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Char jafar
Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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Don't worry. She still couldn't see, so she didn't scream as loud as she might -- and besides, no one is home next door. The Scotts are on vacation. Why did you think I told you to do it now? But I hope you learned a lesson. When you're leaving them alone, you can never be too careful. Understood?
~ The Keeper's Mother chastising her son after one of their captives nearly escaped.
Of course. These are three extremely pretty, beautiful young ladies. The little red headed one may be missed from her dance class. The serene, sensual brown haired one will already be missed from her job. And the lively, lovely blonde will be missed from her school. If we are to keep these darling girls... in the manner to which they have become accustomed... then we must be sure they will not be seen... or heard.
~ The Keeper's mother explaining to her son that they must keep Melissa, Dana, and Barbara hidden and silent at all times.

The Keeper's Mother is an unnamed greater scope antagonist in Geoffrey Merrick's BDSM erotic thriller The Keeper[1].

While her son, the Keeper, may be the main antagonist of the story, she is arguably the true brains of the duo often being the one to plan their next move and advising her son on how best to keep their captives hidden and helpless once they have them in their possession.


The Keeper's Mother is an elderly woman who lives with her son in a suburban community with her son. Unknown to her neighbors, she and her son are depraved sexual predators who abduct beautiful women keeping them bound and gagged in their suburban home.


  • Melissa
  • Dana
  • Barbara
  • Kim
  • Unnamed African American Nurse (future victim)
  • Unnamed European Indian (future victim)
  • Unnamed Latino Woman (future victim)


  • It's unknown what happened to the Keeper's father as he never appears in the story nor is he ever mentioned.
  • As with her son, her real name is never mentioned in the story.
  • Though it's never confirmed in the story, it's entirely possible that she has some background either in chemistry or herbal remedies as its implied that she is the one who created the strange paste that keeps Melissa, Dana, and Barbara fortified, sustained and stimulated even during the worst of their captivity.
