The Tyrant Avengers is a villainous group from Marvel comics and one of many examples of a dystopian alternate-reality take on traditional superheroes, transforming them instead into supervillains.
While the mainstream Avengers are heroes who dedicate their lives to defending the weak and punishing those who abuse power this version of the team are reckless, aggressive and hideously cruel criminals who go as far as killing innocent human beings simply for not kneeling before their presence, seeing themselves as gods and acting as such (specifically cruel, uncaring gods).
The Tyrant Avengers came from an alternate Earth that was destroyed during a cosmic-scale known as an Incursion, yet the organization known as AIM saved the group from destruction and brought them to the mainstream Marvel universe, the group managed to escape AIM Island and went on a rampage.
They would be stopped by the mainstream Avengers but ultimately both groups were captured by AIM - who would proceed to send the Tyrant Avengers back to their native reality, or rather they would have said reality not been destroyed: instead, General America decided to pick a reality with no other Avengers in it, which AIM agreed to .. a "paradise, just waiting to be plundered".
- General America - the leader of Dark Avengers, and a darker take on Captain America.
- Thorr Odinson - an extremely vicious version of Thor, as demonstrated when he murdered a group of humans simply for not kneeling before him.
- Iron-Monger
- Wasp
- Ant-Man - the sole member of the Tyrant Avengers to die.
- Hulk - this feral and brutish version of Hulk is lobotomized, under the control of Wasp, he is also a certified sociopath. (and well aware of the fact)
They are Marvel's version of DC's Crime Syndicate, a villainous version of the Justice League of America