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Dad Tetsuo 2

Looks like Shou Tucker's not the only one who mutated his own child for his own selfish needs.

You will help me, won't you? Your father is the only one in the world who can make the human weapon. When they see you, important people will believe me.
~ Listening to this quote sounds like horrifying since we as the audience knew why Yatsu is already behaved this way. It's clearly the most darkest quote in the trilogy.

Looks like his younger son Yatsu is not the only one who's qualified as PE, but it turns out his monstrous father could stand out like him as well. After re-downloading the movie and rewatch the childhood background scene, i'll try to write and propose the father of both protagonist and antagonist of the movie.

I'll have to say that his vile and monstrous legacy has brought an impact on his sons which is what made him responsible for everything in the second movie, so there's nothing wrong with comparing to his youngest son Yatsu. In other words, let's get it started shall we?

What's the work?[]

Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (鉄男II Body Hammer) is a Japanese sci-fi body horror film directed by Shinya Tsukamoto that is released on the year of 1992. Despite being a sequel to the original film, the movie takes place differently as the salaryman's name revealed to be Tomoo Taniguchi and he has a family of his own while Yatsu is his younger brother. The movie tells the story of a salaryman named Tomoo Taniguchi who is kidnapped into awakening his full power in rage after his son is brutally killed by Yatsu, which is the part of his plan to destroy the entire world.

Who is he?[]

Tomoo and Yatsu's Father is a posthumous overarching antagonist of Tetsuo II: Body Hammer. Just like both his sons, he has the ability to control over metal and mutate others into metallic beings. He turned and manipulate his sons into becoming a human weapons so they could carry on his legacy. After his eldest son Tomoo killed his parents by shooting them to death, his legacy was brought on years later by his youngest son Yatsu as he kidnapped his brother and brought his memory back so they could destroy the world together.

What he has done?[]

NOTE: Most of the information were directly came from his article on Villains Wiki, which i was the one who created it in the first place. So please don't take this seriously because there are no plagiarism issues here.

Not much known about his early life, but it is shown that he's a human with an ability to control over metals and mutating people into cyborgs. As he grew up, he married with an unnamed woman and later they have two children, the protagonist Tomoo Taniguchi and the antagonist Yatsu. Though it seems that he was a good father as they were a happy family, but it turns out that he wasn't exactly the type of father just like what his family thinks.

At some point, he took both of his sons to garage where he shows his ability to mutate the cat into fusing with a kettle, much to the boys' shock while the cat is whining in pain after mutation. While the boys are holding their guns, the father used his ability to mutate them into metallic cyborgs, causing them to whine in pain while the father became proud when it succeeds. He then took the boys to a backyard where he has them test their newfound abilities by using their finger gun to shoot the dog, but Tomoo cannot bring himself to shoot it and leave. After reluctantly letting his eldest son go, the father manipulate Yatsu into helping him by saying that he's the one who made him a human weapon and told him to carry on his legacy. After Yatsu succeeds in killing the dog with just one finger, his wife was horrified of what she saw and screams in terror after she returns home from grocery.

However, Tomoo and Yatsu's fall into the dark path were happened when their father is seen gleefully raping their mother while holding her at gunpoint, sinisterly gloating he's made it. While the boys are watching, the father accidentally slips his trigger on the gun which wounded her, much to his shock and horror. Realized the boys are watching them the whole time, the father cowardly shouts "Don't!" before Tomoo turns his hand into a gun and sadistically shoots both of their parents to death, leaving them orphaned as result.

As result, the father's legacy has been brought on by both his sons later years. While Tomoo has forgotten his traumatic pasts, Yatsu began to carry on his father's legacy and work, as he later captured his brother and brought his memory back in order to destroy the entire world alongside him.

Heinous standards[]

While Yatsu stands out as the most heinous amongst them because of his horrific plan of destroying the entire world by any means necessary, this man is the one who is responsible for everything he has done throughout the movie which gave both his sons a heavy impact throughout their entire lives, including Tomoo who became traumatic so much that he starts breaking down and agreed to destroy the world together with his brother after he regained his memories back at the end of the movie. Because of his actions, his legacy has brought upon years later by his youngest son Yatsu and it succeeds as result. Despite this, he is less powerful than him because Yatsu only has full control over his powers, so it isn't fair to be compared with his youngest son.

For his heinousness, he was seen mutating a cat into fusing with a kettle, which he did. You can hear the cat whining in pain after the mutation process, something which he's implied to be aware of. He was very abusive to both of his sons as he turned both of his sons into becoming a metallic beings and trained them into becoming human weapons so they could carry upon his legacy. He's also a bad husband as well, this shows when he sickeningly raped his poor wife while holding her gunpoint, implied that he only create two children of his own for his own twisted experiment.

Mitigating factors[]

At his first debut, he was initially presented as a good and loving father as if they were a happy family, but it turns out not the way to be expected as it was all a ruse to cover up his true nature from his family.

He clearly treats his sons as if they were tools for him to carry out his legacy as he mutated them into metallic beings and trained them into becoming a killing weapon. Though he let his eldest son go after he cannot bring himself up to kill the dog, it was out of reluctance and not out of care or honor before he moved onto his youngest son Yatsu as he's all like "eh, whatever".

His "love" for his wife is completely false as he gleefuly raped her while holding her gunpoint, meaning it was implied that he only used her just to create his children so he could turn them into killing weapons and have them carry on his legacy. Despite he became shocked after he accidentally wounded his wife by shooting her, it was merely out of horror rather than remorse considering he was raping her.

Though his death at the hands of his own eldest son could be considered sympathetic, it wasn't because of all the bad things he has done including molding his sons into becoming killer weapons and sinisterly raping his wife while helding her gunpoint. The only people to be sympathized was Tomoo and his mother instead of his father.

Final verdict[]

Weak yes to this despicable madman who turned his children into killer weapons.