Tyhrranoids are a species serving as major antagonists of the video game Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. They are a race of aliens who had allied themselves with Dr. Nefarious in his quest to eliminate organic life in Solana Galaxy.
At some point, the Tyhrranoids made an alliance with Dr. Nefarious, and waged war against the rest of Solana Galaxy on his orders. After learning of their attack on Veldin, Ratchet and Clank returned to Solana Galaxy and helped protect the planet. Tyhrranoids later attacked the capital planet Marcadia, but were fought off yet again. Galactic Rangers and Q-Force eventually launched an attack on their own planet, Tyhrranosis, where Ratchet and Clank defeated Momma Tyhrranoid, though Captain Qwark claimed the credit for their work.
On Kerwan, Nefarious finally unleashed the true power of his Biobliterator weapon, turning all Tyhrranoids fighting in Metropolis into robots in the process. They continued fighting the Galactic Rangers and Q-Force until Nefarious was defeated.
After that, Tyhrranoids only appeared on TV or were mentioned by other characters. Notably, in a Secret Agent Clank episode, a number of Tyhrranoids imprisoned on Prison Planet after Ratchet defeated them, attempted to get their revenge on the lombax after he also ended up in prison.
Tyhrranoids are staple-eyed and reptilian in appearance. They have no set number of eyes, ranging from one to nine depending on the specimen. The existence of a Momma Tyhrranoid implies that the species exhibit polyphenism, with queens giving birth to the rest of the kind.
After being turned into Robonoids, they become more durable than before.
Though not particularly intelligent, Tyhrranoids are still formidable fighters, able to pose a threat to Solana Galaxy's main defense forces. They speak their own language, which members of other species can understand and speak with the help of Tyhhra-Guise device, which they may also use to disguise themselves as Tyhrranoids.