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Mickey Mouse, also known as The Monument Monster is one of the two main antagonists (alongside The Debate Demon) of The MONUMENT MYTHOS: Modern Day, the third installment in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS franchise. He is the true force in control of the Democratic Party, and has likely been leading them for generations. He is a servant of Alcatraz who worked with The Debate Demon to destroy the world in a nuclear holocaust.



THEMURDEROFMICKEYMOUSE reveals that The Monument Monster is some sort of version of Mickey Mouse. The island of Alcatraz saw potential in the character, and replicated Mickey Mouse, creating The Monument Monster. The Monster then began working side by side with The Debate Demon, who was at one point Virginia Arnoldson. The Monster became the leader of the Democrats and The Demon became the leader of the Republicans. They were under direct orders from Alcatraz to cause the U.S. government to release nukes across the world, giving Alcatraz the radiation needed to spread. To do this, The Monster and Demon likely began Operation Seed.

Modern Day[]

It's clear that The Monument Monster influenced Joe Biden, as he can be seen drawing The Monster while calling him "my boss." After Robert Pattinson was elected president, The Monster and The Demon began driving the already stressed president into insanity, as evidenced by an Oval Office recording of Pattinson screaming in utter panic. Eventually, they succeeded and Pattinson kickstarted Operation Seed into action, dropping nukes not just in The United States, but Japan and likely the rest of the world. This finally gave Alcatraz the power to expand, but The Monster and Debate Demon then realized that Alcatraz would eventually reabsorb them into himself. Seeking to prevent this, they possessed Cthonaut A as he was on his way to retrieve to body of former president Donald Trump, and then used him to travel to a different universe.


After escaping from the Pattisonverse, The Monster and Demon likely went into the Deanverse. There, The Monument Monster became Tree and The Debate Demon became Serpent. After eons of talking, Serpent became bored and left Tree before creating what would eventually became the Deanverse, setting the events of the original series into action.

A Monument Mythos[]

The Monument Monster can be seen approaching Abraham Lincoln from behind. The implications of this are unknown, as The Monument Monster is only known to have taken control over the Democrats.





  • The Monument Monster's theme is a remix of Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler.


           THE MONUMENT MYTHOS logo Villains

Alcatraz | Air Force One Angel | Freedom | The Liberty Lurker | Special Trees | Giza Guardians | Canyon Crowns | Serpents | The Horned Serpent | The Martian Serpent | The Debate Demon | The Monument Monster | The Croatoan | America's True Self

GOD and His Extensions
The Queen of The Lunarians | The Last Son of Alcatraz | The D-Day Knight

Villainous Groups (Deanverse)
ADA | Maize

Villainous Groups (Nixonverse)

ADA Fabrications
The Starry Sphinx | True Force of Mass Destruction | Lincolnlookers

John D. Rockefeller | George Washington | Thomas Crawford | John Glenn | Elon Musk | James Dean | Donald Trump

The House In The Ocean
The House in the Ocean | The Crescent King | Chase
