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Over one-hundred and eight sister schools all over Japan. And a total of four-hundred and fifty-thousand students in attendance. It is finally the era where all psychics shall rise up!
~ Trinoid 3: Tensaichic

Trinoid 3: Tensaichic is the Sugar beet and Rhino-themed Trinoid of the Invasion Garden Evolian and a minor antagonist in Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger, appearing as the main antagonist of the 11th episode.

He is voiced by Bomber Morio. As TensaYellow, he is voiced by Katsumi Shiono who previously voiced Combatant Wumpers and ZokuPink in Gekisou Sentai Carranger, Moray Nezire in Denji Sentai Megaranger, the Seamen Yartots in Seijuu Sentai Gingaman, the Familiars Imps in Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive, the Orgettes in Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger, the Magerappa, Rapid of the Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangol in Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger and later voiced the Barmia Soldiers also in Abaranger, the Anaroids, Batsuroids and Spirit Alien Byoi in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, the Zobils, High Zobils and most of the Hades Beasts in Mahou Sentai Magiranger, the Combatant Karths, Mogari, Golem, Ultimate Artificial Lifeform Homunculus, Ultimate Artificial Lifeform Homunculus and Desperado in GoGo Sentai Boukenger, the Rinshi in Juken Sentai Gekiranger, the Barbaric Machine Soldiers Ugatz, Bakki, Lumbiaco and Horonderthal in Engine Sentai Go-Onger and the Nanashi Company and Nosakamata in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.


Trinoid 3: Tensaichic is created by Creative Messenger Mikela to use his psychic carrots to brainwash the human race whilst pretending to grant them psychic powers. Tensaichic is first seen in the security room, disguised as a human as he watches the screen to see how his psychic people act until he spots Emiri and Ryouga following Wakana. After noticing them, he uses his psychic powers to make Wakana attack them with her magic before leaving.

Later, Tensaichic makes an announcement to all of the attendees here at the psychic school, as Jeanne tells him to use his psionic powers to spread fear. Appearing in the classroom with some other psychic students and the disguised Abarangers, Tensaichic demonstrates his telekinesis power by lifting a blue "psychic carrot", as he slices them up and hands them to their students. After doing this, he reveals his true form after he uses psychic powers to put his students under a trance. However, the Abarangers break the trance on the students as they flee from the monster. However, they are eventually tracked by some Barmia Soldiers, as they told Emiri to take Wakana and get her out of here. However, Wakana declines her rescue because, without her psychic powers, Tensaichic won't give her a perfect score on a test. Tensaichic uses his psychic powers to get every student under his control, while he teleports himself and the Abarangers to a nearby beach without any interference. There, the heroes manage to use their Aba Lasers to knock a piece of Trinoid's beets off, before teleporting them to the woods, where he uses his brainwashed students to use their psychic powers to cause harm to the Abarangers.

After this, Tensaichic uses his psychic powers as he sends the Abarangers alongside his minions to an abandoned building, while his minions fire lasers at them. Thankfully, Emiri, who isn't under the psychic influence from the carrot that she ate, uses the Aba Laser and destroys the source of this monster's power, freeing the students from his psychic influence. After that, the real battle begins between the two forces, with the Abarangers ending the fight by forming the Dino bomber and using its Dino Dynamite technique to defeat Tensaichic. Thanks to his Life Berry surviving, Tensaichic revives as a giant, prompting the team to summon Abaren-Oh. Despite Tensaichic's attacks, he is quickly killed by the mech's Bakuryuu Blitz Drill Spin technique.

Afraid of AbareKiller's power, Mikela recreates Trinoid 3: Tensaichic, Trinoid 10: Sharkurumarguerite and Trinoid 11: Ayameganezumi as SharkuruRed, AyamegaBlue and TensaYellow to destroy him but they are all quickly slain.


Due to having been dead for a year, Trinoid 3: Tensaichic does not appear in person but is seen in a book Agent Abrella looks at as he regrets reviving Trinoid 0: Saunaginnan for Ginjifuan Kazak's plot to resurrect Dezumozorlya due to the Trinoids' many past defeats.

See Also[]

  • Other World Monster


           Logo-abaranger Villains

Invasion Garden Evolian
Dezumozorlya | Disciple of Dawn Lije | Mikoto Nakadai | Barmia Soldiers
Apostles: Creative Messenger Mikela | Visionary Messenger Voffa | DezumoVoorla
Armor Of Darkness Holders: Cursed Armor |Darkness Messenger Geildon | Destruction Messenger Jannu
Trinoid: Trinoid 0: Saunaginnan | Trinoid 1: Dragondoran | Trinoid 2: Hirurindou | Trinoid 3: Tensaichic | Trinoid 4: Bakudandelion | Trinoid 5: Hakkarasniper | Trinoid 6: Zakurobacuum | Trinoid 7: Jishakunagengorou | Trinoid 8: Kinmokuseikamikakushi | Trinoid 9: Bankumushroom | Trinoid 10: Sharkurumarguerite | Trinoid 11: Ayameganezumi | Trinoid 12: Yatsudenwani | Trinoid 13: Mukadenpanji | Trinoid 14: Haematsu | Trinoid 15: Tsuribakatsuoribu | Trinoid 16: Tsutakotatsu | Trinoid 17: Shiyohosenkameleon | Trinoid 18: Rakkopiman | Trinoid 19: Hagetakarachi | Trinoid 20: Rougirafleshia | Trinoid 21: Reindeiasanta | Trinoid 22: Nanakusarumba| Trinoid 23: Aerotsutaskunk | Trinoid 24: Abarangekko
Giganoids: Giganoid 1: Fate | Giganoid 2: Eroica | Giganoid 3: Clock | Giganoid 4: Resurrection | Giganoid 5: The Hunt | Giganoid 7: From The New World | Giganoid 8: Jupiter | Giganoid 9: Miracle | Giganoid 10: Tragic | Giganoid 11: Inextinguishable

