Steve and Ed, also simply known as the Trees, are minor characters in DreamWorks' 8th full-length animated feature film Shrek 2, and supporting antagonists in its sequel Shrek the Third. They can disguise themselves as ordinary trees and they also use their leaves as a parachute.
Ed was voiced by Andrew Birch, while Steve was voiced by Christopher Knights, who also voiced Thelonious in Shrek.
Shrek 2[]
In the Poison Apple Inn, the Trees are arm wrestling and one of the tree's arm breaks.
Shrek the Third[]
Prince Charming walks into the Poison Apple Inn and put his cape on one of the Tree's branch, which the tree angrily puts the cape down on the floor. Prince Charming persuade the Trees and the other villains to join his side to rule Far Far Away. At the island, the Trees, Captain Hook and the pirates ambushes Shrek and his friends and tries to kill them all (except Shrek that is wanted captured alive).
Shrek defeated the villains when they runs away from this. At the musical stage, the two Trees revealed their names, Steve and Ed, and the trees and the other villains turned against Prince Charming and learns that being treated like losers does not even mean that they are one.
- The Trees are possibly from the the classic fairytale The Wizard of Oz.
Villains | ||
Kingdom of Duloc Fairy Godmother's Cottage The Poison Apple The Crone's Nest Others See Also |