Pure Evil Removal- Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange is the second in command to Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter series. She has a very screwed up personality, she enjoys murdering and torturing, but she cares very much for her master Lord Voldemort, and she appears to care for her sister Narcissa, to some extent. The work it self has a pretty high heinous standard, and the other villains who have qualified as pure evil have absolutely no redeeming qualities (Voldemort cannot feel love and in my opinion, is the most evil villain out of any work, Fenrir Greyback is a werewolf who targets children and kills without a second thought, Dolores Umbridge is extremely sadistic and very similar to Bellatrix, the only reason I’m not making a removal proposal for her, is because it is shown that she cares for no one.)
I believe that Bellatrix does not qualify because she is shown to have undying love for Voldemort, one could argue that it is obsessive and not true love, but it is clear she would do anything for him. A pure evil villain cannot feel love for anyone, they may claim to love someone, but it’s never really love (Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is pure evil and he claims to love Meredith, but he kills her because he sees her as a distraction by putting a tumour in her head, which is a very painful way to die). Bella’s devotion to Voldemort is shown in many cases, such as when she believes Harry too inferior to speak Voldemort’s name, Showing she views him as a god, and in the deathly hallows part two she tries to help him up, despite him brushing her away and treating her horribly.
In my opinion I think she should be removed from the category and even if she wasn’t devoted to Voldemort I still think she should be removed, because she strikes me as amoral.