The Infected, also known as the Smilers are the titular main antagonists of the analog horror series The SMILE Tapes. They are the result of the infection caused by The Jester.
Tape 1: When The Jester Infected Shaun Gomez He began to physically and mentally change Shaun and killed his dog, which put him in depression, and he began to hallucinate a strange man who was the same one who gave him the Smile drug. On December 12, Shaun began to feel bad about Shaun. migraine he went to the doctor but the doctor only prescribed painkillers for the day. On December 18 things got worse Shaun He started to feel dizzy, and his face hurt a lot on. On December 25 and 27 he was mentally ill and losing his sanity saying that all people need to be happy. On the new year of 1995 Shaun would commit a mass homicide while they were celebrating the new year, he was carrying a knife, and his face showed a horrible smile, and the police determined that he killed 17 and left 10 injured and they also said that he committed a crime because he was under the influence of a drug.
The SMILE Tapes hike: On January 29, 1994, a boy was near the town of Chilinilu to take a trip to the mountains. As night falls, he hears a layman's scream coming from a house in the forest and when he sees the house he hears manic laughter. He records in the house and manages to see a face in which he does not pay much attention. but when he enters the house, he dies at the hands of the infected.
Tape 2: On October 13, 1995, there have already been 1,489 deaths and 5,361 hospitalized. Scientists discover that the fungus is changing and is generating more variants, and they discover that The Jester generates more than 2 million spores which are released when a host dies and come out in the form of gas through the mouth. Later it is announced that the disease has gone to San Diego and Tijuana, they activate the state of emergency and warn to stay in their homes, they say that it is estimated that the infected are more than 8,000 and they are currently wreaking havoc in the streets, and we are shown the variants A, B and C.
Tape 3: in April 13 Oliver McCormack was in San Diego surviving the infected but almost without his supplies. He says that he is running out of food and taking care not to ingest the spores that apparently were throughout the city. He describes hearing the laughter of the infected and the screams of the Unlucky, later he went to a supermarket but had the bad luck to meet an infected person with variant C. He runs towards his house with the infected person behind him, he manages to lock himself in his house and he tries to force the door, he arms himself of value and when the infected person enters, he sets it on fire, killing him instantly. Later, a scientist questions Sara CampBell, who had variant B of the disease and has been monitored for more than 3 weeks. However, a news story says that a group of infected killed almost all the staff and then we see that Oliver survived with the infected and sees all the chaos in the city. He sees how some lights come from the sky and when Oliver tries to run, the lights are activated. and they erase his memory. Years later, the only survivor of the infection says that no one remembers anything that happened, but he does.
The infected caused by The Jester begin to lose their sanity and become cannibals and apparently, they still have human features but despite this their faces become deformed. With variant C they become immune to physical damage, have superhuman strength and apparently, they have intelligence and have a hive mind. Until now, the only infected person who is immune is Sara CampBell that we have seen.
Infected by The Jester[]
Abaliomundo Risus lives inside of humans and gives way to 3 different variants of infected:
Variant A - Original: These are the most common infected. Although they cough up spores, they are more visibly malformed. They contract migraines and facial cramps, before their face starts contorting into a more and more grotesque smile and contracting mania. They usually die 2-3 weeks after contracting symptoms.
Variant B - Benign: These are the rarest. They are the least visibly infected by disease, not even smiling like other variants, no matter what stage of infection they're on, but still seem to cough up spores and infect other passersby.
Variant C: They are the same as Variant A, but are far more dangerous, as their senses become heightened, their strength becomes inhuman, they become bloodthirsty, and they become bulletproof. They can also take extreme amounts of damage before dying, but are weak to fire,