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Tsarmina Greeneyes is the main antagonist of the fantasy novel Mossflower, the second novel amongst the series of novels Redwall. She is the cruel and wrathful daughter of Verdauga Greeneyes, brother of Gingivere, niece of Ungatt Trunn, and granddaughter of King Mortspear, who becomes the tyrannical ruler of Mossflower after poisoning her father and framing her brother for it who seeks to maintain her tyrannical ruler over the lands. The woodlanders would start a rebellion against her rule, a rebellion she would actively try to crush by any means necessary, even if said means are extreme with the intent of enslaving those who survive her attacks.


Tsarmina is the daughter of Verdauga Greeneyes, the tyrannical ruler of Mossflower who has ruled it for a long time. She had assisted her father back then in putting down a poorly organized rebellion against his tyrannical rule and threw whoever was not massacred into prison and left them to rot, the aftermath involving some being partly enslaved after a kind of peace Verdauga made with them and being very much disorganized. She makes her first appearance with Fortunata, a healer fox working with Tsarmina as her ally, who had come to "heal" Verdauga as he lay ill in bed. Gingivere attempts to calm his father down as he speaks angrily towards Fortunate with Tsarmina pushing him scornfully and telling him to shut up only for Verdauga to scold her for talking to her own brother like that before Fortunata proceeds to carry on by giving Gingivere a potion she claims is harmless and is made from the herb motherwort to give to Verdauga before winking to Tsarmina as he does so due to the whole plan being a scheme to poison Verdauga and get Gingivere incriminated for the act. Later, Tsarmina would be placed in charge after her father grew ill and would take advantage of this to drive woodlanders too hard out onto the fields and disallow them from living on. Things eventually became so bad that a lot of them escaped from the settlement and as the numbers grew less, Tsarmina demanded more and more from the few.

Later on, when Martin the Warrior gets brought to Verdauga by guards for carrying arms and trespassing and calls Verdauga out, Tsarmina stands over him with his sword and berates and interrogates him before attempting to sentence him to be executed only for Gingivere to vouch against it, followed up by Verdauga having him be locked up in a cell before being set free eventually much to Tsarmina's fury as she ends up breaking the sword by throwing her weigt against it after setting it between the jamb of the door and the stone doorway before having the guards tie the broken weapon around his neck as they take him away. As Martin is taken away, he tells her that her decision was the right one, vowing that he will slay her one day, this being scoffed at by Tsarmina, not deeming him worth worrying about. After this, Tsarmina has Fortunata mix her father a stronger potion, claiming that he needs sleep from all the excitement before having Gingivere give it and then leaving to another room with her. Tsarmina then asks her if she's fixed it with Fortunata telling her she did it twice and now has enough poison to lay half the garrison low. Tsarmina then shows satisfaction with the response, though she threatens her to prepare some for herself if he's still alive in the morning.

The next day, it seems that the poison has worked as the guards spread the alarm of Verdauga being dead as Tsarmina feigns anguish and cries out that her father has been slain before Ashleg and Fortunata incriminate Gingivere by declaring that he had poisoned Verdauga. Gingivere then gets captured, bound in chains, and taken to a cell as blood trickled from a wound on his head while Tsarmina herself seizes power before telling Ashleg to bring October ale and elderberry wine from the storerooms and to make sure there is enough for everyone.

She then has her soldiers shoot at Argulor the eagle as he soars around the sky over Kotir, something she is conveyed to have often done whenever the eagle does this, before grabbing a particularly slow ferret and cuffing him soundly about the head and taking his bow and arrow before shooting at the eagle herself, causing it to retreat as Tsarmina prepares to vent her anger on Ashleg only for him to vanish inside when he saw the eagle diving before ordering the rest to leave. She then watches as Fortunata arrives at Kotir, berating her for being frightened of the eagle as the latter explains she was duckign the arrows and stones of her soldiers as they came down before complimenting her shot and unintentionally invoking her wrath by remarking what a shame it was that Argulor caught it as Tsarmina begins firing arrows at her before telling her to get inside with a civil tongue inside her head and then continuing shooting arrows while giggling wickedly at the sight of Fortunata beating a hopskip retreat.

Afterwards, Tsarmina converses in the hall with Fortunata and Ashleg while threatening them to not let words of this ever get out before Martin and Geonff, who were both escaping her, crash into them, leading to a chase scene as Martin and Geonff make their escape while pursued by Tsarmina and her forces, ending up hiding underneath a bed in a room as said room is searched. Goenff then outwits them and escapes with Martin as the chase continues with Tsarmina then ordering them to be killed as the chase leads outside of Kotir with the friends of Geonff assisting him and Martin in their escape. As she chases them, she realizes what was happening: the squirrels were taking a stand while the otters slipped off into Mossflower with the fugitives before ordering her ferret Captain Raker to stop there with a platoon and face the squirrels while she takes the rest and circles around them with the plan of cutting them off before taking the plan into action.

As she gets further ahead, she ends up coming across a group of otters assisting the others in their help led by Skipper who stay halted in their position as Tsarmina halts a short distance away. Tsarmina then tells him that the mice are hers and she will take them from the otter and that all the land belongs to her, declaring that if he gives them to her now she will not punishm them and will allow her creatures to go unharmed only for Skipper to deny her request while insulting her. Infuriated, Tsarmina raises a paw to her soldiers who began fitting arrows to bow strings. However, as she looked up, she notices Lady Amber, a badger also in league with the woodlanders, about to throw a light javelin at her, prompting Tsarmina to grab a ferret soldier near her who ends up being killed by the javelin. The squirrel queen then tells Tsarmina and her troops to unstring all of the bows and threatens her, prompting Tsarmina, who was still holding the ferret with the spear protruding from his lifeless form, to tell her troops to do as she says before letting the ferret falll, twisting the body as she let go of it.

As Skipper and his otters back off into the bushes, Tsarmina picks up the javelin from the dead soldier and throws it at Lady Amber who had momentarily relaxed the jaw in her paw as Skipper orders his crew to cut and run before Tsarmina continues the chase against them and cuts them off down the distance on an angle after retreating then coming back on a tangent. Skipper and the otters then sling stones at Tsarmina's troops who would then return fire with heavy spears that ends up killing some of the otters before Skipper has his otters jump into the pool with Martin and Gonff after telling them to take good breaths. Tsarmina is then left facing the squirrels with an arrow notched to a bow before spinning round and loosing the shaft, catching the last otter in the back before it hit the water, though the otter still managed to submerge and get away. After the other troops withdrawed, Tsarmina howls victoriously and orders her troops to cease fire and stand still before ordering Brogg and Scratt to go back to Kotir, see Fortunata, and bring the Gloomer (a monster rat who had been captured by Verdauga and robbed of normal sight after years of swimming in the dark murky waters of the lake being driven mad to the point of becoming feral and homicidal in the aftermath) to her, much to their frights as the Gloomer is completely mad, though Tsarmina threatens them if they don't do as she's told before settling down to sleep, lulled by the sounds of the two ferrets crashing and blundering off through the undergrowth.

Once they successfully bring the Gloomer to her albeit with some difficulties due to it being a wild creature Tsarmina prepares to send it after the woodlanders only for it to snap the lead Fortunata was holding and sploshing noisily into the water before heading in the direction of Camp Willow as the soldiers of Kotir run along the bank shouting excitedly. However, up ahead Stormfin the pike, who was unleashed by Skipper who was aware of Tsarmina's plan, attacks the Gloomer and gets into a fight with the feral rat and after a while, ends up reigning victorious over the battle. Tsarmina proceeds to shoot several arrows into the area where the pike had pulled it down before venting her wrath upon Fortunata by swinging a spear unto her throat before swinging it away and dipping it into the water, whipping out the collar once worn by the Gloomer. As Skipper laughs along the river, Tsarmina declares that before she is finished with Mossflower, every creature who defies her will wish its mover had never given birth to it and that the crying and the dying will be loud and long before Fortunata attempts to add a few words to the speech only to clash heads painfully with Brogg, humiliating themselves in front of the otters.

Back at Kotir, as Cludd organizes the troops, Tsarmina prowls silently out of the main door onto the sunlit parade ground and signals to Cludd who declares tribute to her followed by 12 circuits of the square at the double. The troops then shout out her aliases before Tsarmina asks Ashleg who had "Daughter of Lord Greeneyes" be amongst her list of titles before berating them and then telling Cludd to keep Ashleg in front of the army and that she is no longer to be called Daughter of Lord Greeneyes and instead Tsarmina the Magnificent before Tsarmina has the troops throw spears at Ashleg as sadistic punishment while he desperately tries to avoid them while Tsarmina laughs mockingly, though she eventually calls a halt to it due to being reminded of his usefulness by Fortunata. She then continues berating her troops before declaring that Mossflower will be drencehd in the blood of any creature who will not obey her, be it a woodlander or a soldier of Kotir and has Cludd, Ashleg, and Fortunata split the army four ways, take a group each, go into the forest, hunt out every last woodlander, take them prisoners, and kill any that resist so that Kotir will grow strong again with prisoners to serve it, intending on enslaving them, having the flatlands to the west cultivated and farmed, depriving them of settlements giving them separate cells instead, toil them from dawn to dusk, and starve any families to set an example. Afterwards, she notices a spear on the floor and realizes that Argulor was about to attack her, prompting her to take a swift run and getting back into her fortress, being satisfied that no one had witnessed her retreat.

Tsarmina then watches from her barred window in full view of Argulor's perch and baits him into attacking her only for him to smash against the barred window as she mocks him. Then, she digs her claws into a rug as she revels in the pretense of pinioning helpless woodlanders in her needlelike grip, imagining hides before whirling over and tossing the rug high in the air, leaping upon it and renting it fiercely with her savage strength before pacing restlessly, the idea of woodlanders being marched in roaming her mind as she thinks about how she would drown some of them and throw spears at the others and enslave the others. She then runds down to her cells, looking at the bars while talking to herself about how there will be males in one cell, females in another, and young ones in a special prison all of their own where they can be heard but not seen by their parents. She then notices Gingivere, whom she has starved to the point of where he was fading into a gaunt skeleton, proceeding to mock him before he yells at her for murdering their father, prompting her to run away as he slumps to the floor crying.

Later on, she watches the perimeter of the woodland as she stands at her high chamber window and notices her troops returning lead by Cludd and gets infuriated at the sight of no mass of captives or losses amongst them before angrily slashing a wall curtain and going downstairs to the parade ground and prowls between the ranks. She then begins circling an intimidated Fortunata and asks her in a calm and faux polite tone if the two small woodlanders (Ferdy and Coggs) they captured put up a ferocious battle and what her part was before going to Ashleg and, noticing his wooden leg, asking him if one of the two woodlanders nibbled through his leg. As Ashleg explains that his patrol was accidentally attacked by Fortunata's command in the night, Tsarmina widens her eyes in mock horror and sarcastically comments on how awful it was before turning her back on the scene and shedding the tones dripping sarcasm and ordering them all to get out of her sight and having Fortunata, Ashleg, and Cludd bring the prisoners up to her chamber.

As Ferdy and Coggs lay on the floor of Tsarmina's room, Tsarmina sat watching impassively as Ashleg released them from their gags and Clludd declares that they're fit enough before Tsarmina intimidates Ferdy and Coggs for saying that Tsarmina is not their majesty and laughs as she puts on a benevolent facade and begins eating food in front of them that she had on a tray while making a "generous" offer to share some of it, though Coggs warns Ferdy not to touch it under suspicion that it may be poisoned. Tsarmina explains that if the food was poisoned, she'd be ill by now and tries to goad them into giving her information about the woodlanders in exchange for the food. She then notices that they are tired as they yawn and their eyelids begin drooping and offers to give them a nice bed to lie down on in exchange for the information while clearly dishonestly vowing not to harm them and that they'll be free only for Ferdy to respond that they are free while trying to fight back sleep. Tsarmina, controlling her temper, tells them to consider their position and that they won't be free until they answer her questions only for Ferdy and Coggs to succumb to their tiredness and fall asleep snoring. Cludd then asks her why she doesn't string them up and give them a tase of her claws to make them talk to which Tsarmina responds by telling him that they wouldn't last long with that treatment and that they are valuable hostages before commanding him to lock them up in the cells for the night with the intent of starving them to see if they will be hungry enough to talk business the next day.

Later, Tsarmina stands watching the dawn break over Mossflower from her chamber window, being satisfied with her plan, knowing that the woodlanders had already realized the two baby hedgehogs were missing and are sending out search parties. She had detailed Cludd and another weasel named Scratch to patrol the woods along with a picked group of twenty or so. She watched them slip out of the perimeter gate armed with their own choice of weapons and equipped with rations, curling her lips in satisfaction as there was no need to try interrogating Ferdy and Coggs at the moment, thinking about how much easier it will be to interview them once they haven't eaten for a few days. Towards evening, however, she began to grow restless and had them brought up from the cells and decides to try to tempt them into giving up information once again by eating the food she had on a platter in her room and remarking on how delicious it is while putting on a friendly façade and almost gets the name of their mother, Goody, out of Ferdy who was caught completely off guard only for Coggs to use her name in the context of a remark on how good her apple pie is, infuriating Tsarmina, who has her guards lock them up again with the intent of starving them for another week, unaware that her brother, Gingivere, was able to interact with them and give them food to eat throughout their time there and was also making a plan with the robin, Chibb, (an ally of the woodlanders) to help them escape.

While watching Cludd and his patrol hurry to Kotir from the north fringes from her high chamber, sweeping her gaze in an arc, she notices a movement at the south edge of the forest, realizing it's the woodlanders before ordering a ferret named Raker to alert the entire garrison, have them form up inside the barracks awaiting her orders, and to be silent and to send Cludd to her as he'll arrive shortly. As Raker goes to fulfill this order, Tsarmina continues peering intently at the band of otters, mice, hedgehogs, and squirrels, priding herself on having the element of surprise on her side. When she heads down the stairs, she bumps into Cludd who attempts to inform her of a robin (Chibb) flying through the woods and being a potential ally of the woodlanders only for Tsarmina to angrily brush this off before going down the stairs.

She then proceeds to lead an attack on the woodlanders through arrows and spears being launched at them though the woodlanders fight back through launching their own arrows and stones at Tsarmina's troops. As Tsarmina is forced back into her own ranks, she snarls out orders to her troops and continues ruthlessly pushing her troops forward. Eventually, after hearing another order from Lady Amber to the archers amongst the woodlanders to fire arrows, Tsarmina orders her troops to keep their heads down and their shields up before eventually lifting them, noticing that the otters are gone and the squirrels are retreating. Tsarmina proceeds to have Cludd take 10 soldiers and investigate a trap that she thinks they've set up. When they return, Cludd explains that it was all a trick to make them think they were still there. As the troops assume that they've won and celebrate, Tsarmina angrily berates them, telling them that it's an empty triumph since there was no plunder, slaves, or sumbission and have gained nothing before another volley of arrows gets shot down at them catching them off guard from a bunch of squirrels, prompting Tsarmina to make an undignified retreat behind an elm tree she had conquered as the squirrels laugh before swinging off into Mossflower.

Back at Kotir, Tsarmina bounds into the barracks where soldiers wounded and/or injured from the fight lay about, ordering Cludd and Ashleg to come to her room where she rhetorically asks them what happened to her ambush in the woods, clears a table in one reckless sweep in anger, and says that they've gained nothing as she rages around the chamber and continues berating them before explaining that as a conqueror, she has an army to feed and that soldiers are no good at prociding anything unless they can snatch it away from the helpless and asks them if they have any ideas. Cludd brings up Ferdy and Coggs, whom Tsarmina considers as hostages to use to force the woodlanders pay as ransom for them before Fortunata brings up that they are a soft sentimental lot when it comes to young ones as Tsarmina concots a plan involving them being exposed to real suffering or danger to force them to accept their terms, unaware that Chibb was paying attention to the conversation from a window ledge and would inform Gingivere, who would come up with a plan to hide them in his own cell after sealing the wallholes up.

Later, when a stoat who had been forced into coming into the room fearful of Tsarmina's wrath informs her of the prisoners being gone, she angrily throws him to the ground before ordering her guards to search the cells. Tsarmina herself comes down and goes to Gingivere's cell, trying to get him to tell her how the hedgehogs escaped while threatening him only for Gingivere to act crazy and tell her that she let them escape with Tsarmina buying it before sweeping off down the passage with Cludd eventually leaving after too.

Once again, Tsarmina stares from her high window at the woodlanders, noticing what she believes to be Ferdy and Coggs (who were really different animals the woodlanders disguised to trick her) about them before concocting a plan involving Fortunata that she explains to her involving her disguising herself as a different fox and a healer to trick the woodlanders into trusting her before she takes Ferdy and Coggs back to Tsarmina. As Fortunata goes into the woods, Tsarmina has Cludd get somebody to clean up her room, drill and keep on alert the troops, and to get a foraging party together to outlast the woodlanders. Unbeknownst to them, however, the woodlanders have already recognized Fortunata upon spying on her in the woods and have one of Skipper's friends, Mask, disguise himself as a random fox to gain Fortunata's trust and pretend to be a fox looking for the woodlanders' home and then go to Tsarmina's fortress to gain her trust and join her troops with the intent of outwitting and betraying them eventually.

As she continues staring from her high window, she tells Cludd to get food birds like to eat to use for traps and archers to set about before halting him upon seeing a fox (who was really Mask in disguise as one) having Ferdy and Coggs in his hands while in pursuit by a band of otters and squirrels. She tells Cludd to get the nearest troops and to help the fox while she watches as he puts up a good fight against them before the troops came in and caused the woodlanders to retreat. As Mask is being escorted by Cludd, Tsarmina peers closely at him while standing in the entrance hall and says that he didn't do too badly himself with grudging admiration in her voice before asking him what his name is and how he came there. Mask then introduces himself as "Patchcoat", tells her that Fortunata has told her about her, and explains that Fortunata is probably lying in the woods before throwing Cludd to the ground with his spear at his throat out of spite for prodding him with it and offers his alliance to Tsarmina, which she accepts and promotes him as captain, telling Cludd that he is to do as he orders from now on. Ashleg then stumps in with a band of soldiers with Fortunata's corpse, explaining that she had been killed, to which Tsarmina apathetically brushes off by telling him to throw her corpse outsid in the woods for the eagle before telling "Patchcoat" to meet her in her chamber later to discuss things.

However, Mask ends up getting his disguised exposed by Cludd accidentally tearing off his fake tail while trying to cause pain to him by stomping it out of spite as he is pretending to escort Gingivere along with Ferdy and Coggs to Tsarmina, resulting in Tsarmina being alerted as Mask, Gingivere, Ferdy, and Coggs try to escape her troops, the whole chase leading to outside where they are still pursued by Cludd, Ashleg, and a band of soldiers while Tsarmina armed herself with bow and arrow in hopes of spotting Argulor dispose of Fortunata's remains and shot an arrow at them with the intent of striking Gingivere, though it ends up striking Mask (resulting in him dying later) instead due to him unintentionally getting in front of the arrow while dashing from behind to see if he could help Gingivere, who had dropped Coggs and bent to pick him up. Mask, however, ends up being rescued by Gingivere who supports him through the woodlanders' gate while the otters and squirrels drove back the troops. Back at the main hallway, Tsarmina joined Cludd with a band of reinforcements at her back and shouts at them to get out there due to the woodlanders being easily outnumbered as the forces of Kotir flood out across the open groung with Tsarmina madly racing ahead of them spurred on by her own fury.

As she and her troops approach the gate, Tsarmina guessed that the gates would have been barred to slow her progress and manages to jump over the gate using the backs of several soldiers and noticing the tracks, she deduces the route they've taken and leads her troops to find their hideout. As she pushes her party hard, she sniffs the tracks and recognizes them as the woodlanders', namely her brother's, before continuing the chase. Cludd then points out blood spots on the leaves of a lilac bush and deduces that it is otter blood from the one who had deceived them into thinking he was a fox and that he took the arrow meant for Gingivere. Cludd then expresses hatred for him and wanting him to himself to which Tsarmina grants him permission to take who he pleases but to leave Gingivere to her before the soldiers continue marching forward continually. Ashleg then spots the river that Gloomer had died in and reminds Tsarmina of this and points out that this can't be where the woodlanders have their headquarters, though Tsarmina says that since this is where the trail leads, that is where they will be. They then notice an otter wearing Cludd's coat, thinking that it is Mask to which Tsarmina orders him to kill him if he wants to wear that cloak as captain again, though it quickly gets revealed to be Skipper who provokes Cludd into attacking him in order to fight him.

Meanwhile, Tsarmina has her archers scatter volleys into the trees and brush in case of concealed woodlanders and then all else was forgotten as they broke off to watch the battle between Skipper and Cludd at the water's edge. When Skipper ends up winning the fight, Tsarmina hurls her troops forward at Skipper only for a band of otters to break cover, stop them with javelins and slingstones, and rattle a last furious salvo at the soldiers of Kotir, several of whom end up falling into the water, including Tsarmina who instantly orders herself to be taken out of the water before they lose the pike. She then races up and down the bank, snatching spears from her soldiers, hurling them vindictively at the water while challenging the woodlanders. Bella then appears, telling Tsarmina to stay away from Mossflower to which Tsarmina responds by running to the water's edge only to halt upon seeing their pike in the river. Instead, she gives them another threat to fight them all to the death and orders her archers to fire though Bella had gone before an arrow could be strung.

As she and her troops return to Kotir, Tsarmina berates them for standing and watching as their captain got killed by an otter to which one of them responds by pointing out her hypocrisy through doing nothing to help Cludd herself. Infuriated, Tsarmina angrily demands to know who said that and as the troop points out she had the biggest bow and didn't use it, Tsarmina orders Ashleg to find whoever said it. Once they return to Kotir, Tsarmina orders Ashleg to dismiss them to their barracks. The troop then comments on how they wish they had comfy chambers instead to which Tsarmina turns to confront them, though she stifles her reply instead and goes back to the main door.

When she falls asleep, she has a nightmare about drowning before waking up and looking at the stone beneath her, noticing the pawprints of two mice and two moles (4 of the woodlanders who had been in her chamber) before calling Ashleg up to her chamber, ordering him to search the room for mice and moles. After he finishes searching and reports that there are no mice or moles in the room, she orders him to search the whole of Kotir, though she halts him before he gets to do it to ask him where Gingivere is. When he tells her he's escaped, Tsarmina chuckles and tells him that he doesn't fool her as she believes that since the woodlanders had tricked her into thinking they had Ferdy and Coggs back in disguises and an otter tricked her into thinking he was a fox, she believes that Gingivere is still around too and tries to goad him into telling her the "truth." Ashleg, however, tries to convince her that he is by telling her that he was loyal and faithful to her father and to her, though this only infuriates the disbelieving Tsarmina more as she pierces her claws into his shoulder, causing him to bleed before she releases him and scrubs herself furiously with her own cloak while Ashleg quietly leaves the room and goes down the stairs swiftly, hearing Tsarmina say to stay away as she won't come near the water.

With Cludd gone, Tsarmina promotes Brogg as the new captain of the guard and orders him to find Gingivere under the belief that he had kidnapped Ashleg and to have Ratflank be another captain to search the entire army one by one and to check to make sure that their tails are their own tails, believing that one of them is Gingivere in disguise. Later, in the woods, Tsarmina searches for Gingivere through the foliage while armed with her bow and arrow and does this for a bit of time continuously. A bit later, unaware that Brogg had ordered Squint to follow her, Tsarmina hears bushes being pushed and twigs and branches being cracked and shoots in the direction of the noise, believing it to be her brother even when looking at the body of Squint, believing it to be him in disguise.

Later on, back at Kotir, Tsarmina is greeted by a fox named Bane, who was the leader of a band of mercenary plunderers consisting of about sixty in all with foxes, rats, and weasels, and a skilled fighter and strategist who offers his services to Tsarmina, explaining that he apparently fought alongside and against her father and while Tsarmina was initially reluctant to accept his offer due to what happened before, she winds up accepting it on account of a deal they made where she vows to rule Mossflower equally with him if he helps her win her battles against the woodlanders. In her chamber, she listens to his ideas with respect though with the intent of betraying him later as Bane explains his plan of having the full strength out in skirmish line, combing the forest thoroughly, kill any who resist, and take the rest prisoner and to burn the trees or chop them down in order to take care of the squirrel archers, intending on starting this the next day at first light.

Once they lead this attack, they end up catching the woodlanders completely off guard and wind up winning the battle and scoring a victory against them, getting at least 6 of the woodlanders killed before they retreated albeit at the cost of 10 of their own. When Bane offers to return to Kotir with his band with the goal of starting another dawn raid the next day, Tsarmina, suspicious of him planning on taking over Kotir in her absence, instead having Brogg stay behind with some of the others to fill up the holes the woodlanders set up while she and the rest go back to Kotir with Bane where they plan another ambush to get as deep as they can into Mossflower the next morning by setting out at dawn in a skirmish line, killing or capturing all before them, unaware that Chibb the robin had been spying on them and informed the woodlanders of this.

The next day, Bane and Tsarmina pace restlessly about in the entrance hall while they wait for their troops to get up and once they do, Bane prepares to lead the attack only for an attack to be launched onto them by the woodlanders who began shooting at Kotir with arrows in order to prevent them from making the attack, killing some of their troops in the aftermath as they try to look for ways to escape to no avail. Tsarmina then suggests they close the doors and wait until the woodlanders leave which they wind up doing. After a bit, Tsarmina sits and eats woodpigeon with Bane in an inner room with no windows before Ratflank comes in to inform her of fire arrows being shot into the doors and window shutters and that they'll only burn woodwork, though Tsarmina realizes this means her chamber is on fire and instantly panics and runs to it, ordering her troops to get water up there and put it out regardless of the fire in other places like the front door.

Afterwards, once the woodlanders had gone, Bane suggests sneaking out of Kotir and hiding in the bushes at the edge of the forest to turn any ambush the woodlanders might come up with onto them. When Brogg chuckles encouragingly, Tsarmina turns a frosty stare towards him, intimidating him to stop and began openly accusing Bane of wanting to take Kotir for himself, resulting in a brief argument between them before Bane goes out into the woods with the forces later on that night where they would watch each other like pike eyeing a water beetle. She would then scan the surrounding treetops for signs that Argulor might be abroad, concocting a scheme to get rid of Bane.

The next day, Tsarmina converses with Brogg, pretending to commend him on how good of a captain he is and that had Bane not entered the picture, she would have promoted him as supreme general before continuing to accuse Bane of wanting to rule Kotir and telling Brogg to tell Bane to meet her up in her chamber if he speaks to him. Bane then comes up to her chamber and sits at the table Tsarmina was sitting at where Tsarmina would put on a grateful facade and pretend to have changed her opinion on Bane, claiming that she has realized how wrong she was of him upon analyzing how helpful he was to her, though she wasn't able to convince him easily as Bane was initially suspicious at the change before going along with it. As they then go to examine the gates, Tsarmina offers him a cloak (formerly Ashleg's cloak), claiming that it was made for a Lord. Once they arrive at the gates, Tsarmina claims that they've been rocking on their hinges, though Bane questions this, saying that they seem solid enough to him before Tsarmina unbolted the locks and said that she is sure they've done something to the hinges from outside and ends up forcing Bane to go have a look despite him not being convinced that there's something wrong with the gates.

Once he does, she shuts them as Argulor then awakens from a tree and notices the cloak on Bane from far away, mistaking him for Ashleg (whom he has been obsessed with hunting down), resulting in Argulor grabbing Bane from behind on his talons as he questions Tsarmina and begins crushing him to death as he flies away though Bane manages to strike the eagle with his sword several times while Tsarmina watches this from her window, dancing up and down with glee and eventually both of them die, Bane from being crushed by Argulor's talons and Argulor from succumbing to the wounds inflicted on him by Bane, causing both of them to fall from the sky, satisfying Tsarmina as both of whom she deemed enemies have been killed in one single stroke. Hearing a quarrel that ensued between Brogg and Ratflank as the former dashes to get Bane's cloak, she recognizes Ratflank as the voice that had often insulted her from within the ranks and as such, while ordering Brogg to bury Bane and Argulor's bodies, she tells him to bury Ratflank with them too and permits him to have Bane's cloak and curved sword.

She then makes an announcement to Bane's troops informing them of Bane's death and that they take their orders from her and will be lead by Brogg before dismissing all of them while telling Brogg to stay. Once the hall was emptied, she tells him that she hears the sound of water flowing (which was a result of the woodlanders attempting to flood Kotir) as she then begins to cower in a corner with her paws covering her ears to shut out the noise and orders Brogg to get some troops and find out where the water is coming from and stop it, terror being all over her face as Brogg leaves the room. That night, Tsarmina would sit huddled in her chamber, the sound of the dripping water continuously echoing in her imagination, paralyzed with fear.

She then lays onto the parade ground with her ear to the floor, listening for water before then going near the wall of the building still listening and beckons Brogg over to listen to the ground to tell her what he hears, though Brogg tells her he hears nothing. When she questions him if he's actually searched below the cells the night before, Brogg responds that he did to which Tsarmina subtly accuses him of lying before repeating the question with Brogg, taking advantage of the fear across her features, telling her that he has and told her that they could go down there to recheck together if she wants. Tarmina, unable to stop her body from shaking, sits on the ground, unconsciously wiping her paws across her coat and refuses, stating that she'll be in her chamber just in case before hurrying indoors.

While at her high window, Tsarmina begins to sooth herself by breathing in the air from outside and begins concocting a new resolution to conquer Mossflower now that Argulor and Bane were gone and her forces are stronger with the addition of his one-time mercenaries, while sniggering about what happened to Bane, still under the belief that he was intending on overthrowing her to rule Kotir. She then furnishes herself with a bowl of milk and a roasted woodpidgeon, mentally thanking Bane for his supplies as she does so before ringing the bell to summon Brogg whom she converses with on account of keeping him as her one and only officer giving out her orders much to his delight and telling him to set up traps all around the forest to capture, kill, and/or maim any creatures. Brogg tells her he'll start today while also suggesting some covered pits with sharpened stakes at the bottom which she commends and takes before he goes. Tsarmina then clutches her woodpigeon and throws it towards the forest, pretending to say to the woodlanders to have something to eat as she believes they'll need it by the time autumn comes and they'll see who runs out of supplies first.

Later on, after being awakened by Chinwart under orders of Brogg to alert her of the woodlanders, Tsarmina comes bounding down as Brogg explains to her that they're carrying a white flag, suggesting that that makes them peacable though Tsarmina instead decided to hear what they have to say. As she steps out into the open, Tsarmina tells Brogg to ready the archers and wait for her signal. As she begins talking to the woodlanders, Martin stands up to her, telling her that she has no right to tyrannize or try to enslave them and Mossflower is their home to which Tsarmina laughs at and mocks them, telling them that she should've killed them when she had the chance as she is queen of the Thousand Eyes. Martin then explains his terms: leave the place by sunset and take her army with her without harming any woodlanders and she will be left in peace, but if she does not leave, she will die then and there, giving his word as a warrior.

Tsarmina at first remains silent as if she actually was considering both offers, though she soon swears to him that they will all be slain where they stand and right then and there, she signals the archers who leapt forth ready to fire as she asks Martin what he says to that while smiling sarcastically. Martin, however, stands his ground and declares that they will stand there and be killed though he warns her that every woodlander who can draw bowstring or throw javelin is aiming right at her heart and dares her to tell her archers to fire as they will die so that Mossflower can be rid of her. In an urgent hiss, she calls down the archers and tells to Martin that this isn't where it finishes before Martin warns her one more time that until sunset, they will wait outside for her answer. Tsarmina then dashes inside, telling the troops to get onto the very top or Kotir. There, she orders them to fire their arrows and watches as they vanish into the treetop foliage though there were no screams or cries and as such, she orders them to fire again with still no results.

She then orders then to stop before someone points out the bushes moving, prompting her to order her troops to fire more arrows at the bushes, unaware that this is a trick set up by the woodlanders. Afterwards, she orders her troops to get across the open ground quickly and avoid dropping the ladders, resulting in a large attack force led by Brogg as they scale the walls until the top was thick with soldiers and eventually, a battle engages between the woodlanders and Tsarmina's forces though the latter ends up retreating due to Martin outwitting Brogg with his skills. Back at Kotir, Tsarmina berated her soldiers while trying to think up fresh schemes for victory. Later, during the afternoon, Tsarmina ventured to her high window and notices Martin standing on top of the wall, asking him what he wants. Martin responds by reminding her of the ultimatum he gave her earlier. Tsarmina, in turn, responds by shooting an arrow at him that strikes him in the side, though he declares that he will bring the place down before departing.

Meanwhile, the troops that were formerly Bane's begin to consider abandoning Kotir which Tsarmina overhears, resulting in her berating them and showing an example by having 2 troops push against the wall to show that it would take more than all of them and the woodlanders to make a single dent in the stones before the troops begin cheering her on. Tsarmina then explains her plan to last out the summer and to have her archers prepare many fire arrows like the ones the woodlanders shot at them with the intent of burning the woodlanders and their forest together in autumn.

However, later on, due to Martin and the woodlanders sinking a ship that he used to get there, the water that they failed to get to flood Kotir finally began to do so, starting off with a fox alerting Brogg and Whegg of water coming up between the pantry floorstones, something Tsarmina herself hears as she pushes past them urgently ordering them to follow her to the pantry passage. When they arrive, they notice that much more water has filled up than before, covering the whole floor then. As her eyes riveted on the water, Tsarmina orders Whegg to get through to the dungeons to tell the guards there to come up and report to her before backing up several stairs and waiting as he carries out the order. Whegg, however, ends up coming back reporting that the staircase to the cells is completely underwater and there are 2 drowned weasels floating in there. As the troops begin panicking, Tsarmina hurries to her chamber, grabs her bow from the wall, and shoots arrow after arrow at the empty face of the woodlands, shrieking at the woodlanders to show themselves and Martin to come out and fight. Upon arriving downstairs to see a weasel called Foulwhisker attempting to abandon the place, Tsarmina kills him right on the spot by dealing him a furious blow before lifting the body and throwing it over the battlements while challenging the others. She then orders them to prepare to fight against the woodlanders only for the roof to begin shaking. Tsarmina dashes to the edge and notices a second boulder come whizzing through the air onto up the wall, resulting in masonry falling and splashing into the water from the gap left by the striking missile. As the roof continued to shake from the impact of another boulder, Tsarmina grasps the battlement, staring wildly across the deep flooded area.

She turns to the battlements to give an order to her soldiers only to find them gone and the roof deserted with many foxes, weasels, ferrets, stoats, and rats swimming about in the water or hanging onto doors they hacked off with their weapons. The only one there is Brogg who is faithfully standing at the head of the stairs and warns Tsarmina to hurry down as the whole building is beginning to crumble. Tsarmina turns left then right, running to the battlements looking over before running back in agitation whilst declaring that they'll win yet and that her brother, Gingivere, was behind all this. They then make their way to the high chamber where Brogg pulls a table out of a window that ends up splashing into the water and helps Tsarmina get onto it from a window ledge. As the table floats, Brogg attempts to get onto it himself, though Tsarmina proceeds to desert him by pushing far from him across the wall, telling him that he'll find something and to get ashore and regroup the army and that she'll make Martin and her brother pay for the loss of Kotir before floating off, resulting in Brogg getting killed by a huge ballista boulder launched at him by the woodlanders.

Tsarmina then paddles to land and sprang ashore before watching as Kotir finishes collapsing with anger. Martin then confronts her, telling her that he has kept his promise to her now that Kotir has fallen. Tsarmina proceeds to mock him by asking where his woodland allies are and Martin responds by insulting her, calling her scum floated ashore on an upturned kitchen table, provoking Tsarmina to dive straight unto him, managing to dig her claws deep into his back before Martin slashes her ribs as the two proceed to engage in a bloody battle. Tsarmina would manage to slash him many times with her claws and wound him severely, though Martin would persistently continue to fight against her with his sword, eventually managing to close in as Tsarmina recalls the threat Martin gave her back when he was at her and Verdauga's mercy and begins to pace back continuously, eventually winding up going too deep into the waters of the lake and winding up drowning to death, putting an end to her tyrannical reign once and for all. Martin would wind up almost dying due to the wounds Tsarmina inflicted on him, though he would be saved by the woodlanders whom he befriended and would celebrate their freedom with afterwards.

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           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
