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The Tribunal are the main antagonists of Adult Swim animated series Metalocalypse. They are a sinister, Illuminati-esque group monitoring Dethklok, an unnaturally popular death metal band that ranks as one of the world's largest economies.


Salacia primarily founded the Tribunal to keep the world from retaliating against Dethklok for all the mass death and destruction their moronic ideas cause. Every time a subject needed in depth knowledge, an expert with a ridiculous hame would be brought in.


  • Salacia
  • General Crozier
  • Cardinal Ravenwood
  • Vater Orlagg
  • Senator Stampington


  • In the finale movie, it appears that Salacia planned to have the Tribunal and their forces survive the Metalocalypse as his soliders.
  • With the exception of Crozier, every named member died horrifically.
    • Salacia is eaten by the Whaley Prophet, but not whole; bit to pieces.
    • Cardinal Ravewood had his eyes exploded and his guts pour out of his mouth, as punishment by Salacia; going against his will.
    • Vater was paralyzed by a spine injury and then torn to shredd by a harvester.
    • Stampington was exposed to the Four Souls and swelled until he exploded.


           Metalocalypse 2 logo Villains

Nathan Explosion | William Murderface | Toki Wartooth | Pickles The Drummer | Skwisgaar Skwigelf

The Tribunal
Mr. Salacia | Vater Orlaag | Cardinal Ravenwood | General Crozier | Senator Stampingston

The Revengencers
Metal Masked Assassin | Eric Jomfru | Teenager | Succuboso Explosion (Lavona Succuboso)

Dr. Rockso | Mustakrakish | Magnus Hammersmith | Edgar Jomfru | Eric Jomfru | Rikki Kixx | Rebecca Nightrod | Damien Cornickelson | Liz Bane | Melmord Fjordslorn | Dr. Johnathan Twinkletits | Alfred Belmer | Agent 216 | Trindle | Eric von Wiechlinghammer | Kip Slaughter | Get Thee Hence | Sultan Sotajumala | Alfred
