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How could you do drugs? *Continues giving the child drugs* Don't you know drugs are bad? *Continues giving the child drugs* Your life is going to be ruined if you keep doing drugs, kid! *Continues giving the child drugs*

Another proposal for an obscure villain thanks to yours truly! Mwah! Here's to a proposal to start the new year from me!

This one's from an obscure manga called Nekogahara. Loved the characters! Especially Amemura Short! Shame the ending was rushed but I won't get too sidetracked here...

Anyways, without further ado...

What's the Work?[]

Nekogahara is a manga created by Hiroyuki Takei in 2018 who is better known for his work Shaman King. It's about a traumatized cat named Norachiyo who goes on a journey to find his master after he killed the Red Warrior from kittenhood. Now a nomad, after going through some rough edges' thanks in partly of your candidate truly, Norachiyo struggles with incredibly unhealthy coping mechanisms as he tries to make it by to reach his destination all the while he's hunted down by assassins thanks to his unhealthy coping mechanisms. One of which is an old acquaintance by the name of...

Who is He and What Has He Done?[]

Shiriya Abyhei was born in a rough world, struggling to make by until he was found and taken in by a crime leader named Odama who raised him to have a better life. But who gives a shit about that, Abyhei isn't here to survive, he's here to make the big money so he grew up wanting to betray his boss one day because why not? Abyhei was tasked with hitting off people with debt and keeping "the peace" in Odama's town. Behind Odama's back, Abyhei also tricked customers into getting hooked on catnip which is a very addictive and drug that causes VERY extreme hallucinations if you take a full dose.

Eventually, a kitten by the name of Norachiyo that was once rich and helped guarded his owner had his palace ravaged by angry Christians who forgot about God's Commandments again and killed a lot of people. In the process, young Norachiyo was forced to defend himself by biting a figure known as the Red Warrior and killed him in the process, staining a frightened Norachiyo with blood and without realizing why he did that act, he was forced to live in guilt over it. Eventually, Norachiyo was spotted by Odama's gang who bullied him by trying to take his katana because he was no longer a kept cat. However, Abyhei broke up the fight and after Norachiyo called himself a "God-Slayer" everyone found it funny and decided to take him in.

Norachiyo was being played dressed up by two young female cats who wanted to keep him, but Abyhei jokingly said he wanted Norachiyo instead because he was a God-Slayer. After Abyhei briefed Norachiyo on what happened, Norachiyo thanked Abyhei for his help and tried to head off on his own journey to find his master, but Abyhei inquired him on how he would even be able to survive without having cash. As a result, Abyhei offered Norachiyo to work for the gang so he can make enough to get by.

Abyhei greeted Norachiyo to his second in command named Pinsuke where the latter briefed the others of a situation. Apparently, they ran into another debtor named Shikataro who kept making excuses. This would present Abyhei with the perfect opportunity to train the young kitten on his first mission.

They all went to the scene where the gang was harassing the debtor who tried to tell them he'd pay them back, but he was obviously lying as Abyhei called him out. Norachiyo was naive and wondered why Shikataro would get himself into this situation if he could indeed pay them back, but Abyhei explained that he was too irresponsible and dumb to handle himself which is why he stupidly got himself into debt with Odama. After this, Abyhei ordered Norachiyo to kill Shikataro, with the latter exclaiming on how unfair it was. Abyhei decided to take Shikataro up on his challenge on fairness and decided instead to offer Shikataro to kill Norachiyo in exchange for calling out the debt. Norachiyo being the young kitten of course refused thinking Shikataro was being honest, but Abyhei showed him how bloodthirsty he was to get the debt looming over his head away from him. As a result, Norachiyo was committed to reasoning with the debtor while also trying to defend himself. In spite of Norachiyo's best efforts to slay Shikataro, the debtor got the upperhand... not before Abyhei brutally and gruesomely smashed his head with a spiked club. Disappointed, Abyhei abandoned Norachiyo not seeing any potential with him while complaining about the blood (and I guess brain matter too) on him before bathing it off in the bathhouse.

During bathtime, a noisy Norachiyo walked into the bathhouse. Boss Odama wasn't having it and threatened to kill Norachiyo if he wouldn't shut up. Then Abyhei angered that useless Norachiyo was there yelled at him only for the boss to proceed to stab Abyhei in the back. Odama asked Abyhei if he knew why he was mad at him, but Abyhei was dodgy about it. It's here where it's revealed that Norachiyo was prohibited from joining the gang because he was a kept cat and that Abyhei willingly brought him in knowing this along with his scheme to hook the customers on Catnip. Abyhei passed out of his injury after the stab.

But MROOWWW! his peers were upset by his act of letting Norachiyo in the gang and scolding him for his act of defiance. Enough with putting up a front, Shiriya Abyhei revealed his plans to usurp Boss Odama before his accomplice Pinsuke gave him Norachiyo's katana to cut them down to size. In spite of them asking him if he felt sorry for betraying Odama in spite of everything he did for him, Abyhei felt nothing. When the little kitten Norachiyo arrived at the scene of the crime upon hearing the commotion, Abyhei immediately shifted gears and blamed everything on Norachiyo as a joke, making Pinsuke drug the poor kitten with catnip until he grew manic with Abyhei jokingly claiming the drugged child became so high, he killed them and would soon kill their boss. With a killing machine on the loose and out on the hunt for Odama, the boss realized what Abyhei had done and decided to play along with it to prepare for his final fate as he tried to snap Norachiyo out of this hallucinatice bloodthirsty trance. The battle would cause Norachiyo to lose his eye as Abyhei shot his boss after the battle ended.

In spite of promising his accomplice riches, Abyhei immediately went on to backstab him by purposely getting himself convicted of his boss' murder so he can join The Pound. Realizing that Abyhei was one million steps ahead of everyone and knowing he's out for his own interests, Pinsuke tried to stop his former accomplice with Abyhei replying by chopping his arms off.

Shiriya Abyhei became incarcerated in The Pound like he wanted and quickly made a name of himself, surviving in what would be called a prison a million times worse than Alcatraz. Thanks to his sheer will, he smashed a fellow prisoner named Kurogane Hyoe's chin into pieces and eventually earned the eyes of corrupt officials who thought to use his depraved powers for their own benefit... just like Abyhei intended. He was taken out of prison by Amemura Rican Short along with other members of The Pound to use them as hitmen to keep his citizens in line... and a corrupt Christian official of Dejima Province who intends for one goal... continue the Furreign Nation’s genocidal plans and take over Japan as a new land of Christianity. Shiriya Abyhei would become a member of the Secret Police who would also use his powers to torment a now depraved mass murderer and catnip addict Norachiyo for his own amusement.

Abyhei was called to a rape scene done by Norachiyo and encourage the others to look for Norachiyo while jokingly telling Amemura Short to not go after Norachiyo or else he'll... no I won't say it. When he interrogated a priest named Little Fold over Norachiyo's whereabouts, he encouraged him to lure Norachiyo towards him so that he could kill him. However, Little Fold betrayed him prompting Abyhei to chop him in half... but Little Fold was a ninja in disguise and used a log technique to fool Abyhei making him realize the priest is not who he says he is.

Shiriya Abyhei followed Norachiyo to an outpost where he found his old "friend" Kurogane Hyoe lying on his back after losing a battle to Amemura Short. Shiriya Abyhei reminded Kurogane Hyoe of who he was before smashing his entire face with the rock, with no metal braces to save him this time. Then Abyhei framed the crime on Norachiyo claiming it to be one of his evil works!!! With Norachiyo and his friends now as wanted suspects for the murder, Abyhei tailed them down like a lion going after his prey before cornering them by a river. After reminiscing, Abyhei went after Norachiyo in combat, specifically aiming for his blind spots just to play dirty. However, in spite of Norachiyo learning new tricks to defend against his former gangmate, Shiriya Abyhei too also learned new tricks, using a Jitte Sword technique to snap Norachiyo's katana in half. Traumatized that his beloved katana was broken, Abyhei used this opportunity to torment him by brutally beating him into a pulp, knocking his teeth out. After realizing how much of a monster Abyhei was, the other two cats stepped in to help Norachiyo however they were no match for the special police member. Before Abyhei could kill them, his men caught up to them. Realizing he couldn't have witnesses, he let his prey go and pretended they escaped his grasp and that "they were too strong for him".

Abyhei decided to report back to the Dejima Province Official to get briefed on their plan to take over the shogunate and Christopher Columbus Japan as a new land for Christianity. The Dejima Province Official was impressed by Abyhei's plan to station The Pound at Hizen Palace before the Clowder of Extraordinary Cats sent by the shogunate could stop the takeover, but showed worry for the fact a Japanese would betray his own country by helping genocidal Christians who burned down villages for not converting and sold Japanese believers into slavery in taking over Japan and asked why he did it. Shiriya Abyhei's response? idk lol

In preparation of the capture of Japan, Shiriya Abyhei ordered his second in command Amagmi Shiro to silence his former accomplice Pinsuke no matter the cost so he wouldn't reveal Abyhei's full scale plan to anyone. Using his powers as a member of Secret Police, Abyhei would convict Amemura Rican Short for his crimes and kill him at his castle as a form of execution. The Pound also waited for anyone to inform Norachiyo of his plans so they could stop them before they could.

Shiriya Abyhei and the police showed up at Himetsu Castle's doorsteps, announcing his intentions to execute Amemura Rican Short. However, the Mura Mrow Navy stepped in to stop the police from enacting Shiriya Abyhei's plans. Amemura Short would notice the police chaining the citizens of Hizen Province and lead the charge of a rebellion to fight against Abyhei's forces who chained them in a similar manner the Christians did to sell their slaves.

Shiriya Abyhei hearing the commotion realized his old enemy has arrived to put a stop to his plans. Amagami Shiro came by to confirm his suspicions, only for Abyhei to throw a box and smash it on his head, just because he creeped him out. As he talked to himself, Norachiyo finished his sentence declaring his intentions to kill him. Excited to see his old enemy again, Abyhei pretended to reminisce of old times to "lower his guard" before his real trap was running straight to the window to tackle him out before activating his God given parachute courtesy of the Furreign Nations to save himself while he let his old archenemy fall... but Norachiyo is a cat, so he survived.

As one final act of torment, Shiriya Abyhei put on the Red Warrior Suit to remind Norachiyo of the past he's running from. Norachiyo was astonished to find out Abyhei knew along that he was the one that killed the Red Warrior. After reminiscing that this was the place Odama took him in as part of the gang, Abyhei proceeded to blind Norachiyo's other eye with sand and boasted about how he climbed the ladder with his own two paws. But Norachiyo had a good read on Abyhei by this point and had already trapped the area with catnip, making Abyhei hallucinate over Norachiyo's friends and the people he killed in the past. Realizing that Norachiyo did all this just to show that he was a hypocrite hiding from the fact he too is running from his own crimes, he recklessly charged at Norachiyo only to get cut in half himself ending Abyhei's rap sheet of misery for good.

Heinous Standards[]

Shiriya Abyhei has some notable competition which are the Furreign Nations, especially its members Jan Forest and rebel leader Amagami Shiro who led the Shimabara Rebellion that costed the lives of thousands of cats and humans along with already burning down villages and pillaging Japan in efforts to replace Japanese Tradition with Christian Tradition because that's what genocidal Christians do. He also has some competition with his abuse victim Norachiyo who copes with his addiction by pretending the cats around him are the Red Warrior and going around on a revenge spree during his high by slicing his katana around inadvertedly killing many in the process while also having some nasty crimes like shoving a stick up Shishiwaka's rear... and attempting to rape Mukuro. Yeah, our protagonist everyone!

But I do think Abyhei still has the edge to stand out. For one, as he's not a member of the Furreign Nations, his worst act of assisting them stands out since he's a Japanese guy who went up to genocidal missionaries and said "sure, I'll help y'all take over Japan" who would know full well of their horrible methods of mass slavery and burning down and slaughtering villages of civilians if they don't comply with their demands. We even have a scene where Abyhei's men chain up the civilians in the same manner the missionaries did to sell the civilians off to Europe for sweet profit.

If that wasn't enough, let's also look at his rapsheet and see the many other bad things he did:

  • Used a hammer to smash a debtor's head into a gory mess.
  • Murdered three of his gang members in cold blood using Norachiyo's Katana.
  • Drugged said kitten using a high dose of catnip and deployed the now high kitten as a killing machine to try to kill his boss, making Norachiyo lose his eye and getting Odama killed all the while turning Norachiyo into a drug addict for the rest of his life.
  • Backstabbed his accomplice Pinsuke and chopped his arms off when Pinsuke tried to stop him.
  • Smashed Kurogane Hyoe's chin, making him wear a metal chin for the rest of his life.
  • Attempted to cut Little Fold in half.
  • Smashed Kurogane Hyoe's face to death with a boulder.
  • Snapped Norachiyo's katana in half and tormented him by beating the traumatized cat into a pulp.
  • Ordered Amagami Shiro to silence Little Fold and Pinsuke.
  • And last but not least, blinding Norachiyo's other eye just to be a prick.

All in all, I think his crimes stack up enough in conjunction of his treasonous scheme to stand out from the rest of the characters in the manga, so I think he easily passes on this front.

Redeeming Qualities/Mitigating Factors[]

Shiriya Abyhei initially seems kind to young Norachiyo, being the only one willing to give him a fair shot after he lost everything compared to his fellow gang members that bullied him. However, this was nothing more than a ploy for Abyhei to use Norachiyo to try to overthrow his Boss Odama. When Norachiyo is deemed useless to Abyhei, he immediately throws him away in search of a better plan and when the opportunity presents himself, turns Norachiyo into a raging drug addict to assist him with getting a clean shot on Odama's head. Abyhei also has a hard past, but this is barely touched upon enough for it to be sympathetic and also had a chance to live a better life under Boss Odama, but his own ambitions led him to betray his gang and adoptive father showing that he's a monster simply because he wants to be.


Easy yes to this bad cat.