Thoucus are the secondary antagonists of the manga Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Ghost. Originally a Mobile Suit development group of the Jupiter Empire, the later separated from the empire and become its own group.
Originally, the Thoucus is a weapon development group that belongs to the Jupiter Empire, where it develops Mobile Suit that is capable of fighting thousands of enemies at once. It is led by Quo Gray, however, eventually it separated from the empire to become a mercenary group instead, where they have criminals as their agents. At some point, they were hired by Kizo Dogatie from the Zanscare Empire to obtain the space microbe Angel's Call. During Kizo's operation, the Thoucus would do a lot of dirty work for him, such as capturing citizen colonies. However, it was eventually revealed that the Thoucus had their own goal, and they ultimately betrayed Kizo during the battle at the Maria Town, where they intended to obtain the Angel's Call to sell them as a bioweapon in order to make a profit. The Thoucus also joined the final battle to obtain the Angel's Call, where with Quo's demise at the hand of Kizo, the group is ultimately disbanded.