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Tonto (in Japanese: トント), is a minor antagonist of Akame Ga Kill!. He was a infamous merchant who killed the mother of a little girl called Nea.


Tonto is a deranged and genocidal man that only cares of drinking and killing people, during one of his robberies, he ended up brutally murdering someone. But somehow, he at least can be honest at times and tries to leaves all the crimes he commited in the past.


Nothing is known about Tonto's past, but he was known for mading several bank robberies in a village called Enn, in one of those robberies he ended up blinding Nea and killing her mom in a offered resistance. Later he managed to raise enough money to open a store in the capital and decided to donate part of his profits to the less fortunate for his work.

One day while walking down the street he recognized a girl in the crowd who thought he had killed along with his mother in one of his robberies, Nea. In desperation, Tonto's henchmen tries to protect him and Nea's father begins in an attempt to eliminate all evidence of his past crimes. the henchmen are beaten up Leone and later they were eaten by Koro.

Because the fact that thugs have not returned he thought that they escaped with his money. Furious, he screams to himself that he compensated for his crimes. Sheele later appears in his house, he later takes out a revolver and shoots Sheele who deflects the shots with Extase proceeding to cut his eyes out in revenge for what he did to Nea, Sheele asks if Tonto can see him. He tries to apologize, but she bisected her body in half.


           Akame Ga KillVillains

The Empire
The Emperor | Prime Minister Honest | Captain Ogre | General Budo | General Nouken| Shihandai
Jaegers: Esdeath | Wave | Kurome | Seryu Ubiquitous | Coro | Dr. Stylish | Run | Bols
Four Rakshasa Demons: Suzuka | Sten | Mez | Ibara | Gozuki
Wild Hunt: Syura | Enshin | Izou | Champ | Cosmina | Dorothea
Three Beasts: Liver | Daidara | Nyau
Team Stylish: Toby | Kaku | Trooma | Hana | Me | Mimi

Path of Peace
The Lord | Bolic | Holimaca

Arathi | Ragu | Kimatsu | Jamo | Umber | Mudi

Oarburgh Clan
Merraid Oarburgh | Babara Oarburgh | Taeko | Cassandra | Gilberda | Daniel | Loris | Meela

Aria | Aria's Parents | Bach | Natala | Zank | Uncle Bill | Muho | Tonto | Kalbi the Butcher | Gensei | King Zuou
