PE Proposal - Ramrod (Vice Squad)
Let's get this over with before I forget about this movie.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is He?
- 3 What Has He Done?
- 4 Mitigating Factors / Redeeming Qualities
- 5 Heinous Standards
- 6 Verdict
Vice Squad is a 1982 drama-thriller film directed by Gary Sherman. It takes place in the city of Los Angeles, where cops are trying to put away a sadistic pimp. In order to do this, they blackmail a prostitute named Princess into helping them trap the pimp. The plan goes without error and the pimp is arrested. On the way to the station, the pimp escapes and plots revenge against the prostitute who set him up. Now, the cops have to find him or her to prevent something horrible from happening.
Ramrod is the aforementioned sadistic pimp and the main antagonist of the film. Li…
PE Proposal - Jang Kyung-chul
I'm aware he's under the category, but he's not been officially approved yet.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He?
- 3 What Has He Done?
- 4 Freudian Excuse
- 5 Mitigating Factors
- 6 Heinous Standards
- 7 Note
- 8 Verdict
I Saw the Devil is a 2010 South Korean action revenge thriller film directed by Jee-woon Kim. The plot revolves around an NIS agent named Kim Soo-hyun who embarks on a path of vengeance after his fiancé is murdered by a serial killer.
Jang Kyung-chul is the serial killer who murdered Soo-hyun's fiancé and the main antagonist of the film. In his citizen disguise, he's a junior high school bus driver, but in actuality, he's a sadistic serial rapist that dismembers women.
At the beginning of the film, Jang finds a woman whose car has broken down. Initially ap…
PE Proposal - The Killer (D-Tox/Eye See You)
Hello everyone. I watched a rather fun film today called Eye See You, also known as D-Tox. As a fan of action movies, cop-thrillers, and slasher films, this movie was a blast from start to finish. But, I'm not here to gush about it, I'm here to talk about the villain; who is a complete psychopath and a huge hate sink. If you think The Bone Collector, The Nightingale Killer, and The Party Crasher were bad, then let me introduce you to the killer of this film.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He?
- 3 What Has He Done?
- 3.1 Victims
- 4 Redeeming Qualities
- 5 Mitigating Factors
- 6 Heinous Standards
- 7 Verdict
- 8 Fun Fact
Eye See You/D-Tox is a 2001 psychological thriller film directed by Jim Gillespie, who's also known for directing I Know What You Did Last Summer. The film star…
PE Proposal - Jackson Cally
With 15 seasons, Criminal Minds holds many potential candidates for pure evil, and we will get to those in due time. But now, let's tackle one that's already under the category, but has yet to be approved. Ladies and gentleman, I introduce you to one of Criminal Minds' first Pure Evils.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He
- 3 What Has He Done
- 4 Mitigating Factors
- 5 Heinous Standards
- 5.1 Standards of the episode
- 5.2 Standards of Criminal Minds
- 6 Verdict
Criminal Minds is a 2005 crime-drama TV series that ran for 15 seasons. The show revolves around a team of criminal profilers and their attempts to profile, track down, and stop or catch various criminals from around the world; mainly serial killers, but also rapists, traffickers, kidnappers, pedophiles, bank robb…
PE Proposal - Mr. Caruthers
It's been a while since I proposed someone. But, I just rewatched this movie again, and both times I came to the conclusion he's pure evil. We'll see, I guess. Likely, not a lot of people we'll know who this guy is, but let's give it a go anyways. Oh, and I'll only be covering the scenes with him, so if there's jarring cuts, sorry. I'm not covering the whole movie.
- 1 What is the Work?
- 2 Who is He?
- 3 What Has He Done?
- 4 Mitigating Factors/Redeeming Qualities
- 5 Heinous Standards
- 6 Verdict
The Clown at Midnight is a 1999 horror/slasher film that takes place in an opera house that was the setting of an unsolved murder seventeen years ago. Now, as a teacher and a group of student volunteers are working on the restoration and reopening, they are menaced by t…