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Villains Wiki

The Whisper is a one-time villain from the Cartoon Network imported series, Teen Titans Go!, only appearing in the episode "And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob".

She was voiced by Hynden Walch.


In "And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob", Raven was getting annoyed with all of the noise the other Titans were making. The Whisper came to Raven's room and told her that she could make all of the sounds go away if she tickled her belly. It was difficult for Raven to hear The Whisper at first because, on top of all the noise, The Whisper only spoke in soft, gentle whispers. When Raven finally did hear The Whisper, she tickled her belly just like she asked, causing her to pop a box out of her belly. The Whisper opened the box, which engulfed all of the sounds in the universe, making everything permanently silent.

The next day, the other Titans started freaking out over all of the sounds missing and Raven started to regret her decision. The Whisper showed up and made fun of their silence, by playing an old-timey piano. Raven asked The Whisper to give her sound back, but she refused, saying that this was her evil plan all along. Rid the world of sound so that she could be the loudest thing in the universe. Raven tricked The Whisper into casting her spell so that at least they could get their own voices back. The Whisper didn't mind this as long as the rest of the world was completely silent.

The Titans found out that they could bring sound to inanimate objects while making noises with their mouths, which would cause the objects to start automatically making that noise on their own. They did this for many different objects.

The Teen Titans tracked down The Whisper to her evil lair on a giant mountain and challenged her to a battle. They warned her that they gave annoying sounds to many lots of regular objects, that were worse than their original sounds but The Whisper said that this would only convince the people of the world not to activate those noises. The Titans challenged The Whisper to a battle and they started making as much obnoxious noises and possible both with their mouths and with the inanimate objects. The Whisper got so annoyed with this, that she gave up and gave the magic box back to Raven, allowing for her to open it and bring the regular sounds back to the world again.


           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Villains

Abra Kadabra | Amanda Waller | Amazo | Andre LeBlanc | Anti-Monitor | Apex Ava | Arsenal | A.T.L.A.S | Bane | The Batman Who Laughs | Billy Numerous | Black Adam | Blackfire | Black Mask | Black Manta | Blizzard | Brainiac | Brother Blood | Brother Eternity | Brotherhood of Evil | Brain | Brutale | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Calculator | Catwoman | Cheshire | Cheetah | Clayface | Clock King | Damien Darhk | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Deuce & Charger | Deathwing | Ding Dong Daddy | Doctor Hate | Doctor Light | Doctor Polaris | Doomsday | Duela Dent | Electrocutioner | Firefly | Gentleman Ghost | General Immortus | Gizmo | Gorilla Grodd | Harley Quinn | Haywire | Headcase | H.I.V.E. | Hugo Strange | Holocaust | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jinx | Joker | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | King Shark | League of Assassins | Legion of Doom | Superboy-Prime | Sun Girl | Inertia | Indigo | Persuader | Zookeeper | Lex Luthor | Lion Mane | Livewire | Lobo | Mad Hatter | Mad Mod | Mammoth | Madame Rouge | Mantis | Match | Mercy Graves | Monsieur Mallah | Mister Freeze | Mister Twister | Neron | Neutron | Ocean Master | Penguin | Phobia | Plasmus | Poison Ivy | Prometheus | Psimon | Puppeteer | Pylon | Ra's al Ghul | Ravager | Red X | Riddler | Royal Flush Gang | See-More | Siren | Solomon Grundy | Star Sapphire | Starro | Suicide Squad | Shimmer | Sunburst | Talia al Ghul | Terra (Dark Multiverse) | T.O. Morrow | Toyman | Terror Titans | The Agent | Tigress | Trident | Trigon | Trilogy | Twister | Two-Face | Veil | Ultra-Humanite | Warp | Wildebeest | Wintergreen | Vanadia

Teen Titans (2003)
Slade | Terra | Trigon | Blackfire | H.I.V.E. Five (Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, Billy Numerous, See-More, & Kyd Wykkyd) | Dr. Light | Cinderblock | Brother Blood | Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge & General Immortus) | Control Freak | Puppet King | Kid Kold | Killer Moth | Mad Mod | Mother Mae-Eye | Mumbo Jumbo | Plasmus | Overload | Cironielian Chrysalis Eater | Nega Cyborg | Nega Starfire | Nega Beast Boy | Fang | Father Time | Kitten | Kwiz Kid | Angel | Adonis | Ice Kate | Johnny Rancid | Malchior | Master of Games | Ternion | Glgrdsklechhh | The Source | Guard | Kardiak | Klatak | White Monster | Thunder & Lighting | Atlas | XL Terrestrial | H.I.V.E. Academy (Private H.I.V.E. | H.I.V.E. Headmistress | H.I.V.E. Soldiers | Krall | Radiation Creature | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R.) | Professor Chang | Sammy & Cash | Steamroller | Wrestling Star | Baron Ryang | Punk Rocket | Soto | Space Monster | Katarou | Red X | Trogaar

Teen Titans Go!
Trigon | Terra | Slade | Cinderblock | Plasmus | H.I.V.E. Five (Gizmo, Jinx, Mammoth, See-More & Billy Numerous) | Backlash | Brother Blood | Dr. Light | Klatak | Kyd Wykkyd | Control Freak | Mumbo Jumbo | Mad Mod | Killer Moth | Kitten | Mother Mae-Eye | Punk Rocket | Cironielian Chrysalis Eater | Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah & Madame Rouge | Rose Wilson | Raging Raven | Blackfire | Darkseid | Dingbert | Doomsday | Joker | Pain Bot | Sandwich Guardians | Ed | Carlos | Mockingbirds | Starfire the Terrible | Magic God | Puppet Wizard | Gumdrop Goblin | Vegetor | Twin Destroyers of Azarath | Slime Monster | Scary Teri | Imagination's Evil Beings | Perfect Sandwich | Death | Father Time | Honk | Giant Robotic Alien | Klatak | Legion of Doom | Santa Claus | Tooth Fairy | Halloween Spirit | Queen Elizabeth II | Hurt Bot | The Whisper | Money Mummy | Dr. Otto Von Death | Lumino | Piglets | Evil Dragon | The Lumberjack | Dr. Military | Toy Master | Richard Nixon | Muscleor | Punk Crabs | Major A.B.S. | Ultralak | Taker | Ratings Monster | Beetlejuice | Mojo Jojo | Strike | 50% Chad | Superman | Ultralak

Titans (2018)
Season 1:
Trigon | Dr. Adamson | Nuclear Family (Nuclear Dad, Nuclear Stepdad, Nuclear Mom, Nuclear Sis & Nuclear Biff) | Angela Azarath | The Acolyte | Officer Jones | Tyler Hackett | Konstantin Kovar | Joker | Bronson | Sister Catherine | Nick Zucco | Tony Zucco | Graham Norris | Dwayne Wainwright

Season 2:
Deathstroke | Cadmus Laboratories (Mercy Graves & Walter Hawn) | Dr. Light | Wintergreen | Blackfire | Shimmer

Season 3:
Scarecrow | Blackfire | Red Hood | Gizmo | Joker | Gotham Mob | Pete Hawkins | Lady Vic | Oracle | Ghouls | Fletcher | Max | Officer Diaz | Officer Voss | Cyrus Beake | Valeska Nox
Season 4:
Trigon | Church of Blood (Brother Blood, Mother Mayhem, Zombie Deathstroke) | Lex Luthor | Jinx

Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo: Uehara Daizo | Brushogun | Saico-Tek | Nya-Nya | Deka-Mido | Timoko | Mecha-Boi | Scarface
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract: H.I.V.E./Church of Blood (Brother Blood, Mother Mayhem, Deathstroke & Terra
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies: Slade | Balloon Man
Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans: Hexagon (Trigon (Teen Titans Go!) & Trigon (Teen Titans)) | Master of Games | Gentleman Ghost | Megan Claus | Raven's Demon
Teen Titans Go & DC Super Heroes Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse: Cythonna | Lex Luthor | Riddler | Giganta | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Star Sapphire | Livewire | Solomon Grundy | Toyman | Cheetah | Harley Quinn

Video Games
Injustice: Superman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Bane | Brainiac | Catwoman | Solomon Grundy | Killer Frost | Deathstroke
