Pure Evil Proposal: Henry Lee and Bobby Vu
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who are Henry Lee and Bobby Vu and What Have They Done?
- 3 Heinous Standards?
- 4 Mitigating Factors?
- 5 Final Verdict?
The Corruptor is a 1999 gripping and bleak action-crime thriller starring Chow Yun-Fat, Mark Wahlberg, Ric Young, Paul Ben-Victor, Bryon Mann, and Brian Cox. Taking place in New York's Chinatown, a Chinese-American no-nonsense cop named Nick Chen is partnered with a snarky officer named Danny Wallace to investigate a gang rivalry concerning two powerful factions, the less violent and agreeable Tong Fung Benevolent Association, and the vicious and foul Fukienese Dragons. Little do they both know that they have very differing opinions when it comes to this situation...
Henry Lee is the second-in command for Benny's fo…
Pure Evil Re-Proposal: Dr. Douglas Grey and Sheriff Bob Ryan
This is my third reproposal after Sentinel Prime and Dr. Bernard Merrick. Guess what? It’s another duo. After first viewing this work a week ago, I have to conclude that they should be relitigated despite the original’s decent arguments.
Permission has been granted by AustinDR, thank you!
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who are Dr. Douglas Grey and Sheriff Bob Ryan and What Have They Done?
- 3 Heinous Standards?
- 4 Mitigating Factors?
- 5 Final Verdict?
Gothika is a 2003 supernatural horror film directed by Mathieu Kassovitz, starting Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr., Penelope Cruz, Charles S. Dutton, John Carrol Lynch, and Bernard Hill among several other roles. Focusing on Dr. Miranda Grey, she is one day accused of offing her beloved husband, Dr. Douglas Grey and is…
Pure Evil Proposal: Marshall Krupcheck
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Marshall Krupcheck and What Has He Done?
- 3 Heinous Standards?
- 4 Mitigating Factors?
- 5 Final Verdict?
Hostage is a frankly underrated 2005 thriller based on the 2001 book of the same name by Robert Crais. Starring Bruce Willis, Kevin Pollak, Ben Foster, and Jonathan Tucker, the film centers on Jeff Talley, a hostage negotiator who, after failing on a mission in Los Angeles decides to move with his lovely wife Jane and estranged daughter Amanda to Briso Camino as the Chief of Police. But when suddenly a trio of juvenile delinquents break in and threaten the lives of shady Walter Smith’s family, it’s up to Talley to step up and rescue them before another pair of bad men kills off his own family.
Marshall “Mars” Krupcheck mak…
Pure Evil Proposal: Jonathan Corliss
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Jonathan Corliss and What Has He Done?
- 3 Heinous Standards?
- 4 Mitigating Factors?
- 5 Final Verdict?
A Kiss Before Dying is a 1991 remake of the thriller novel of the same name by Ira Levin. Directed by James Dearden and starring Matt Dillon, Sean Young, Max von Syndow, Diane Ladd, and James Russo. It focuses on twins Dorothy and Ellen Carlsson, who are the children of Thor, and they own a powerful family business. When Dorothy is found dead thanks to apparently killing herself and a new man comes to Ellen’s life, it’s up to her to figure out what really happened in time.
Jonathan Corliss is a young, charming college student who is first seen as a child overseeing the Carlsson trains from his house. Meeting his currently pre…
Pure Evil Proposal: David Greenhill
This proposal is a celebration of my high school graduation yesterday, enjoy!
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is David Greenhill and What Has He Done?
- 3 Heinous Standards?
- 4 Mitigating Factors?
- 5 Final Verdict?
Guilty as Sin is a 1993 legal-thriller movie directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Rebecca De Mornay, Don Johnson, Stephen Lang, Dana Ivey, and Jack Warden.
Centering on a young twenty-something attractive defense attorney named Jennifer Haines who one day takes on a case for a dashing guy named David Greenhill. Haines notices something fishy regarding him, which could make or break her entire career, or worse... her life.
David Edgar Greenhill is, like I said: a dashing and seemingly friendly man. We are introduced to him reading a newspaper and stari…