“ | About 20 centuries ago, There was an Emperor whose greed brought deep suffering to all of China, the heavens sent a meteor to strike over a mountain, turning it green and releasing the tao tei. From that day on, the Tao Tei rise every 60 years discouraging the north of china. They come to remind us of what happens when greed is unchecked. They eat anything, alive or dead and take food to their queen, she depends on her soldiers to feed her, only with the food they provide is she able to multiply. the capital and it's 2 million people is only 800 li away. if the tao tei ever had that much nourishment, no corner of the world would be safe. | „ |
~ Strategist Wang telling Garin where the Tao Tei queen and her minions came from. |
Hey everyone, welcome to my 6th Pure Evil proposal. Another quick proposal this time of a really, admittedly stupid yet fun movie I had another rewatch of, and I think this particular villain may have a shot at PE, so with that out of the way, let's get into the proposal shall we?
What is this work?[]
The Great Wall is an action movie made by Universal studios & Legendary entertainment directed by Zhang Yimou that came out in 2017, it tells a legend of why the great wall is built and what was kept out. While mercenaries from the west arrive in China to retrieve black powder/gunpowder, before eventually deciding to help the chinese army fight the aliens that keep trying to invade.
Who is she?[]
The Tao Tei queen is the main antagonist of this movie, she is the cruel alien ruler of the Tao Tei who frequently attacks humans for food and reproduction & all the Tao tei follow her command and orders from telepathy.
What has she done?[]
She is an alien that landed on Earth via a meteorite & she immediately ordered her tao tei minions to eat humans or any other creature and feed their remains to her so she can reproduce and make more Tao Tei. eventually the People of China built a wall to protect the city and the world, and the Queen would frequently lead attacks on the great wall every 60 years or so for 2000 years so she can get past and eat everyone in the city and later the rest of the world.
When the protagonists William Garin & Pero Tovar show up, She leads an attack with her Tao Tei Army one week early on the wall with massive losses on both sides until she calls off the attack and retreats. Later she attacks the great wall again in the fog, and allows one tao tei to be captured. what the people in the wall didnt know though was that she would use fights on the great wall as a distraction to make a tunnel underneath it so she can bypass, also with the captured Tao Tei, it was revealed by the army to the emperor at the capital city, who woke up and revealed it's location to the queen, once she got on the other side of the great wall with the army she lead a genocide throughout the captial killing and eating millions, it’s also said that after that she will move on to the rest of the world.
Garin arrives at the capital after the attack where he sees the tao tei feeding the queen while surrounded by her guards and attached black powder grenades to the captured Tao Tei, make it eat food and go to the queen to eat, Garin attempts to fire an arrow from a tower, but her guards deflected it, the queen sensed she was in danger by the black powder weapons by Garin she orders all her minions to search the towers and kill him, he tries it again, but her guards deflect it again, this time she finds Garin and sends out all the tao tei to the tower he is in, eventually on the third attempt to kill the queen, it succeeded by throwing a magnet, which the guards are stunned by. and after being defeated all her Tao Tei minions die with her.
Mitigating Factors?[]
She has none at all. she may seem like a generic doomsday villain, but she really isn't.
She doesn't really care about the Tao Tei, she only uses them to give her sustenance and so she can remain in power. even if she called a retreat once she lost too many, it was out of pragmatism.
She has also has a full moral agency as she is the only one of the species who is capable of higher thinking and has sentience seen by her being a tactician, when she orders a retreat, was able to build a tunnel under the wall and sense she is in danger from black powder weapons and she clearly has a sadistic personality, so she is characterized enough too.
Heinous Standard[]
Easy pass, She's the leader of a genocidal alien race that wants to eat everything and everyone, attacks the great wall every 60 years, and genociding the capital city killing millions. and attempts omnicide, how can she not pass the heinous standard?
Yes to her, what do you think?