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Villain Overview

The right path... Even if walked on by a saint who makes no mistakes... It is unavoidable that bad things will sometime occur. That is "calamity".
~ Toru
Calamities make no distinction between right or wrong. Honestly, even I don't know what's going to happen to you. But the one thing that is certain is that you will die very soon.
~ Toru explaining his powers.

Toru is the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VIII: JoJolion.

Originally introduced as Yasuho Hirose's ex-boyfriend from high school, he is first introduced as an ally, only to be later revealed to be a Rock Human and the mastermind behind the Locacaca Organization. He is also a Stand User who wields the powerful Wonder of U, a Stand who poses and serves as the Head Doctor in TG University Hospital, the location where Toru utilizes his cover of a being a part-time worker of.

He was voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki in Japanese in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R, who also voiced Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen, Joffrey Baratheon in the Japanese dub of Game of Thrones and Izana Kurokawa in Tokyo Revengers.



As with all Rock Humans, Toru was originally set in the nearby wilderness by his mother as a child, and as with all Rock Humans, he managed to sneak inside a wasp's nest to grow for seventeen years. At the age of seventeen, his adult body developed to the point he was ready to enter society, so he exited the hive he grew in (killing the wasps as he did) and set his sights towards Morioh, where he decided to live.

Toru is briefly seen in 1941 planting a Locacaca plant as Lucy Steel and Joseph Joestar run away from Radio Gaga.

In 1994, Toru used his Stand ability to cause the death of Rai Mamezuku's father. He would later attend the funeral for him with his stand form Wonder of U briefly before leaving.

Ten years before the events of JoJolion, Toru manipulated a 9-years old Yasuho Hirose to use her Stand's abilities to find the identity of the real Satoru Akefu, which he assumingly murdered and had his Stand impersonate. Later on and despite how it is unknown why he decided to go to a human school, Toru dated Yasuho Hirose while both attended high school, although they currently remain only good friends. Toru was also employed as a part-time worker at TG University Hospital, although the time when he did so is unknown.

Role in the series[]

Toru first appears working at TG University Hospital, where he encounters Yasuho Hirose and Mitsuba Higashikata during their pursuit of Wu Tomoki. Mildly flirting with Yasuho on their past love, he eventually gives Josuke the needed message for him to defeat Wu.

After this, Toru makes several more appearances showing similar behavior of flirting/trying to get back with with Yasuho and aiding her and Josuke on their quest to find the face of Satoru Akefu.

After Yasuho went to the Higashikata House, Toru decides to wait behind and eat his lunch, before coming over to aid Yasuho when she is injured. Heading to the Higashikata's residence, Toru shows his first signs of true villainy as he ignores an injured Yasuho, instead watching her as he listens to music. He later mysteriously senses Josuke and Rai Mamezuku's plan to lure Satoru Akefu to them, and is intrigued by this. However, when Joshu Higashikata leaves the house with the New Locacaca plant, Toru decides to flee and leave his presence unknown. As he watches Yasuho and Joshu perform an equivalent exchange to see its true potential, he deliberately makes noise to make them fall into his Stand's trap, only for him to unknowingly have his villainy revealed to his former love. Yasuho notes Toru's true identity and Stand, recalling her memories with him while young. Toru does respect Yasuho's presence, but does warn that any interaction with him may trigger a lethal calamity, explaining how the Higashikatas are also under this effect.

Despite this, Yasuho still manages to call Kei Nijimura for aid against Wonder of U, shifting the calamity onto her. Toru also later receives a wound to his head due to Born This Way attacking his Stand. Toru then shifts gears towards the New Localoca, trying to get the heroes to hand it to him. Joshu attempts to intervein, but only gets mostly ignored by Toru and the calamity causes him to lose a finger through a falling leaf. In the chaos, Toru takes the New Localoca, allowing the two to be in harm's way through a large falling piece of metal. However, as he walks off, Yasuho manages to use Paisley Park to transport one of Josuke's invisible bubbles to Toru through the two's cellphones, hitting him successfully and making the calamity skip Yasuho. Now wounded, Toru bites into a Localoca and charges towards Yasuho to begin an equivalent exchange, but Josuke uses the same bubble trick to deliver another attack to Toru, damaging him further and sending him flying backwards. Landing in the garage, Toru attempts to use Kaato Higashikata, wrapped in sorrow over the likely demise of her son, to reactivate his Stand. Taunting Kaato on her son's once possible dreams no longer being possible, he attempts to attack her alongside Wonder of U, but is pinned by Space Trucking's cards. After this, and not before Toru shows genuine fear of what else Space Trucking is containing, Kaato releases Tsurugi Higashikata from between her cards, allowing the boy to touch Toru to begin an equivalent exchange. Falling apart and in a frenzy, Toru tries to launch one final assault against Kaato with his Stand and attempts to convince Kaato of the New Locacaca's usefulness, but he ultimately fails and, after hallucinating a hornet, dies.

Powers and Abilities[]

Main article: Wonder of U
WonderofU ASBR

Wonder of U

The flow of things... This is about you standing up from that chair. Perhaps you'll stand up intending to pursue me. I am Wonder of U. The flow of things will always lead to calamity.
~ Wonder of U on himself.

The Stand User of Wonder of U, Toru uses Wonder of U to cast non-corporeal illusions of the head doctor to make a cover for his actions and a decoy. Additionally, Wonder of U has the power to generate "calamities" for those who desire to pursue either Stand or Stand User, creating a large well of bad luck that causes both logical and near-impossible things to happen. This ability also can strengthen objects that collide with the enemy, depending on their size.


  • Toru is the only character to listen to his Stand's namesake song in-universe.
  • Toru is the second main antagonist the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series to have a Stand that does not involve time manipulation (with the first being Funny Valentine).
  • He is the first and only main antagonist so far to have no implied or explicit connection to any version of Dio Brando.
  • The symbol on Toru's jacket looks similar to the symbol of the Demiurge, an arrogant creator from mythology who believes himself to be the true god. This is likely a reference to Toru's lust for power. Similar symbolism is seen on Diavolo's tattoos.

External Links[]


           JoJo's Bizarre AdventureTitle Villains
Phantom Blood Logo

Dio Brando
Wang Chan | Jack the Ripper | Bruford | Tarkus
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency Logo

Pillar Men
Kars | Wamuu | Esidisi | Santana
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster | Rudol von Stroheim | Donovan

Stardust Crusaders Logo

Agents of DIO
DIO | Enya Geil
Tarot Stand Users
Gray Fly | Impostor Captain Tennille | Forever | Devo | Rubber Soul | Hol Horse | J. Geil | Nena | ZZ | Steely Dan | Arabia Fats | Mannish Boy | Cameo | Midler
Egypt 9 Glory Gods
N'Doul | Oingo | Boingo | Anubis | Mariah | Alessi | Daniel J. D'Arby | Pet Shop | Terence T. D'Arby
Kenny G. | Vanilla Ice | Nukesaku

Diamond is Unbreakable Logo

Agents of DIO
Mansaku Nijimura | Enya Geil
Morioh's Stand Users
Activated by Keicho's arrow
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Keicho Nijimura | Akira Otoishi | Tamami Kobayashi | Toshikazu Hazamada | Yukako Yamagishi | Rohan Kishibe | Bug-Eaten
Activated by Yoshihiro's arrow
Yoshikage Kira | Yoshihiro Kira | Ken Oyanagi | Yuya Fungami | Stray Cat | Toyohiro Kanedaichi | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick

Vento Aureo Logo

Diavolo | Vinegar Doppio
La Squadra Esecuzioni
Risotto Nero | Formaggio | Illuso | Prosciutto | Pesci | Melone | Ghiaccio | Sorbet and Gelato
Unità Speciale
Squalo and Tiziano | Carne | Cioccolata | Secco
"Leaky Eye" Luca | Polpo | Mario Zucchero | Sale

Stone Ocean Logo

Agents of Pucci
Enrico Pucci | Johngalli A. | Thunder McQueen | Foo Fighters | Miraschon | Lang Rangler | Sports Maxx | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | D an G | Guccio | Miuccia Miuller | Ungalo | Rikiel | Donatello Versus
DIO | Corrupt Lawyer | Gwess | Wes Bluemarine | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run Logo

Valentine's Subordinates
Funny Valentine | Diego Brando | Oyecomova | Pork Pie Hat Kid | Dr. Ferdinand | Ringo Roadagain | Blackmore | Sandman | Eleven Men | Scarlet Valentine | Mike O. | Wekapipo | Magent Magent | Axl RO | D-I-S-C-O | Alternate World Diego
Mrs. Robinson | Boomboom Family (Andre Boomboom | L. A. Boomboom | Benjamin Boomboom) | Dario Brando | Soldier | Abusive Husband

JoJolion Logo

Locacaca Organization
Damokan Group
Tamaki Damo | Jobin Higashikata | Yotsuyu Yagiyama | Aisho Dainenjiyama | A. Phex Brothers
TG University Hospital
Tooru | Satoru Akefu | Poor Tom | Wu Tomoki | Urban Guerilla
Rock Organisms
Dolomite | Doremifasolati Do | Dododo De Dadada | Obladi Oblada | Radio Gaga
Ojiro Sasame | Kaato Higashikata | Zaihei Nigatake | Milagro Man's Stand User


HOWLER Company
Acca Howler | Bobby Jean | Lulu | Laem Chabang | Ningbo | Key West
Jodio's Group
Jodio Joestar | Dragona Joestar | Paco Lovelantes | Usagi Aloha'oe | Meryl May Qi
Hawaiian Police Officer | Wild Cat Size | Dragona's Bully | Yokohama


Rohan Kishibe | The Vagrant | Naoko Osato | Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Ikkyu | Gods of the Mountain | Under the Moon | Moon Rabbit | Yoma Hashimoto | Yabubako-Hoshi | Eve | Eco-Terrorist


B.T. | Police Officer | Kuroyama and Akagawa | Date | The Leader | The Major | Manabu | Manabu's Family | Outlaw Guys


Edvard Noriega | Funnier Valentine | The Funniest Valentine | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Alejandro Torres | Javier Cortes | William Cardinal | Dio Brando | Diavolo | Yoshikage Kira

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Agents of DIO (Absalom | Michal | Scribe Ani | Dija Maker | Petsounds) | Child Killer | Rigatoni | Sogliola Lopez | Takuma Hasumi | Teruhiko Futaba | Hanae Orikasa | Sezione Droghe (Vittorio Cataldi | Angelica Attanasio | Vladimir Kocaqi | Massimo Volpe) | Prisoner 27 | Heaven Ascension DIO | Scatola | Koji Kiyohara | Kazuki Karaiya | Fabio Ubuh | Izahela Mena-Mena | Dos Santos | Écue-Yamba-O's Stand User | Fernando Alhorn