PE Removal Proposal: Vulpes Inculta (Fallout New Vegas)
This is my first ever PE removal proposal on this wiki. Now let's get started.
The villain is Vulpes Inculta, one of Caesar's right-hand men and a leader of his Frumentarii. The first his crime we witness is the massacre of Nipton, which he justifies by Nipton residents not even resisting the Legion and as a means to terrorize NCR. Later we also find out that he is responsible for Battle of Nelson and destruction of Camp Searchlight and Twisted Hairs tribe before the events of the game. He is also responsible for many other schemes during the game events, such as giving a pro-Legion Courier a task to help a mole within NCR's ranks.
Despite his crimes he still doesn't qualify as PE due to two major preventions. The first and the main one is t…
Pure Evil Proposal: Don Thousand (Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal)
I haven't done PE proposals for almost three years. Now I propose another villain who has the PE category, but needs approval. This time from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal. He was initially rejected due to being considered as generic doomsday villain, but now I will provide argumentation that he qualifies as PE. When his PE Removal proposal wasn't deleted yet I asked User:Jester of chaos for permission to re-propose him, but back then we agreed that he fails the heinous standards of the series. Yesterday I came up with my new argumentation about why he qualifies and I was told that I can propose him without needing a permission since his last proposal was deleted. Now let's get started.
- 1 What's The Work?
- 2 Who is the Candidate?
- 3 What he did?
- 4 Freudian Excuse/…
PE Proposal: Divine/Sayer (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
An another villain who has the PE category, but needs approval. This time from Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds. I iwll refer to characters of the series by their original Japanese names.
- 1 What's The Work
- 2 Who is the Candidate?
- 3 What he did
- 4 Freudian Excuse/Mitigating Factors
- 5 Heinous Standard
- 6 Final Verdict
The work is YGO 5ds, a third installment in the franchise.
Divine (Sayer in the English dub) is a leader of Arcadia Movement, an organization of psychic duelists which he intended to use in order to overthrow Rex Goodwin and eventually create an army of them to conquer the world.
He has no love, nor care or sympathy for anyone. Divine treats his subordinates as tools and uses their psychological weaknesses to manipulate them and get what he wants. This is clearly …
PE Proposal: Joseph Stalin (Red Alert)
Stalin from Red Alert already has Pure Evil category, but he needs approval.
- 1 What's The Work
- 2 Who is the Candidate? What They Did?
- 3 What they did
- 4 Freudian Excuse/Mitigating Factors
- 5 Heinous Standard
- 6 Final Verdict
The work is an RTS game called Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Joseph Stalin is the main antagonist of the game (or a boss of player character in Soviet campaign) who rules the Soviet Union and invades Europe and China to make it a continental empire. To achieve this goal he uses whatever means necessary up to usage of nuclear and chemical weapons on civilians.
Started World War 2, the bloodiest conflict in the human history. Numerous war crimes including deployment of Sarin gas against Polish resistance, ordering massacres of Torun and G…
PE Proposal: Hulk (Old Man Logan)
I have just reread Old Man Logan and have finally decided to make this proposal I've been planning to do for a long time.
- 1 What's The Work
- 2 Who is the Candidate? What Has He Done?
- 3 Freudian Excuse/Mitigating Factors
- 4 Heinous Standard
- 5 Final Verdict
The work is called Old Man Logan, a comic about Wolverine in post-apocalyptic USA 50 years later after villains teamed up and with Mysterio's help almost all superheroes were slayed in one day. With the death of superheroes few supervillains divided USA's territory by areas controlled by them where the law is no more. Hulk's family took control of California and many families have to pay money to keep living in their houses or else Banners will kill them and eat their remains. When Logan's family was l…