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Tito is a major antagonist from Mexican Motor Mafia. He was one of the Red Texas Four Four and the leader of several bandit gangs.
Tito was one of a four-member criminal gang, the Red Texas Four, whose leader, Jebediah Priest, was sent to prison by a lawman, Santos. However, he and the other two members of the gang, La Toro and Whistler, freed their leader from prison, who wanted to take bloody revenge.

Tito helps Jebediah Priest kill Santos while Whistler kidnaps his children.
Tito held Santos down from behind while Whistler kidnapped his son and daughter, and Jebediah shot the lawman dead with his gun in front of the children. After that, the four criminals split up and tried to carry out their own plans.
Tito’s plans were not necessarily driven by brutality, but rather by his greed for gold. His gang mainly robbed cars on the roads, but he also wanted to get gold, which he saw an opportunity for in the areas he held in terror. There was an abandoned mine north of the town of Madera where he believed they would be able to mine gold, so he ordered some of his men to capture the mine and its grounds. His greed didn't end there, as he ordered some of his men to steal the golden hub caps of the town leader of Cuauhtemoc, then distributed them among his men. Tito and his gangs caused increasing damage in the area of Chihuahua, and the small bandit earned the nickname "The Big Man of Chihuahua."
However, killed lawman, Santos had an unnamed brother who wanted revenge for the death and completely destroyed La Toro and his gang. He managed to obtain a map from the fat gang leader with an area marked on it, but he couldn't read the writing on it, so he traveled south, towards Tito's territory, to find out what the map held and confront the next member of the Texas Red Four. Despite his small stature, Tito promised to be a more difficult opponent than La Toro, as he had more men than him and controlled more bands and gangs. The nameless man traveled to the town of Madera, where the town leader said that Tito did not have just any people. Two gangs, Las Piranhas and Los Calamares followed his orders. These bandits were very aggressive, and one of his men, a crazy old man, smuggled stolen goods into the mountains in the northeast. However, the man was not scared, he decided to deal with them all, so he drove his car to the northeast into the mountains, where he found the crazy thief who attacked him, but the smuggler eventually died in the fight. However, before the town, he was immediately attacked by the Piranha Gang, who were indeed very angry and aggressive bandits, but in the cruel fight the nameless man killed them all. However, he couldn't rest for long, because immediately after them, the Calamares Gang launched an attack, who were also robbers hungry for battle, but they also suffered the fate of the piranhas. Tito suffered a serious defeat as Santos’ brother destroyed two of his gangs, who were notorious robbers, killed one of his men, and took all the goods they had stolen and returned them to the people of Madera. After that, the man got into minor fights with bandits and smugglers, then arrived in the town of Cuauhtemoc, where he spoke with the town leader. When he learned what Tito's men had done, the man realized that the gang leader's greed for gold was his weak point and that he could exploit this to deal him another major blow. The gang leader sent claim jumpers to the mine, which was north of the town of Madera, and although there was no gold there, the leader of the town of Cuauhtemoc owned the land and he wanted back. Then the nameless man got into his car and drove to the mine, where he killed all of Tito's men, then returned to the town where he planned his next move. The leader of the town said the bandits who stole the gold hub caps were reportedly at an abandoned Drive-In theater looking for more feature, and the nameless man had already headed to the theater, which was located north of the town of Chihuahua. He attacked the bandits in broad daylight, who immediately shot at him, but the criminals ultimately lost the fight and were all left with the wreckage of their cars in the theater. He then returned to the town of Cuauhtemoc, where the leader told him that the map indicated an abandoned ghost town to the southeast, where the Red Texas Four had a garage, which their men were most likely guarding. The nameless man traveled to the ghost town where some bandits attacked him, but he killed the criminals and then found a building, the Tally-Ho auto shop. The door to the office was open, where a woman was locked in a room, almost her entire body bound with chains. He freed her from the chains, then they got into the car and drove to the town of Cuauhtemoc, where the driver told the Mechanic Girl that she spoke neither Spanish nor English and she passed through the town a year before the Texas Red Four caught her.
After this, the nameless man believed that the time had come to put an end to Tito's plans, who had suffered serious losses but still posed a threat. The man traveled alone to the town of Chihuahua, where the town leader said that the gang leader continued to carjacking people despite his losses and that his gang members most often attacked others on Highway 45. After that, the man headed towards the highway 45, where he was immediately attacked by Tito's gang while driving, but he had expected this. The well-armed man killed them one after another and blew up their cars, leaving only wreckage after the brutal fight. He then returned to the town where the leader informed him that the locals had told him that Tito had not accepted defeat and was waiting with his remaining men in the abandoned Drive-In theater area for new victims to rob them. Santos' brother immediately got into his car and drove to the theater, where Tito unexpectedly attacked him with his remaining men. The small-sized bandit drove a large Heavy Hauler van from which he directed small, self-destructing, explosive cars towards Santos' brother, who was having a serious difficulty in this fight. However, he realized that the exploding cars were unable to bypass objects, especially larger buildings, so he managed to effectively fight the bandits behind the abandoned buildings, killing them, and eventually disabling Tito's car and capturing the gang leader. Santos' brother then hung a rope around his neck and tied the other end to his car. The small gang leader was at first angry because he was not the one who killed his brother and considered it unfair, but eventually fear took over. The anonymous man was not at all interested in his enemy's feelings, but wanted to know where his brother's children, who had been kidnapped by Whistler and Priest, were. Then he pressed his foot on the gas pedal and the car almost started. Tito was scared because he was afraid of death and broke down. He said that Priest sold them in El Sordos and that the bartender there, Jose, knew everything, then begged him not to kill him because that's all he knew. Then Santos' brother took out his pistol and shot through the rope, and Tito fell to the ground, leaving the completely devastated gang leader, whose life he had spared.