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The Ursan Federation, or just Ursa is a major nation in the Roblox game “DEAD AHEAD”, and an upcoming nation in “CENTAURA”. Once a powerful nation in the north of Forma, its Golden Age soon crumbled as its colonies began to rebel against them, notably Hydrus. In 1938, they would then ally with the Antares Imperium to form the “Solstice”. Both sides would then fight against the Dragon Compact in their quest for world domination. Its central government is deeply corrupted, but unlike the Orion Republic, it lacks a thriving economy, leaving citizens with little, or nothing, to take pride in. As a result of these conditions, the nation frequently experiences anti-government protests and social unrest.



Ursa was a nation in the very north of Forma. Born out of the Nations in the Ursan Continent, it was one of the first to adopt Rodinese dialect. Ruled by the House of Polaris from the 1212 to 1698, it was one of the largest and most powerful nations of the time.

In 1698, the House of Polaris would be replaced by the House of Vistok. The Vistoks would then rule for 157 years, from 1698 to 1855. The House of Vistok would then be replaced by the House of Magor, and the Magorians would contribute to the largest conflict.

The Ursans also put effort into their naval might, with its massive coastline, this strong navy would come handy in future wars.

Landfall War (1842-???)[]

An Ursan force lands in northern Hydra, contesting the region from Orionite control. The Ursans would conquer the lands of modern-day Hydrus and Lepus alongside the districts of Canis, most of Circinia from the Orionites.

Grease War (1902-1905)[]

The Grease Wars or the Canis War of Independence was a pivotal war in Hydra's history, bringing about the end to Ursa's northern dominance in the Hydran continent. Hydrus and Lepus, located far from the Ursan mainland, successfully gained independence by 1899 and 1901, respectively. Canis began its revolt in 1901, prompting Ursa, who was more prepared, to launch a full-scale war against the new Dragon Compact alliance formed by Hydrus, Lepus, and their ally Orion. The conflict saw significant advances in warfare, including the use of aerial combat and aircraft carriers by Ursa.

The Compact swiftly gained ground, leading to the evacuation of Ursan forces in 1904. The retreat left behind burning oil fields, causing a catastrophic ecological disaster. After Ursa's defeat, Canis achieved independence and together with Hydrus and Lepus, established the Commonwealth of Hydrus, Lepus, & Canis. This loss marked a shift in Ursan policy toward isolationism and authoritarianism, while Orion gained new trade partners and resources. The war also laid the groundwork for Ursan's revanchism, sparking the Forman War, which was triggered by Ursan vengeance for the Grease Wars. Mines would also be an issue in the region, and it would take until 1994 for all mines to be removed from the Canis area.

During the evacuation in 1905, the surviving Ursans would spot an Orionite battleship blockading their route, but the Orionites would not open fire. Lucas Russel, an Ursan Federal Navy captain, would report:

"A commotion on deck as our spotters announced the sighting of four or five Orion battleships blocking our route home. Every soldier and crewman aboard our ship had thought the Orionites would open fire – but several minutes passed without a single shot. As our evacuating formation approached this terrifying blockade, the spotters reported seeing Orion crewmen lined up across the bows of their ships, all staring with restrained anger at our troopships. I witnessed this myself as we slipped in between two of the battleships, locking eyes with one Orion officer standing on the bridge wing. He glared at me whilst clenching a fist before walking back into the navigation bridge. They had let our troopships return home for a reason which I do not know.”


During the Interwar period, not much really happened in Ursa. However, their tensions with the Compact were still high. In 1916, Ursa began their naval rearmament program. Later in 1919, an Ursan Battleship had a skirmish against an Orionite Battleship in the Yelman Sea. The Ursan shit would then use its torpedo tubes to shoot down the Orionite ship. The Orionite battleship would be hit and abandoned by its crew before sinking, making it the only recorded incidence of this happening. Ursa continued to develop new battleships, such as the Pherkad and Merak-classes, and later submarines in 1931.

Centauran Wars and Forman Wars (1938-1961)[]

By 1937, the N.C.A. (North Centauran Alliance) threatened to break through the Columban Range to free the encircled units, prompting the Federation of Ursa to seek an alliance with the Antares Imperium. In exchange for military cooperation and industrial factories from Tucana, Antares agreed in desperation, forming the Solstice. Ursan forces swiftly captured Tucani islands in the Libran Ocean and landed on the Centauran continent in 1938. They advanced across northern Riaa and launched a tedious campaign to secure the heavily industrialized and urban lands of Tucana.

With the N.C.A. rerouting their forces northwards, the Antarean Imperial Army made significant territorial gains, pushing through the heart of Riaa The mobilized Antarean Annulus Fleet provided critical support with aircraft carriers and coastal artillery. By 1940, both Riaa and Tucana had fallen, leaving only Centauri. Antarean Shokktroopers initiated a northern siege while a combined Ursan-Antarean blockade sealed off the area.

After the war, Ursa ceded dominion of Tucana to Antares under the Skorpii Riaa system. In return, many Tucani industries were redirected to bolster Ursan military and fleet ahead of the Forman War. Ursa retained control of the conquered Tucani islands as well.

In 1947, the Second International Conference is held with the same delegations attending the coference to debate. The Hydran nations unanimously condemn Antares's action and they all go through a back-and-fourth before being called to a recess. During this recess, an Orionite representative, who was actually an Ursan agent, proceeded to shoot 4 Antarean representatives before aiming it on himself. The fifth and last Antarean representative would flee back home and spread the news. Due to the scene looking like the Orionite shot the Antarean representatives, Antares would declare war on Orion, falling into Ursa's plan to get revenge on their former Hydran territories.

Unfortunately for Ursa, in 1959, the Hydrusite ISA would reveal the Ursan involvement within the SIC Incident. Suspecting that Antares will break off the alliance, the Ursan Federal Navy preemptively strikes the Antarean fleet that were stationed in Ursa. This would result in the Ursan Blunder, sealing their fate and ending the millennial-old Houses.


Due to the Ursan Blunder of being revealed to be behind the SIC Incident alongside attacking the Antarean fleet at their port, the Antarean retaliation alongside armed uprisings and the Compact landfall onto Ursa would send the nation into collapse.


As the successor of the fallen Rodinese Mandate, the Ursans speak Rodinese (Russian), otherwise known as Ursan. Most of northern Ursa writes in traditional cyrillic but most of southern Ursa writes in romanized Ursan, something the Ursan government notably embraces. Librae is also a minority language in the southern parts. Due to the expansive influences of the Mandate, all of northern Centaura speaks Ursan, with it being a minority language in Canis and Hydrus coasts. Ursa is also home to several minority languages like Kuzeyi (Turkish).



  • House of Magor - Reigning House (1855-1959)
  • House of Vistok - Reigning House (1698-1855)
  • House of Polaris - Reigning House (1212-1698)

Members and Commanders[]

  • Ivan Mallory - Grand Admiral (1934-1959)
  • Renato Drago - Admiral (???-1959)[1]
  • Leandro Kovac - Admiral (1948-1959)[1]
  • Lucas Russel - Captain (1905)


  • Ursa is likely based off Russia and Italy, as their main language is Russian, and they have similar goals, as well as their naval vessels, which is shown in DEAD AHEAD are mainly based off of Italian warships equipped with the Regia Marina high-visibility identification stripes that can be seen on the bow and/or stern of the naval ships.

External Link[]

[[Category:Indie/Doujin Villains]

  1. 1.0 1.1 It isn't known when Drago or Kovac's rank as Admiral ended, but this page will use the year Ursa fell as a reference point.