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The Naughty Ones are supporting antagonists of the 2023-2024 indie-horror game series Garten of Banban, serving as some of the overarching antagonists (alongside Sir Dadadoo) of Garten of Banban IV, the secondary antagonists of Garten of Banban VI and minor antagonists of Garten of Banban VII.
They are the vicious children of Queen Bouncelia and Sir Dadadoo, who wish to assist the latter with his nefarious plans.
The Naughty Ones appear as gray slugs/leeches with large kangaroo-like ears. They have gaping maws filled to the brim with teeth.
The Naughty Ones were kept dormant until a bad joke was told. They would escape the pouch of Queen Bouncellia and destroy the entirety of Floor -4, before attempting to hunt down the protagonist.
In VI, deeper into the kindergarten, the Naughty Ones are attracted to the player once the room darkens. From that point onward, when crossing the dark rooms, the player must stay in the light of the drone, or else The Naughty Ones will devour the player.
In VII most of them are confirmed to have died during the previous game.