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Villains Wiki

Wait. ...... You. Traveler. Bright one. ......Do you remember?
~ The King asking Siffrin about their country.
Bright one. Siffrin. Is this really all I needed to do? To make you trust me? I just needed to listen to your empty words, to tell you how sad I am, to make you think I was pathetic, to be pitied? You should have told me sooner. Killing you like this is easier than fighting. What was it you wanted me to do......? Let go of my goal? Let go of my wish? LET GO OF THE WISH THAT KEPT ME GOING ALL THOSE YEARS?!? I WILL NEVER LET IT GO!!!!!! VAUGARDE!!!!!! OUR COUNTRY!!!!!! I WILL MAKE SURE THEY ARE KEPT PERFECT FOREVER!!!!!!
~ The King after betraying Siffrin.
Bright one. Siffrin. Look at me. You need to learn to not cross me again. I will kill this child. And your Housemaiden. And your Fighter. And your Researcher. I will kill them all, one after the other. I will kill them all now, and make sure you remember. I will force you to watch. So you will learn.
~ The King vowing to kill all of Siffrin's friends in order to break him, while starting with Bonnie.

The King is the main antagonist of the indie RPGs START AGAIN: a prologue and In Stars and Time. He is a mysterious man from the Forgotten Country, wanting to freeze all of Vaugarde in time as genuine thanks for taking care of him, keeping them safe as he sees fit.


The King is protective yet obsessive, wanting to keep Vaugarde safe in his own twisted way, ignoring the fact that his actions are causing more harm than good. He is ruthless, having no qualms in harming or killing others, even children, just to get his way. Though he describes himself as merciful, his actions prove otherwise, and the cast's cutting words to him only show how self-centered his goals are.

Despite his villainous traits, The King genuinely loves Vaugarde, his goals stemming from fear of losing his home a second time. Even then, he is still affected by his amnesia, even risking his own life to remember his country. He also shows politeness, act or not, being cordial with Siffrin specifically. He tries a diplomatic approach to get the cast to back down, resorting to violence when it's clear they've made up their mind.

The King's most notable trait is his perpetual sadness, spending almost all of his time onscreen in tears as a result of his fears and tragedy. Though, he is able to snap out of it when necessary.



The King, not yet named so, was born in the Forgotten Country, living there until he finds himself on a beach in Vaugarde without his memories from there, the previous country having been erased from everyone's mind. He was taken in and cared for there, eventually settling in Corbeaux. This acceptance and hospitality caused him to appreciate and cherish Vaugarde.

Once he began to love Vaugarde and realized the reality of where he was from, he came up with a plan to freeze it in time to prevent it from meeting the same fate as his country, using Wish Craft to make a wish that would allow him to do so, which ended with him gaining Time Craft and a powerful, larger form. He gave himself the title of The King after realizing that he's disregarding everyone's will except his own. Beginning his quest, he proceeded to the House in Dormont, spreading his Curse to almost everyone, barring Mirabelle, from within, while housemaidens trapped inside locked the gates to try and protect everyone, although it was futile, as his curse continued to spread despite it.

He removed the orbs which unlocked the front gate of the house and scattered them across Vaugarde to ensure his own security from those who intended to stop him. Mirabelle, the only survivor, gathered four companions in her travels across Vaugarde to find the 5 orbs, but eventually gathered them all and returned to Dormont with them to confront the king.

START AGAIN: a prologue[]

The heroes make their way to the King through the House, confronting him. The King tries to convince the crew to stop fighting him, but he fails, and they fight. In most endings, the King succeeds in wiping out the whole crew before Siffrin (who later becomes Loop from the latter game) loops back.

In the True Ending, the crew succeeds in beating The King, telling him off for his crimes before killing him. This doesn't end the loops.

In Stars and Time[]

The story follows the same beats as START AGAIN until after the King first wipes out the crew, except for following a separate Siffrin than in START AGAIN and The King asking Siffrin if he remembers their country before the fight. After this, the heroes are able to find a book containing a protection spell for Mirabelle, which makes beating the King easier than in START AGAIN.

After it's reestablished beating the King doesn't end the loops, Siffrin works to understand the situation he's in. He starts with learning about the King, eventually learning through documents of the King and asking him upfront, that they come from the same country. He comes to fully understand the King's motives and past as similar to his own, even possibly killing himself with exhaustion along with the King when trying to remember their home. Unfortunately, when trying to use what he learned to redeem the King, he and the rest of the crew are tricked into letting their guard down before the King freezes them all. He reveals he figured out about Siffrin's ability to loop back through time. He starts to slowly kill each of Siffrin's friends in front of him in order to break him into leaving him be, though only getting as far as Bonnie before Siffrin loops back. This heavily damages both Siffrin's psyche and he loses his ability to emphasize with the King. Though, he still needs to go through the King and ask him questions to learn more about his situation, begrudingly and fearfully.

This continues until the final loop, where Siffrin fights the King one on one, fully broken by the loops. The King goes all out, talking with Siffrin about his situation, having deduced what is happening to him. He freezes Siffrin in time, leaving him to fight with his own issues before the crew comes and saves him. The King tries to kill them all, but his attack is reflected on him by Mirabelle. He is frozen in time, his reign ended for good, but not before remembering his country.


~ The King before his boss fight.
Oh...... Oh....... Despite what you may think...... I am...... A merciful King. I will give you some time to come to terms with your end...... A most beautiful end...... An eternal end......
~ The King's first dialogue during his fight.
Ooh, ooooooh...... It is time, saviors.
~ The King releasing his special attack.
Oh...... Ooooh......! Please...... Please, all of you...... Tell me...... Why are you all fighting against me? But don't you see it? Don't you want it? This perfect ending? Right now... You are fighting me, a being close to divinity. The Universe Itself follows my will. And yet...... You are all facing me, without fear. You're all so powerful...... So united...... And...... I can see it. Oooooh...... You're all so stunningly...... So wholeheartedly...... Happy.
~ The King's final dialogue during his fight.
No, I can't...... I can't disappear...... Not yet...... No t  w h e n...... I   s t i l l  c a n  ' t  s  a y i   t.. .. .. .. o o  o  o o  o o o  h . .  .  .  .   .
~ The King after being defeated before Act 5.
Ha...... So you remember...... I wished...... I wished......! Oh......!!!!!! What else? I wished for power...... The power to make my true wish come true......! The power to Craft myself as a deity, the power to freeze time!!! Hahaha...... What about you, forgetful one......? What are you hungering for? What is your wish?!? WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE?!?!?
~ The King after being asked "What did you wish for?".
Forgotten? Oh, bright one, bright one, why...... Why would you ask...... Don't you know at this point what you've forgotten? Haven't you always known? Can't you see the hole it has left behind, if not what used to fill it? Don't you feel it? Its absence? ALL OF IT!!!!!! YOU'VE FORGOTTEN IT ALL, BRIGHT ONE!!!!!! THEY ALL HAVE!!!!!! WE ALL HAVE!!!!!! No one can say it!!! No one can even remember it!!! It escapes us, it will keep escaping us!!! Ooooh, why don't you remember?! I can tell! Everything, from your accent, to the way you use Craft, to the stitching on your cloak and hat, to those pins you wear-- You should remember!!! You and I, of all people standing here, should remember!!!!!! Bright one, please, please!!! Just remember it!!! Say it!!! Make it real!!! Please...... If you can remember, then...... Then maybe......
~ The King after being asked "What should I remember?".
Where...... Where I'm from......? Oooooh...... Bright one..... If you're asking, with such a look in your eye...... Do you remember, then? Can you see it? Can you picture it? Bright one. Bright one, please, you can't...... You have to remember...... I know you can, we both can...... We're the only ones present here who can!!! Bright one...... ...... No. You're trying, I can tell. But the knowledge keeps escaping you, doesn't it...... Slipping through your fingers...... It is the same for me. But we have to try to remember, bright one!!! I see flashes of it, of what was!!! The mountains!!! The sea!!! The lightless sand, dark like the night sky!!! Our country, bright one!!! Our country!!! Our home!!!!!! We have to say it!!! We cannot let oblivion win!!! Our home!!!!!! We can rebuild it, together!!! Your power and mine!!! We just have to wish for it!!! We just have to ask!!!!!! WE JUST HAVE TO SAY ITS NAME!!!!!
~ The King after being asked "Where are you from?"
No one on this planet can remember our home as it was. Most people from outside it, who had limited ties to it, only forgot the country's existence..... Maybe forgot a friend from there, or a distant family member...... But for someone who had ties to it. Who was born there, lived in it, breathed it day and night...... There would be nothing to remember. There would just be...... Emptiness. I was cut off from my very existence.
~ The King talking about his past
Haha...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Oh, bright one...... Not that bright, after all.
~ The King betraying Siffrin if he goes to the King's side
I can tell, Siffrin. This isn't how it should be. I saw it all, you know. I saw the signs. The way you came in to face me. Like you knew exactly what you were about to fight. The way your companions all flinched, hearing my voice, but not you. The way you knew about my home, the way you can keep it at the forefront of your mind, like you've practiced as I have. Yes...... Oooooh, ooooooooh, I can tell! I can tell, Siffrin!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON!!!!!! I SHOULD'VE WON LONG AGO!!!!!! But something went wrong, didn't it? VICTORY KEEPS ESCAPING MY GRASP!!!!!! Siffrin. It's you, isn't it? The one who's keeping me from winning? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU KEPT ME FROM VICTORY, SIFFRIN? Hahaha...... I can tell...... I can feel it...... This scent..... This overpowering sweet scent...... I can taste the power of Wish Craft on you. I can tell, Siffrin. IT'S YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM TOTAL VICTORY! YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME FROM MY PERFECT ENDING!!!!!! IF ONLY...... IF ONLY YOU WEREN'T HERE.....!!!!!! But, ah. A quick death would be too easy for you. You'd just come back anyway, won't you? So...... I just need to make sure that today...... You learn your lesson.
~ The King figuring out about Siffrin's looping ability.
When you come back, bright one...... Remember this.
~ The King before killing Bonnie.
Hello, bright one. I am surprised to see you alone, facing me...... I was expecting at least that that Housemaiden would come. The Savior of Vaugarde. And yet, you, bright one, are the only one before me...... And...... Your clothes...... Aren't they...... ...... Bright one...... Are you sure you want to do this......? I can tell, young one...... I can tell we hail from the same country. I don't want to fight you. I just want eternity. Don't you get it? Don't you understand? What my wish is?!? DO YOU NOT AGREE?!? WE COULD GET IT ALL BACK, BRIGHT ONE! WE COULD...... ...... Ah...... But perhaps the time for talking is long past. So, bright one... ......Are you ready?
~ The King before his final fight
YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME, AFTER EVERYTHING? I HAVE THE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE AT MY DISPOSAL!!!!! Your bright companion may have been able to hurt me, because his Craft also draws from It... But pathetic, wishless, humans like you...... CANNOT HOPE TO DEFEAT ME!!!!!!
~ The King during his final confrontation with the cast
Why now of all times...... I see it...... I can see it!!!!!! The mountains, covered in trees and warm rocks! The sea, clear, dangerous, yet giving!!! The lightless sand, dark like the night sky!!!!!! I see it now, I see it!!!!!! Aaaaaah...... I remember i t, n o w...... I r e m e m b e r i t a l l
~ The King's final words