Pure Evil Proposal: Freddy Krueger from Halloween Horror Nights: Freddy vs. Jason
So to get into the spirit of Christmas, I thought I would propose the man in red and green himself, Freddy Krueger, from the Halloween Horror Nights maze attraction, Freddy vs. Jason.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Freddy Krueger? What Has He Done?
- 3 Miltigating Factors?
- 4 Heinous Standard?
- 5 Conclusion?
The maze attraction is, as it's named suggests, inspired by the crossover slasher film, Freddy vs. Jason. Like in the original film, Freddy brings Jason to life so he may wreak havoc in order to bring himself back. However as Jason becomes too out of his control, he decides to kill the Hockey Puck himself. If you want more info, here's a vid.
Uh...Freddy Krueger. What has he done? Freddy Krueger. Do I really need to say more?
Lol just kiddin. So Freddy Krueg…
Pure Evil Proposal: Shere Khan from the 2016 Novelization
Hello everyone. Here I am proposing Shere Khan from the novelization of the 2016 film, written by Scott Peterson and Justin Marks, titled The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack. Now why did I remove him to begin with? Well surprisingly it wasn't because of plagiarism. I proposed Shere Khan without actually reading the book. And he wasn't the first case either (Kingpin from Daredevil: Director's cut, Winter Merchant from Hellraiser, and Milo from The Last Boy Scout: original script). I do feel we should treat proposals like that the same way we do plagiarism, so anyone who has proposed a villain without reviewing the work should come clean now. Same thing with Removal proposals. On a side note I'm glad I did read the book. It improves on some of…
Pure Evil Proposal: Dr. Moreau from Van Helsing: From Beneath the Rue Morgue
Here I am again, and I've got another proposal, being Dr. Moreau from the one shot comic Van Helsing: From Beneath the Rue Morgue. This is my second proposal of a character from the Van Helsing continuity, my first being Mr. Hyde. Funny cause in my original post when I wrote Hyde's competition for Heinous Standards, I wrote that I don't think Dr. Moreau could compete because he committed "standard mad scientist stuff". Well after finding the comic in my parents' basement and re-reading it for the first time in like 13 years....ooooh boy was I mistaken.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He? What has he Done?
- 3 Miltigating Factors?
- 4 Heinous Standards?
- 5 Conclusion
Beneath the Rue Morgue is a one shot comic by Dark Horse, written by Joshua Dysart. It takes p…
Haman from George Friederic Handel's Esther
Hey everyone and Happy Early Thanksgiving. For this proposal I will be looking at Haman, specifically from the oratorio, Esther, by German-British composer George Friederic Handel. I will admit though I'm feeling a bit lazy tonight, so I think I'm just gonna plagiarize from his proposal on TV Tropes. Here we go.
Ha ha ha. Just kiddin. For real though here we go, IN MY OWN WORDS:
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is Haman? What Has He Done?
- 3 Miltigating Factors?
- 4 Heinous Standards?
- 5 Conclusion?
Esther is an oratorio written by George Friederic Handel. It is an adaptation of the Book of Esther from the Bible. The story centers around Esther who has married King Ahasuerus of Persia. Having been given some information about the King's right-hand man, Haman (tong…
Pure Evil Proposal: Sebastian Caine from Hollow Man
Well since the original proposal for this character was plagiarized i decided to re-propose him, and after sitting through the film's god-awful sequel I have decided I have enough data for a proposal. I give you Sebastian Caine from Hollow Man.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He? What Has He Done?
- 3 Miltigating Factors?
- 4 Heinous Standard?
- 5 Conclusion
Hollow Man is a 2000 sci-fi horror film loosely inspired by H.G. Wells' 1897 novel, The Invisible Man. It's about a brilliant scientist named Sebastian Caine who has been tasked by the pentagon with creating an invisibility serum for the military. Rather than tell the pentagon about his victory in creating the reverse formula he lies and tests the invisibility serum on himself. Having done so, things go abo…