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You!? The masked man who keeps following me!
~ The Boomerang Killer to the Batman.

Thomas Wayne, Jr., also known as the Boomerang Killer and by the assumed alias Thomas Willowood, is a antagonist of World's Finest comics. Thomas Jr. is the older brother of Bruce Wayne, the Batman.



Thomas Wayne, Jr., the eldest son of Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife, Martha, was born three years before his brother, Bruce.

As a young child, Thomas Jr. suffered severe head injuries after being hit by a car, which caused permanent brain damage. Due to his resulting mental instability and the potential danger he posed to himself and others, his parents made the difficult decision to confine him to a mental institution, Willowood Asylum, for the rest of his life. Over time, Thomas Jr. adopted the name "Willowood" as his surname, as his family's identity was kept secret.Although Thomas and Martha intended to eventually tell Bruce about his older brother, they never had the chance; both were murdered by Joe Chill before they could reveal the truth.

Thomas Jr. eventually escaped from Willowood Asylum and was manipulated into becoming a lethal Serial killer known as the Boomerang Killer. In a twist of fate, Batman—secretly his younger brother, Bruce Wayne—discovered his existence while investigating the string of murders. Bruce not only stopped Thomas Jr. but also uncovered the mastermind behind the killings.Later, the ghostly hero Deadman possessed Thomas Jr.'s body, using his skills to relive his former life as an acrobat. Batman eventually tracked his brother down and demanded Deadman release him. Tragically, after regaining control of his body, Thomas Jr. acted impulsively to protect his brother. He threw himself in front of a bullet meant for Batman, sacrificing his life to save Bruce, and, in doing so, proved his loyalty and redemption.


Thomas Wayne Jr.'s personality is a complex blend of anguish and longing, shaped by the tragedies that defined his life. Resentment brewed within him, fueled by feelings of abandonment and betrayal after being institutionalized and kept hidden from his family. This pain often manifested as anger, particularly toward Bruce, whom he viewed as living the privileged life he was denied.

Despite his bitterness, Thomas Jr. was deeply vulnerable, his unstable mental state making him susceptible to manipulation. His time as the Boomerang Killer reflected this vulnerability, as he was coerced into violence rather than acting out of true malice. Yet, beneath this darkness, there was a lingering desire for connection and redemption. His ultimate sacrifice, when he saved Bruce by taking a bullet meant for him, revealed a powerful love for his brother and a yearning to atone for the harm he had caused.

Thomas Jr.'s natural talents, particularly as an acrobat, highlighted his determination and resilience, even in the face of his mental struggles. These traits, coupled with his tragic circumstances, made him a figure of both profound sadness and unexpected heroism. In the end, he proved that despite his suffering, he was capable of immense selflessness, leaving behind a legacy defined by his final act of love and redemption.


  • He was created by Bob Haney and Dick Dillin.


           TheBatman Villains

2-Face-2 | Abraham Langstrom | Alfred Protocol | Alfred Stryker | Alice | Amanda Waller | Amygdala | Anarky | Angel Breaker | An Innocent Guy | Ares | Arkham Knight | Arnold Flass | Azrael | Arzen Orgham | Baby Doll | Bane | Barbatos | Bat-Mite | The Batman Who Laughs | Bizarro | Black Glove | Black Mask | Blockbuster I | Blockbuster II | Brain | Brainiac | Broker | Bronze Tiger | Brother EYE | Bruno | Calculator | Calender Man | Castle Bat | Captain Fear | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Carmine Falcone | Catman | Catwoman | Cheetah | Cheshire | Circus of Strange | Clayface | Clayface (Matt Hagen) | Claything | Clock King | Clownface | Club of Villains | Cluemaster | Composite Superman | Condiment King | Colony | Copperhead | Cornelius Stirk | Court of Owls | Crazy Quilt | Crime Doctor | Curtis Base | Dark Archer | David Cain | David Li | Darkseid | Dark Knights | Daniel Captio | Deacon Blackfire | Deadshot | Dealer | Deathstroke | Devil Nezha | Dick Grayson (DC vs Vampires) | The Dawnbreaker | The Devastator | Dr. Crane | Doctor Death | Doctor Double X | Doctor Phosphorus | Doctor Randolph Porter | Doomsday | Dollmaker | Donna Troy | Dr. Silversmith | The Drowned | Ebenezer Darrk | Egghead | Eggers | Electrocutioner | Emperor Penguin | Enigma | The Eraser | Ernie Chubb | Faceless | Failsafe | False-Face | Falcone Crime Family | Film Freak | Firebug | Firefly | First Victim | Flamingo | Floronic Man | Gearhead | General Ulysses Armstrong | Gentleman Ghost | Gilda Dent | Gorilla Boss | Gorilla Grodd | Gotham City Police Department | Gillian B. Loeb | Great White Shark | Glorious Godfrey | The Grim Knight | Gulliver | Gunsmith | Happy Hoggsby | Harley Quinn | Henri Ducard | The Heretic | Holiday | Holly Robinson | Humpty Dumpty | Hugo Strange | Hush | Instigator | Jack the Ripper | James Gordon, Jr. | Jason Todd | Jeremiah Arkham | Joe Chilli | Joker (Earth-22, 2008 Graphic Novel) | Judge of Owls | Joker's Daughter | Key | KGBeast | King of Cats | King Shark | King Snake | King Tut | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Killer Moth | Kite Man | Lady Firefly | Lady Shiva | League of Assassins | Legion of Doom | Leonid Kull | Leviathan | Lew Moxon | Lex Luthor | Lock-Up | Lord Death Man | Mad Hatter | Mad Monk | Madame Crow | Magpie | Malochia | Man-Bat | Mario Falcone | Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins | Mary Keeny | Maxie Zeus | Mister Noxious | Mole | Mudace | Maxwell Lord | Mercy Graves | The Merciless | The Mute | Merrymaker | Micheal Atkins | Mime | Monk | Mongul | Mr. Bloom | Mr. Freeze | Mrs. Freeze | Mayor Oswald Cobblepot | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Mr. Toad | Mr. Whisper | Mutants | Neo Joker | Neron | New Joker | Nightslayer | Nocturna | Norman Rotrig | Omega | Onomatopoeia | Orca | Outsider | Owlman | Parasite | Phantasm | Penguin | Penny Plunderer | Phosphorus Rex | Planet Master | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Professor Arnold Hugo | Professor Pyg | Prometheus | Psycho-Pirate | Punchline | Ra's al Ghul | Ragdoll | Ratcatcher | Reaper | Red Death | Reverse-Flash (Dark Multiverse) | Riddler | Robin King | Roland Daggett | Roland Worth | Roxy Rocket | Royal Flush Gang | Rupert Thorne | Saint Batman | Saint George | Sal Maroni | Savage Skull | Scarecrow | Sensei | Sewer King | Shush | Signalman | The Silenced | Sean Mahoney | Silver Banshee | Simon Hurt | Shiner | Sinestro | Simon Saint | Snowman | Sofia Falcone | Solomon Grundy | Spellbinder | Squid | Steeljacket | Suicide Squad | Talia al Ghul | Talon | Tally Man | The Bat | Ten Eyed Man | Terrible Trio | Thomas Wayne (Flashpoint) | Tiger Shark | Timecode | Tobias Whale | Tony Zucco | Toyman | Tweedledum and Tweedledee | Two-Face (Earth-2) | Ubu | Ultra-Humanite | Vandal Savage | Ventriloquist | Ventriloquist II | Ventriloquist III | Vertigo | Victim Syndicate | Victor Zsasz | Whisper A'Daire | White Rabbit | William X. Malady | Wrath | The Wonderland Gang | Zebra-Man | Zodiac Master

Batman | Bloody Bob | Dick Grayson (DC vs Vampires) | Killer Croc's Offspring | The Werewolf (Batman: Full Moon)

Theatrical Movies
Batman (1966): Penguin | Catwoman | Joker | Riddler
Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Gotham Crime Syndicate (Antoine Rotelli, Vinnie Ricorso) | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent
Batman Returns: Penguin | Red Triangle Circus Gang (Organ Grinder, Poodle Lady, Tattooed Strongman, Stungun Clown, Thin Clown, Fat Clown, Sword Swallower, Knifethrower Dame & Fire Breather) | Max Shreck | Catwoman
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm: Phantasm | Joker | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski
Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar and Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni
Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue
Batman Begins: League of Shadows (Ra's al Ghul & Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Victor Zsasz & Arnold Flass) | Joe Chill
The Dark Knight: Joker | Joker's Thugs (Thomas Schiff, Chuckles, Kilson, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy & Bus Driver) | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | The Chechen | Gambol | Lau | Bank Manager | Michael Wuertz | Anna Ramirez | Burmese Bandit
The Dark Knight Rises: League of Shadows (Bane, Talia al Ghul & Barsad) | Catwoman | John Daggett | Phillip Stryver | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Anatoli Knyazev | Doomsday | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chilli | Zod | Joker | Steppenwolf
Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs
The Lego Batman Movie: Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni
Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend
The Batman (2022): Riddler | Falcone Crime Syndicate (Carmine Falcone, Penguin, William Kenzie, The Twins & Vinnie) | Catwoman | Salvatore Maroni | Riddler's Cult | Pete Savage | Gil Colson | Don Mitchell Jr. | Train Gang | Joker
Joker: Folie à Deux: Joker | Harley Quinn | Jackie Sullivan | Arkham Asylum Patient | Joker's Shadow

Direct-to-video Movies
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero: Mr. Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Joker | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee Dee, Ghoul, Bonk, Smirk, Coe & Woof) | Harley Quinn | Jordan Pryce
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne
The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold
Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Ms. Li
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday
Batman: Year One: Batman | Gotham City Police Department (Commissioner Loeb, Arnold Flass & Howard Branden) | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone & Johnny Viti) | Catwoman | Joker
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle | Bruno
Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider & KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy
Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered: Bat-Mite | Lex Luthor | Joker | Penguin | Man-Bat | Captain Cold | Black Manta
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback)
Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy
Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator & Killer Moth) | Black Mask
Batman: The Killing Joke: Joker | Vinnie & Joe | Paris Franz
Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Freeze | Sandman | Shame | Siren
Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man
Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Freeze | Shame | Harley Quinn
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper | Barbara-Eileen Gordon | Selina Kyle | Harvey Dent | Hugo Strange
Batman Ninja: Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Gorilla Grodd | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Deathstroke | Two-Face
Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Scarecrow | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Bane
Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Thomas Elliot
Batman: Death in the Family: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's' al Ghul | Riddler | Talia al Ghul| Cheetah | Two-Face
Batman: Soul of the Dragon: Nāga | Kobra (Jeffery Burr, Schlangenfaust, Lady Eve, King Snake & Rip Jagger) | Ben Turner | Shiva | Richard Dragon | Jade
Batman: The Long Halloween: Holiday | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Milos Grapa, Alberto Falcone, Johnny Viti & Sofia Falcone) | Two-Face | Joker | Solomon Grundy | Salvatore Maroni | Poison Ivy | Penguin | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | San Ho Hui (Mickey Chen) | Calendar Man | Catwoman
Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham: Iog-Sotha | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Killer Croc and Poison Ivy)
Merry Little Batman: Joker | Poison Ivy | Bane | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Riddler | Scarecrow | Francine and Terry

Batman (1943)
Prince Daka

Batman and Robin (1949)
The Wizard | Wizards Henchmen

Batman 60s show
Joker | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Molly | Mr. Freeze | Zelda the Great | Eivol Ekdal | Mad Hatter | False Face | Felix and Leo | King Tut | Bookworm | Lydia Limpet | The Archer | Minstrel | Ma Parker | Pretty Boy Parker | Machine Gun Parker | Mad Dog Parker | Legs Parker | Clock King | Egghead | Chandell | Harry | Marsha, Queen of Diamonds | Aunt Hilda | Shame | The Puzzler | The Sandman | Pussycat | Freddy the Fence | Colonel Gumm | Black Widow | Killer Moth | The Siren | Lola Lasagne | Louie the Lilac | Olga, Queen of Cossacks | Lord Marmaduke Ffogg | Lady Penelope Peasoup | Lady Prudence Ffogg | Nora Clavicle | Calamity Jan | Frontier Fanny | Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft | Cabala | Minerva

1970s Filmation series
Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth

Batman: The Animated Series/The New Batman Adventures
Joker | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Ra's al Ghul | Talia al Ghul | Two-Face | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Scarecrow | Killer Croc | Clayface | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Phantasm | Firefly | Clock King | Baby Doll | Rupert Thorne | The Boss | Boxy Bennett | Buzz Bronski | Carlton Duquesne | Chuckie Sol | Salvatore Valestra | Sidney Debris | Tony Zucco | Cameron Kaiser | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker | Maxie Zeus | Roland Daggett | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Arkady Duvall | Count Vertigo | Ferris Boyle | Arnold Stromwell | Condiment King | Calendar Girl | Farmer Brown | Lock-Up | Montague Kane | Roxy Rocket | King Barlowe | Barlowe's bodyguard | Klarion | Arthur Reeves | Gil Mason | J. Carrol Corcoran | Mad Bomber | Dr. Gregory Belson | Bud and Lou | Captain Clown | Mo, Lar, and Cur | Murphy | Rocco and Henshaw | H.A.R.D.A.C. | Randa Duane | Batman Clone | Susan Maguire | Michael Vreeland | Crocker | Nitro | Raymond Bell | Candice

The Batman (2004)
Joker | Penguin | Bane | Catwoman | Mr. Freeze | Ethan Bennett | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Firefly | Riddler | Punch & Judy | Kabuki Twins | Hugo Strange | Cluemaster | Cluemaster's Henchmen | Ragdoll | Temblor | Poison Ivy | Tony Zucco | Count Vertigo | Harley Quinn | Maxie Zeus | Basil Karlo | Gearhead | Francis Grey | Killer Moth | D.A.V.E. | Rumor | Toyman | Mirror Master | Lex Luthor | Black Mask | Sinestro | Joker 2.0 | Prank | Killgore Steed | Team Penguin | Julie | Spellbinder | Terrible Trio | Blaze | The Joining | Cosmo Krank | Marty Slacker | Nolan | Wrath and Scorn | Metallo | Shadow Thief | Mercy Graves | Hideo Katsu

Batman: The Brave and The Bold
Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Fun Haus | Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Yokoth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | Black Manta | Ocean Master | Gentleman Ghost | Major Force | Mirror Master | Metallo | Brainiac | Flamingo | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Star Sapphire | Toyman | The Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam | Baby Face | Dee Dee Twins

Beware the Batman
Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Harvey Dent | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key | Bethany Ravencroft | Daedalus Boch | Junkyard Dog | Sapphire Stagg | Matatoa | Anatol Mykros

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Deadshot | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Solomon Grundy | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Felix Faust | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller) | Clock King | Firefly | Court of Owls

Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Riddler | Toyman | Poison Ivy | Kitka | Egghead | Giggles | Music Meister | Clayface | King Tut | Condiment King | The Legion of Zoom (The Badcomputer, Crash, Prank, Ducky, Jestah, Quizz, Snowy, Voice Box, & Banebuggy)

Gotham Knights
Court of Owls (Rebecca March, Lincoln March, Cressida Clarke, Hamilton Hill, & Talon) | Mutants (Vernon Wagner) | Two-Face | Gotham City Police Department (Detective Ford) | Dylan McKillen | Arthur Brown | Crystal Brown | Jane Doe | Henri Ducard

Batman: Caped Crusader
Rupert Thorne | Arnold Flass | Harvey Bullock | Penguin | Harvey Dent | Iggy | Clayface | Catwoman | Harley Quinn | Firebug | Gentleman Ghost | Floyd Lawton | Muller | Onomatopoeia | Jim Corrigan | Nocturna | Waylon | Tony Zito | Joker | King Tut

The Penguin
Falcone Crime Syndicate (Penguin, Carmine Falcone, Sofia Falcone-Gigante, Alberto Falcone, Johnny Viti, Milos Grapa, Luca Falcone, Castillo, & William Kenzie) | Maroni Crime Family (Salvatore Maroni, Nadia Maroni, Taj Maroni, & Ervad Hakimi) | Victor Aguilar | Julian Rush | Doctor Ventris | Squid | Eve Karlo

Video Games
Batman (1986)

Batman: The Caped Crusader (1988)
Joker | Penguin

Batman: The Video Game (1990)
Joker | KGBeast | Deadshot | Maxie Zeus | Shakedown | Heatwave | Nightslayer | Killer Moth | Electrocutioner | Firebug

Batman: Return of the Joker (1991)

Batman Returns (1993)
Penguin | Catwoman | Red Triangle Circus Gang

Batman: The Animated Series (1993)
Joker | Catwoman | Mr. Freeze | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Riddler | Scarecrow

The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1994)
Joker | Catwoman | Mr. Freeze | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Riddler | Scarecrow | Clayface | Harley Quinn | Man-Bat | Two-Face

Batman Forever (1996)
Riddler | Two-Face

Batman and Robin (1998)
Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000)
Joker' | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee Dee, Ghoul, Bonk, Smirk, Coe & Woof) | Harley Quinn

Batman: Chaos in Gotham (2001)
Bane | Joker | Bud and Lou | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Poison Ivy | Roxy Rocket | Two-Face (DC Animated Universe)

Batman: Gotham City Racer (2001)
Catwoman | Clayface | Firefly | Harley Quinn | Joker | Killer Croc | Mad Hatter | |Mr. Freeze | Poison Ivy | Riddler | Roxy Rocket | Scarecrow | Two-Face | Ventriloquist & Scarface

Batman: Vengeance (2001)
Joker | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Poison Ivy

Batman: Dark Tomorrow (2003)
Ra's al Ghul | Black Mask | False Face Society | Ubu | Joker | Killer Croc | Mr. Freeze | Victor Zsasz | Poison Ivy | Talia al Ghul | Ratcatcher | Ventriloquist & Scarface

Batman: Toxic Chill
Riddler | Mr. Freeze

Batman: Justice Unbalanced
Two-Face | Penguin | Raven | Jay and Gully

Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (2003)
Sin Tzu | Bane | Clayface | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Joker | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze

Batman Begins (2005)
League of Shadows (Ra's al Ghul | Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) | Scarecrow | Carmine Falcone | Detective Arnold Flass | Victor Zsasz | Walter Pfister

Lego Batman: The Videogame
The Riddler's Team: (Riddler | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Clayface) | The Penguin's Team: (Penguin | Catwoman | Man-Bat | Killer Croc | Bane) | The Joker's Team: (Joker | Harley Quinn | Killer Moth | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter) | Goons | Hush | Ra's al Ghul

Batman: Arkham Asylum
Joker | Scarecrow | Harley Quinn | Killer Croc | Bane | Poison Ivy | Victor Zsasz | Quincy Sharp | Frank Boles | Dr. Penelope Young | Joe Chill | Clayface | Ra's al Ghul | Joker's Gang (Razor) | Thugs | Lunatic Inmates | Black Mask | Calendar Man | Firefly | Great White Shark | Hugo Strange | Humpty Dumpty | Hush | Killer Moth | Mad Hatter | Maxie Zeus | Mr. Freeze | Penguin | Prometheus | Ratcatcher | Tweedledum and Tweedledee | Two-Face | Ventriloquist | Scarface | Catwoman | Mad Dog | Talia al Ghul

Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame

Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City Lockdown

Gotham City Impostors

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

Batman (2013 arcade game)
Mr. Freeze | Bane | Joker

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman: Arkham Underworld

Batman: The Telltale Series

Batman: Arkham VR

Batman: The Enemy Within

Gotham Knights
Court of Owls (Jacob Kane, Constance Cobblepot & Talons) | League of Shadows (Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Man-Bat Commandos) | Gotham City Police Department (Catherine Kane) | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Clayface

Batman: Arkham Shadow

See Also
Arkhamverse Villains | Batgirl Villains | Batman Beyond Villains | Batwoman Villains | Birds of Prey Villains | Catwoman Villains | Gotham Villains | Harley Quinn Villains | Injustice Villains | LEGO DC Villains | LEGO Dimensions Villains | Nightwing Villains | Outsiders Villains | Red Hood Villains | Robin Villains | Telltale Batman Villains | The Batman (2004) Villains | The LEGO Movie Villains
