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A brighter future and a better life.
~ A company logo of the Ultor Corporation.

The Ultor Corporation, named after an ancient Roman temple Ultor devoted to the Roman god of war Mars, was the body in complete control of governance and industry on Mars prior to the First Martian Revolution when they were overthrown by the Red Faction insurgency and the Earth Defense Force. They are the major antagonistic group in the video game Red Faction and they made a crossover appearance in the Saints Row video game franchise, in which they appeared as the main antagonistic faction in Saints Row 2; however, they became allies with the Saints by the events of Saints Row: The Third.

Their rule was an infamous chapter in the history of human settlement on the red planet, marked by the virtual enslavement of their workforce and free run to characters such as their insidious head scientist, Axel Capek.


Saints Row'[]

During the events of the game the Ultor Corporation were a clothing company. Following the death of Richard Hughes, they began to crack down on the crime in Stilwater and rebuild and expand the city, rising to prominence.

Saints Row 2[]

Around five years after the original game, Ultor are a huge corporation with control over Stilwater and led by Dane Vogel. After the downfall of the three gangs Vogel attempts to have the newly formed 3rd Street Saints boss killed, although fails. Dane is killed by the Boss, with Richard Gryphon taking control.

Former Saints member Dexter Jackson became Head of Security for the company and tried to have The Boss killed to tie up all loose ends. The Boss began to bring down Dex's illegal toxic waste smuggling operation and forced him to flee the city.

Saints Row: The Third[]

The Saints entered into a partnership with the Ultor Corporation which allowed them to have their own brands of clothing, energy drinks, commercials and toy line (with also a movie Gangstas in Space in the pipeline), which rose the Saints to became beloved celebrities.

Saints Row IV[]

The Ultor Corporation's operation on earth ceases to exist after alien warlord Zinyak destroys the entire planet. Their Masako team appears in one of Zinyak's nightmare simulations, as well as an "evil" version of the Boss seemingly in charge of the company.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell[]

It is shown that following his death Dane Vogel was sent to Hell where he established a new Ultor Corporation in the city of New Hades. When Johnny Gat and Kenzie Kensington arrive in Hell to rescue the Boss from Satan they form an alliance with Dane and Ultor to stop Satan. Former Head of Security Dex also lives in New Hades although as a damned husk with no more involvement with Ultor.



           3rd Street Saints logo Saints Row Villains Villains

3rd Street Saints
The Boss | Johnny Gat | Julius Little | Dexter Jackson | Troy Bradshaw | Lin | Carlos Mendoza | Shaundi | Pierce Washington | Oleg Kirrlov | Kinzie Kensington | Zimos | Angel De La Muerte | Viola DeWynter | Keith David | Benjamin King | Matt Miller

The Vice Kings
Benjamin King | Tanya Winters | Warren Williams | Big Tony

Los Carnales
Angelo Lopez | Victor Rodriguez | Luz Avalos | Hector Lopez | Manuel Orejuela

Westside Rollerz
Joseph Price | William Sharp | Donnie

The Ronin
Kazuo Akuji | Shogo Akuji | Jyunichi

Sons of Samedi
The General | Mr. Sunshine | DJ Veteran Child

The Brotherhood
Maero | Jessica Parish | Donnie | Matt

Ultor Corporation
Dane Vogel | Dexter Jackson

The Syndicate
The Morningstar
Phillipe Loren | Viola DeWynter | Kiki DeWynter
The Luchadores
The Deckers
Matt Miller

Cyrus Temple | Kia

Zin Empire
Zinyak | Professor Genki | The Dominatrix

Morningstar | Doctor Babylon | Marcus Longinus | Lucas Brimstone

The Idols
The Collective | Kevin

Los Panteros
Sergio Velez | Neenah

The Saints
The Boss (2022) | Neenah | Kevin | Eli | The Nahualli
Managers of Criminal Ventures & Associates
Jim Rob | Chuy | Jersey Dan | Tamira Bowens | Amanda Rollins | Sergeant Vicario | Joannie Utah | Winston | Sylvia | Hawk | Emilio | Diamond | Julian | Davey | Josh | Barb | The Associate

Marshall Defense Industries
Atticus Marshall

Richard Hughes | Chief Monroe | First Born Loans | Monica Hughes | Zombies | The Cardinal | The Bloody Canoness | Andy Zhen | Johnny Tag | Mr. X | Paul | Clawz | Twinkle | Clawz’s minions | Dom the Dom | Satan | Sinterpol Security | Chris Hardy | Doc Ketchum
