PE Removal: Queen La
Once again, I find myself on the unenviable task on undoing a proposal I did. First with Thailog, and now with today’s removal topic from The Legend of Tarzan, Queen La (Disney).
Note: I always ask Valkerone for permission for doing a removal proposal on an approved evil article.
User blog:Sirin of the Void/PE Proposal - Queen La
I should note that Queen La is definitely a Game Changer. She has the look and the attitude to be PE, but she doesn’t have the deeds, nor does she have enough ambition. True she does try to kill the heroes, notably Jane so she can have Tarzan to herself, but the worst thing she’s done is kill a few of her own leopardmen. The thing is La could easily count, but she doesn’t. She’s only had three episodes in, and the plo…
PE Proposal: Captain Ruthven
How often do we find a hate sink so repulsive, that we want that hate sink immediately approved? I’m going to talk about the film, Byzantium and a villain only seen in flashbacks. What do you have to say about Captain Ruthven?
- 1 What is Byzantium?
- 2 Who is Captain Ruthven? What Has He Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors
- 4 Heinousness
- 5 Final Verdict
Byzantium is a film about a vampire mother and her vampire teenage daughter who have been on the run from a vampire brethren of male nobles for over two centuries. Clara and Eleanor Webb have been on the run from this brethren, because neither of them were supposed to be vampires, violating their code. Being a low-blood prostitute, Clara can abide, but she’s not going to be part of that brotherhood, nor can she crea…
PE Proposal: Forgotten One (Lords of Shadow)
Well last time, I talked about Zobek. This time I’m going to talk about the one who completed Gabriel Belmont’s transformation into Dracula from the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow DLC parts; Reverie and Resurrection. What do you have to say about the Forgotten One (Lords of Shadow)?
- 1 Who is the Forgotten One? What Has He Done?
- 2 Mitigating Factors
- 3 Heinousness
- 4 Final Verdict
The Forgotten One is a very powerful demon that rules over the elemental plane of darkness. Centuries ago, the evil Bernhard family (the LoS version of Walter Bernhard) summoned him from their castle to do their bidding. Due to his immense power, the Forgotten One broke free from his bonds and unleashed death and destruction toward humanity. He was so powerful that not even the …
PE Proposal: Zobek
Just when you think Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and the sequel topped the PEs with Satan, we get more candidates, and I’m going to talk about one right now. What do you have to say about Zobek?
- 1 What is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?
- 2 Who is Zobek? What Has He Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors
- 4 Does He Meet the Heinous Standard?
- 5 Final Verdict
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a retool of the Castlevania franchise in an alternate reality. Gabriel Belmont was on a quest to resurrect his dead wife Marie, but was manipulated into murder. Soon after, he became Dracula, the prince of darkness. In both games, he had an "ally" (though the second game is kind of a stretch from that term) and "mentor" in today’s candidate.
Zobek is one of the three founders of the Broth…
PE Removal: Actrise
Here’s my permission slip:
I’m here to explain why Actrise just misses the mark on being Pure Evil in the Castlevania universe.
User blog:Officer Candy Apple/Pure Evil Proposal - Actrise
In a universe where human sacrifices, including children, are needed to revive Dracula, this is nothing new. While it is true that Actrise sacrificed 100 children, including her own, and that she had a vampirised Camilla Fernandez to fight Carrie Fernandez, most of her heinous acts are offscreen villainy. In Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, while Gilles de Rais did turn Master Oldrey into a vampire, we’re not entirely sure if Actrise actually played a part in…