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Villains Wiki

You don't know me. I'm Todd H. Watson, and I know you. You see, you stole something from me when you lost the Earth!
~ Todd to Gary Goodspeed.
There is honor in failing.
~ Todd as he prepares to kill Clarence.

Todd H. Watson is a supporting antagonist in the adult animated series Final Space, serving as a major antagonist in Season 2 and a minor antagonist in Season 3.

He was voiced by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced Lenny in Ice Age, King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph, Alistair Krei in Big Hero 6, The Duke of Weselton in Frozen, Duke Weaselton in Zootopia Ludo in Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Iago in the live-action remake of Aladdin, Captain Cold in Young Justice, Van Wayne in Powerless, Ben Chapman in 42, and Elias Marcos in Justified.


Season 2[]

Todd developed an immense hatred towards Gary Goodspeed when he lost his family upon the destruction of the Earth when one of the Titans absorbed the Earth into Final Space. Consumed by grief, Todd lost his mind and irrationally blames Gary for it. Somehow, Todd came into contact with extraterrestrial beings (or he presumably created them), and becomes the leader. Naming his ship the "Happy Place," Todd lures thousands of victims to the ship and injects them with a serum which he claims would take them to their "happiest place." Unbeknownst to them, Todd would harvest their happiness to power the entire galaxy, the process of which renders them hollow husks that are casted away into space.

When the Galaxy One is taken by the Happy Place, Todd introduces himself by wearing a costume (similar to one of the Fluffles), and selects Gary to give the "happiest place" to. Gary is injected with a serum and is given an IV and he is taken into a fantastical experience where he marries an anthropomorphic cookie and has children with her. Todd accompanies Gary and the two embark on a journey to defeat the evil overlord. In the real world, Gary's nose starts to bleed as his happiness is drained away. Upon defeating the evil overlord, however Todd shoots and kills Gary's cookie wife and children, saying that Gary will know how he feels, but falls short of exacting his revenge on Gary when Mooncake successfully rips the IV needle out from Gary's neck.

Todd reveals his true self and boasts that he'd return the favor by killing everyone Gary loved. This causes major destruction, but Gary and the others manage to escape leaving Todd alone vowing that he wasn't through just yet.

Returning in "The Last Spy," Todd captures Gary's mother Sheryl Goodspeed and goes into her mind to extract any information on her son's whereabouts from her. Seeing that they both had a common enemy in Gary, Todd makes a compromise with her, promising to help her gather the dimensional keys in return for helping him get revenge on her son.

After Sheryl leaves for Rugaro to find the last key, she leaves the other four in Todd's ship to lure Gary in one of his traps. However, his ship is invaded by The Resistance. After being beaten up by Tribore Menendez, Todd is thrown into one of his pods, and is ejected it into deep space.

Season 3[]

It's revealed late into the season that Todd is still alive, and received the message that Gary and his friends are trapped in Final Space, and that Clarence Polkawitz will try to set them free. Encountering Clarence just as he is about to push the button that will help them escape, Todd threatens that he will try to kill him, before being met by other creatures trying to get revenge on Clarence and/or Gary, including Time-Swap Sammy, Mega KVN, the DeWinter Family and a queen that Clarence pretended to marry. However, a alien that Clarence encountered previously is set out to help him. All of them fight eachother, ending with Time-Swap Sammy being killed while the DeWinter Family and the queen escape, with the father of the family set out to marry her.

As Todd prepares to kill Clarence, he's impaled by one of Mega KVN's parts. Todd kicks the head away and shoots Clarence two times. As Todd fakes remorse after a talk with Clarence, who recently learned that his adopted son Fox is dead, he shoots Clarence one more time before dying of his wounds. Clarence dies shortly afterwards but succeeding in freeing the Team Squad out of Final Space, making Todd to die in vain.


  • Todd is presented as a foil of Sheryl Goodspeed as both resented Gary for the loss of their family, even though it is not his fault to begin with (Todd lost his wife and son when the Earth was destroyed by the Titans, who were summoned by Lord Commander while John broke up with Sheryl after he found out her true intentions and she had lashed out at an infant Gary). However, Sheryl eventually accepts the loss of John's love being her own fault for spying on him in the first place and moves on from her grief while Todd cannot accept it and lets his vengeance led into his demise out of spite. Todd represents what Sheryl could have become if she hadn't moved on from the loss of her ex-husband, letting her hatred over Gary continue, or never received help from Tribore, Fox, and H.U.E.


           Final Space Logo Villains

The Team Squad
Avocato | Sheryl Goodspeed | Ash Graven | Clarence

Lord Commander | Oreskis | Lizard Titan

Lord Commander's Army
Lord Commander | The Order of the Twelve | Bhero | Terk | Helper Stevil | Helper Hula

Infinity Guard
Superior Stone

Invictus | Todd H. Watson | Mr. and Mrs. Graven | Werthrent | Evil KVNs | David Dewinter | Dewinter brothers | STVN | Time Swap Sammy | Trident-Wielding Laser-Shooting Death Cookies | Zombie Garys
