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Even though we let you in out of pity, this is how you pay us back? Just be quiet and pay your due diligence. There's a reason why you're at the end of the line, Number 31.
~ The Manager to Number 31, ordering her to stay quiet about how she's being bullied.

The Manager, sometimes referred to as the Producer, is the overarching antagonist of online webcomic/manga Calendar of Vengeance. He is the owner of Calendrier.

He is responsible for all of the events of the story, not only encouraging characters like Number 11 and Number 19 to be abusive towards the weaker members of Calendrier, but he also is responsible for covering up all the deaths of Calendrier members to prevent scandals from getting out.

Not only that, but he is also behind Number 19's prostitution and access to drugs, Number 5's assassin group MAiDeNVøYaGE, and also encouraging all of the terrible crimes committed against umber 31.


The Manager only makes an appearance in the first chapter, but their name, reputation, and actions are visible throughout the entire series. When Number 31 comes to them, crying about how she's being bullied, raped, abused, and tortured by the other members of Calendrier, the Manager simply tells her to shut up. It is revealed that he not only knows about everything that is going on, but also is encouraging it due to 31's weakness as a pop star. He tells her that if she tries to go public about anything, he will simply make sure it, and her, never sees the light of day, claiming that he controls the media. We see examples of him doing this time and time again throughout the story.

His next appearance, albeit be off-screen, is when he calls Numbers 14 and 23, and tells them that he will be adding Number 31 to their group. Considering that Number 31 by this point had already killed three members of Calendrier, and, as the one who covers Calendrier deaths up from the public, he already knew this, his motivation for doing this could be either a) he knew that 14 and 23 hated 31 and would try to kill her if she was paired with them, or b) he knew that 31 would kill 14 and 23 if she was paired with them, so he did it to have them killed instead. Regardless of his motivation, he intentionally paired 31 up with 14 and 23's group knowing that it would result in someone's death.


The Manager appears to be a blond, middle aged man, making him one of the only two male characters in the story, alongside his associate "Mr. Manager". He is only seen wearing suits.


The Manager is a heartless misogynist, who treats women with very little respect, and often objectifies them. This is implied when it is seen that while his pop star group is made up entirely of women, he only hires men as his business partners. He also has his female employees participate in prostitution for extra cash, as he gets a cut of all the money they make.




  • Number 31 - former pawn, leader of Calendrier


          Calendar of Vengeance Logo New Villains

Idol Groups
Calendrier | Lotus Flower Union | MAiDeNVøYaGE

Calendrier Members
The Manager | Mr. Manager | Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 4 | Number 5 | Number 6 | Number 7 | Number 8 | Number 11 | Number 12 | Number 13 | Number 14 | Number 15 | Number 16 | Number 17 | Number 18 | Number 19 | Number 20 | Number 21 | Number 23 | Number 24 | Number 27 | Number 28 | Number 29 | Number 30 | Number 31

Mr. K | Disaphinad
