered the Zero Fusion which created a whole new Reality Zero with a new island: Asteria.

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

The remnant of the Reality Tree fused with The Herald giant form was there, on Astaria. Now known as The Herald Tree, it seperated all three biomes. Some time later, after sending test subject (AIs in vessels) through test rifts during tests involving Rift Gates, AMIE and The Looper found by accident the Reality where all people chromed by The Herald were sent. They discovered that all chromed people were suffering a fate worse than death, by having their existence rewritten by The Nothing (Fortnite).

Chapter 4: Season 3[]

After the central part of the Asteria collapsed and revealed a rainforest, The Herald Tree.


  • Her main theme is "Nothing is Inevitable"
  • She's only villainess from Fortnite franchise to win.
  • Ember Lumen, the main protagonist of the movie Elemental was one of the main inspirations under her Burning Ember's form.


           Fortnite-logo Villains

Kado Thorne

Imagined Order
Geno | Doctor Slone | Gunnar | Huntmaster Saber

The Last Reality
The Nothing | The Cube Queen | The Herald | Bytes | Storm Monsters | Storm King | Cube Monsters

Midas' Crew
Midas | Chaos Agent | The Burning Wolf

The Society
Valeria | Oscar | Montague | Nisha |

The Pantheon (Zeus' Faction)
Zeus | Hades | Cerberus | Ares

Wasteland Warriors
Megalo Don | The Machinist

Demon Warriors
Shogun X

Crossover Villains
Fortnite's Crossover Villains

The Devourer | The Prisoner | Gorgers | Countess Daraku | Pandora's Box

Mancake (LEGO)
