Pure Evil Proposal - Norah from Child of Light
I remember playing this game on the Nintendo Switch. And I remember a lot of the (major) characters from it. Norah is one of them. Let's get into discussing her.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Norah? What has she Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuse
- 4 Heinous Standards
- 5 Final Verdict
Child of Light is a 2014 RPG game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and written by Jeffrey Yohalem with a beautiful watercolour aesthetic following Aurora, the main protagonist, who stumbles upon a magical world called Lemuria after she falls ill one night and goes into a slumber. The Queen of the Night and her daughters have stolen Lemuria's sun, moon, and stars from its sky, and it's our heroine's job to restore them, as she meets various companions along the way.
One 'a…
Pure Evil Proposal - Specimen 11 from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
Well, been discussing this with a friend of mine, and after some talk, I've been given the greenlight to go ahead and propose this very peculiar character.
Shoutout to The Pro-Wrestler for giving me permission.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Specimen 11? What has it Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuse
- 4 Heinous Standards
- 5 Final Verdict
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, previously known as Spooky's House of Jumpscares, is a 2014 indie horror game that predated Five Nights at Freddy's production-wise, being made by Akuma Kira and AMGSheena in GameMaker. The game also eventually got a HD remake (with the option to switch back to the original available), and it also has two DLCs, Karamari Hospital and Spooky's Dollhouse.
The premise of the game is that you arriv…
Pure Evil Proposal - Harley Sawyer from Poppy Playtime
Happy (semi-late) Valentine's Day, everyone! Today, we bring you a brand new proposal for the occasion! It's about time this one came around, and we can't really think much for an introduction here aside from the Valentine's message above, so let's begin! This proposal is in collaboration with JackJackX.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Harley Sawyer? What has he Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors
- 4 Heinous Standards
- 5 Final Verdict
Poppy Playtime is a 2021 indie horror game made by Mob Entertainment. Another entry in the Mascot Horror genre created and popularized by scary bear game, Poppy follows in the footsteps of Bendy and the Ink Machine by having us play as a former employee at Playtime CO., a toy-making company that mysteriously shut down ten years ago with a…
Pure Evil Proposal - Dr. Zaine Grimm from Happy's Humble Burger Farm
It has been a good while since my last Pure Evil proposal on here that I did by myself (a year ago, to be precise) since most of the ones I've done here were collabs. Well, to make up for it, I've found a candidate that I believe can actually count. So let's begin, shall we?
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Zaine Grimm? What has he Done?
- 3 Mitigating Factors
- 4 Heinous Standards
- 5 Final Verdict
Happy's Humble Burger Farm is a 2021 restaurant survival horror/simulation game created by Scythe Dev Team, as well as the sequel to the 2020 horror/simulation game Happy's Humble Burger Barn. Both games take place on the series' universe's equivalent to Earth, which is called Scythe.
You play as Test Subject E42, who has gotten a job as a worker at, well, Happy's Humb…
Pure Evil Proposal - Kintoru from The Mimic
Note: Please make sure to read the Migitating Factors/Freudian Excuse and Heinous Standard section just in case you are confused on this candidate.
First proposal on this Wiki since I recently got whitelisted (thank ya LucarioBot), so let's get into it. I'll be taking my original proposal from the Villains Fanon Wiki too since self-plagiarism is allowed. Anyways, let's get into it.
- 1 What's the Work?
- 2 Who is Sama? What did she do?
- 3 Migitating Factors/Freudian Excuse?
- 4 Heinous Standards?
- 5 Final Verdict?
The Mimic is a 2021 ROBLOX horror game revolving around Japanese urban legends, going from Kuchisake-onna (Mihari, in this case), or something similar. The main inspiration for this game was based on the "Hachishakusama", aka The Beast That The Lord Eve…