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The Torso Hildon is one of two antagonist (the other is a Mannequin Jamen) in episode 30 of 2020 TV series called Mashin Sentai Kiramager. The Torso Hildon is a Torso Mannequin-themed Hildon Type Jamen Beast of the Dark Empire Yodonheim, released from the invasion gate created from the dark energy gathered by Mannequin Jamen.


The Torso Hildon made its first appearance during the fight between the male Kiramagers and the Mannequin Jamen along with a pack of Bechats as Tametomo brings out Kiramazin to battle the beast while the rest of the boys hold off the Bechats. He'd also brought out Zabyun to scope out the weakness on the Torso Jamen and surprisingly enough it did have which is its Neck Finial and if they manage to land a hit on it the Torso Hildon will be instantly destroyed. So they formed its Gun Style and opens fire on the Torso Jamen, but due to being a Hildon-type Jamen Beast it can still fly in the air without transforming into its flight mode which means landing a shot on this beast won't be easy, but that doesn't mean the Torso Hildon can use its other ability as it fires the pins at the mecha.

Back with the Torso Jamen it has taken the Kiramazin up to the air and it was about to drop the mecha to the ground, but Hakobu managed to save the mechas in the nick of time as they reverted to their vehicle mode.

Back in the sky the Torso Jamen was giving chase as the mecha open fired on the dark beast, but they kept missing it. So Juru brought out Grateful Phoenix around the same time the Torso Jamen fired another round of pins at the mecha, but this time the Grateful Phoenix used the other finisher called Great Stone Bomber to both block the beasts attack and lands a blow on the Torso Jamen's weak point thus destroying this beast.


  • The Torso Hildon is:
    • The first Hildon-Type Jamen Beast to be summoned by a Silver Body-type Jamenshi.
    • The first Mannequin-themed monster in Super Sentai history, along with its Jamenshi counterpart.
      • It is also the first monster to be based on a dress form (also known as a body form; a type of mannequin typically used by tailors and designers to pin and fit clothing).
    • The first non-Shellga Type Jamen Beast to share a similar object motif as its Jamenshi counterpart (Albeit share different names).
    • The first Hildon Type Jamen Beast to have a flight mode (or a flight ability in general) since Cloud Hildon.


           MSK-Kiramager LogoVillains

Dark Empire Yodonheim
Emperor Yodon | Galza | Carantula | Yodonna | Shadon | Numajo | Minjo | Bechats
Jamenshi: Rugby Jamen | Vise Jamen | Neanderthal Jamen | Joystick Jamen | Digital Camera Jamen | Oven Jamen | Freezer Jamen | Hyakunin Isshu Jamen | Music Jamen | Reset Button Jamen | Meteorite Jamen | Steam Locomotive Jamen | Marshmallow Jamen | Whac-A-Mole Jamen | Sumikae Jamen | Glue Jamen | Fishing Rod Jamen | 3D Printer Jamen | Safe Jamen | Speaker Jamen | Bomb Jamen | Super Glue Jamen | Mannequin Jamen | Radio Jamen | Nazokake Jamen | Golf Jamen | Football Helmet Jamen | Tooth Decay Jamen | Wire Jamen | Maneki-neko Jamen | Movie Jamen | Night Pool Jamen | Karaoke All Jamen | Showcase Jamen
Jamen Beasts: Faucet Hildon | Rugger Ligany‏‎ | Vise Shellga | Paleolith Basra | Catcher Ligany | Cloud Hildon | Cold Hot Dagames | Heian-kyō Basra | Stage Shellga | Hassha Button Ligany | Haejigoku Shellga | Diesel Basra | Wanage Hildon | Hassha Ligany | Hammer Basra | House Loan Dagames | Glue Shellga | Motorboat Basra | Gold Bar Ligany | Jukebox Hildon | Super Glue Shellga | Projector Gomoryu | Torso Hildon | Pinch In Out Dagames | Tank Ligany | Shield Shellga | Sengoku Basra | Cart Hildon | Turntable Gomoryu | Kiba Basra | Jishiki Shellga | Cat Can Ligany
Darkness Megabeast Mechas: Smog Jouki

Director Minosaur

Beef Rib World | Great Beef Rib World

Kuchinawa Gang
Hideki Kujirasaki | Yanako Nishinoura | Zuo | Shimasa | Ichigo Daifuku | Macaron | Tetsu Enoshima

Monstone | Jaaku Monstone | Remudon | Datula | Mose | Hern | Dr. Iokall | Hanidora
