This is a Pure Evil Removal proposal of Bogs Diamond.
Who is he?[]
Bogs Diamond is a minor antagonist in the book Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, and a major antagonist in its film adaptation The Shawshank Redemption.
Admirable Standard[]
Bogs is the leader of the Sisters, a gang prison rapists who picks on Andy Dufresne just for fun.
According to Red, none of them are homosexual, meaning that they subjected Andy to years to torture out of pure sadism.
At one point, Bogs threaten him to stab in his skull unless he and his men allowed to rape him whatever they wanted. He attempted to prey his ignorance, but Bogs brutally beats up Andy out of mercy and send him to infarmacy for a month instead.
Because of this, he is given a week in solitary confinement. However, Byron Hadley beats up Bogs and sent him to a minimal security hospital and his gang leave Andy alone.
Why is he not Pure Evil?[]
He is not Pure Evil enough due to be a bully towards the protagonists and only had few minor roles in the movie.
Final Verdict[]
I think he should be cut off.