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Villains Wiki

~ Trypticon to the Autobots

Trypticon is an antagonist of the Aligned Transformers Continuity, first appearing in the game Transformers: War for Cybertron. Originally, Trypticon was a space station orbiting Cybertron used to store and study Dark Energon. When Megatron began to master its power, the Blood of Unicron gave Trypticon life, turning it into a Titan. Near the end of the War for Cybertron, Trypticon was dismantled and put into an advanced form of statis, only to be repurposed by the Decepticons into their flagship, The Nemesis.

He is the arch-nemesis of both Omega Supreme and Metroplex (the Autobot titans).

Trypticon is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in War for Cybertron , who also voiced Megatron within the same game and by Kevin Michael Richardson in Transformers Prime, who also voiced several Vehicons, Insecticons, and Makeshift in the same show.


Trypticon started out as an inanimate object, as a space station orbiting the planet, which was used to store Dark Energon. When Megatron lead the attack on Trypticon Station, Starsceam did everything in his power to stop them from getting the substance as he saw no way to control it. Megatron quickly proved Starsceam wrong and began using it in ways no one ever could before. After the station's successful capture, Megatron used it as a base of operations, before pumping more Dark Energon into the core of the station to control it. This had the unintended side effect of giving Trypticon sentience, turning it into a Titan Transformer, one with a robotic dragon like alt mode instead of a robot mode. Trypticon happily obeyed Megatron, attacking from orbit to destroy any Autobot ship who tried to leave the dying planet. Despite his massive weaponry, Trypticon was brought down by the Aerialbots. While he couldn't fly anymore, Trypticon soon began to lay waste to the planet, intending to raid the vaults of Iacon. The team of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Ironhide would attack him. During the battle, Prime and his team discovered that Trypticon's weapon usage caused overheating, which created gaps in his shielding. After a long hard battle, Optimus destroyed Trypticon's auxiliary power core, causing the titan to fall into an Energon Lake.

Trypticon. If you can hear me, understand this is not a rescue mission. Despite your great power, you failed to destroy the Autobots. You failed me. Henceforth, your chassis will be altered and redesigned to my specifications.
~ Megatron to Trypticon punishing him for his failure.

Afterwards, Trypticon's unconscious body was disassembled and his T-Cog destroyed, preventing him from Transforming. Despite several Autobots, including Ratchet and Optimus, speaking up, Optimus relutantly used Trypticon's own energon reserves to refuel the Autobots' ship the Ark. Shockwave would eventually learn the existence of Earth, which was rich in energon to conquer. Being they didn't have a vessel with a strong power core to get there, The Decepticons made an attempt on Trypticon, succeeding in getting to his main body but didn't get any repairs. Megatron punished Trypticon for failing to destroy the Autobots. With what remained, Megatron ordered Trypticon's parts to be rebuilt into The Nemesis but stuck in his alternate form due to the damage he sustained, turning the useless titan into a Decepticon Warship.


  • Trypticon's fate during Fall of Cybertron, in conjunction with the fate of the Autobot's largest transformer Metroplex, highlights the difference between the Autobots and the Decepticons, alongside the concern that their leaders have for their troops.
    • Unable to escape Cybertron himself, Metroplex voluntarily gave his life, despite Optimus' protests, so that the remaining Autobot's might stand a chance in the future. This sacrifice was honored by Prime, who mourned the fallen warrior.
    • In contrast, Megatron showed no concern for Trypticon's well being. Although he could have used the Iacon facility to repair or perhaps even upgrade Trypticon thus making him more powerful, he instead had Trypticons body dissected and altered to suit his own purpose. When Soundwave made it clear Trypticon would never recover from the process, Megatron made it very clear that he did not care because he punished Trytpicon when the Decepticon tian had failed him.
  • Trypticon's transformation into the Nemesis in the Fall of Cybertron and Transformers Prime is very similar to Omega Supreme's original fate in the Transformers Animated series. After a battle with the Decepticons, the heavily-injured giant was likewise transformed into a space ship and put in stasis by Ratchet. The difference was that Omega Supreme did this voluntarily and was later repaired with the help of Sari and the AllSpark Key. As such, he had regained his true form and will by the end of the series. Although temporarily awakened by the Dark Energon in Transformers Prime, Trypticon never regained his true form and as stated above, returned to stasis when Megatron removed the aforementioned energy source.
  • Bob Skir, one of the editors of Transformers: Prime, said in an interview on the Moonbase Podcast that during the episode Flying Mind, where the Nemesis came to life, it wasn't Trypticon that took over.[1] This confused several fans because not only had several pieces of Aligned media proven this otherwise, but also the book Transformers: The Art of Prime revealed a wireframe of what Trypticon would have looked like in series.
  1. The Moonbase 2 interviews Bob Skir, story editor from Beast Machines & writer on Transformers Prime.
            Transformersprimelogo Villains

Nemesis Crew: Megatron | Starscream | Soundwave | Shockwave | Knock Out | Breakdown | Airachnid | Dreadwing | Makeshift | Vehicons | Trypticon
Combaticons: Onslaught | Brawl | Swindle | Vortex | Blast Off | Bruticus
Insecticons: Sharpshot | Kickback | Hardshell
Predacons: Predaking | Skylynx and Darksteel | Ser-Ket | Backbite
Steeljaw's Pack: Steeljaw | Thunderhoof | Underbite | Clampdown | Fracture | Quillfire | Airazor | Divebomb | Groundpounder | Overload | Bisk | Springload
Glowstrike's Crew: Glowstrike | Scorponok | Saberhorn | Kickback
Scavengers: Clawtrap | Paralon | Scatterspike | Thermidor
Starscream's Crew: Starscream | Shadelock | Roughedge | Razorhorn
Stunticons: Motormaster | Heatseeker | Wildbreak | Dragstrip | Slashmark
High Council: Cyclonus | Cyberwarp | Skyjack | Treadshock | Riotgear | Galvatronus
Other Decepticons: Megatronus | Thundercracker | Skywarp | Barricade | Skyquake | Rumble & Frenzy | Hammerstrike | Chop Shop | Terrashock | Filch | Minitron | Ped | Malodor | Nightstrike | Vertebreak | Octopunch | Headlock | Scowl | Zizza | Pseudo | Backtrack | Ransack | Polarclaw | Crazybolt | Slicedice | Razorpaw | Swelter | Glacius | Torpor | Simacore | Axiom | Theorem | Bludgeon | Clout | Anvil | Hammer | Silverhound | Back | Forth | Stockade | Major Mayhem | Crustacion | Ragebyte | Zorillor | Boostwing | Jacknab | Pilfer | Shadow Raker | Flamesnort | Wingcode

Silas | M.E.C.H. Surgeon

Corrupted Worm | Scraplets | Spiders | Thaddeus Morocco | Nightra | Terrorcons (Terrorcon Cliffjumper) | Thunderwing | Unicron
