Muse G0007, otherwise known as The Muse, is a major antagonist in the 2021 ARG, Don't Feed The Muse, being the main antagonist of the Conspiracy Carl website. They are a Muse that was given to a man named Carlton "Carl" Mayhew who, after assimilating him, stole his identity and role as "Conspiracy Carl".
Sometime in 2021, G0007 was given to a man named Carlton Mathew (or simply Carl) in order to help him and his website become popular online. However, this also causes Carl to become more and more paranoid, making him into a total conspiracy theorist. This was also the result of Happy Meat Farms trying to make him into a suitable host for G0007. Because of G0007 (and Carl's increased paranoia), he, his website, and his videos got extremely popular, even starting a community known as "The Truth Seekers". However, his Muse started asking him for a living animal to eat, and so, he fed it his cat. This made his wife upset, eventually leading to a divorce. From there, he sent a Muse to his son, Mark. With his family out of the picture, his Muse was able to manipulate him further, and had more control over his content. At some point, Carl discovered a channel called "The Cynical Critics" made by his son Mark alongside friend Anthony. From there, he gave Mark a Muse in order to help him and become successful online, just like hie did. However, his wife would later developed pancreatic cancer as a result of consuming ground beef from Happy Meat Farms, and died 3 years later as a result of this. Both Carl and his son Mark were devastated by this, causing the former's relationship with G0007 to deteriorate. At some point, he uploaded an unlisted video titled "watch alone" to a YouTube channel called coffeeman123 in an attempt to warn his son. on November 12th, 2021, Carl records a livestream. A washing machine can be heard in the background, which he briefly says is so "it can't hear" him. He then starts talking about Alex Bale's Alien Death Cult Theory, but before he continues talking about it, he says that he was sponsored by Happy Meat Farms. However, while reading the text, he seems defeated and puts no energy into it (likely because they're the ones responsible for his ex-wife's death). Eventually, Carl breaks and picks up the camera, stating that he's done something terrible, and that everything he's told them was a complete lie. He then reveals that he was being controlled this entire time. he tosses his tin foil hat, and enters a dark room. From there, he speaks directly to his son Mark, apologizing for everything that has happened, and desperately tells him not to plant the spore, but is then attacked by G0007, and assimilated.
The New Carl[]
After Carl's assimilation, G0001 takes over his role and identity. They eventually upload a new video to Carl's website where they state that they "defeated the illuminati presence" within Carl's house. they then claims that they was manipulated and controlled by the illuminati, and that they wanted G0007 to play the "crazy conspiracy theorist" and that they're going to take them down. They end the video by telling the viewers that they will be seeing them "very, very, soon".
Don't Feed The Muse III[]