I remember playing this game on the Nintendo Switch. And I remember a lot of the (major) characters from it. Norah is one of them. Let's get into discussing her.
What's the Work?[]
Child of Light is a 2014 RPG game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and written by Jeffrey Yohalem with a beautiful watercolour aesthetic following Aurora, the main protagonist, who stumbles upon a magical world called Lemuria after she falls ill one night and goes into a slumber. The Queen of the Night and her daughters have stolen Lemuria's sun, moon, and stars from its sky, and it's our heroine's job to restore them, as she meets various companions along the way.
One 'ally' is Norah, who will be today's subject.
Who is Norah? What has she Done?[]
Norah, real name Nox, is the secondary antagonist.
The youngest daughter of Queen Umbra, Nox initially appears as... well... Norah (who is introduced as Aurora's half-sister), who we meet in the Windmills level. Being very kind and happy, Norah goes out of her way to protect Aurora and her friends on her journey. Although at some parts of the game, her facade slowly comes to light as her more unpleasant personality begins to slowly surface, especially when meeting up with Robert (a merchant that is a mouse) whom she threatens to kill if he got near her.
When we get to the end of the sixth chapter, Norah convinces Aurora to leave her friends behind and return to Autria using a mirror. Our heroine does so... and ends up at the Forgotten Tower, where she is met by Umbra and Cordelia (who is Norah's older sister). After Aurora finally discovers that she was lied to and betrayed by Norah, she completely drops her act and reveals her actual wicked personality and her real name, Nox (and thankfully I didn't spend any items on her). It's also revealed that she's the one that stole the Lemurian sun from the sky. And after all is said and done, Aurora and her allies are locked away and tortured by Nox... Yeesh.
After Aurora and her allies escape with the help of Kategida warrior Óengus, it's revealed that during the time between our heroine's imprisonment and the party coming to the Cynbel Sea, Nox had stored the Lemurian sun in a temple and had an ogre slaughter every Piscean. To give you a good idea on how much of the population of Pisceans were wiped out, by the time we get there, only two of them survived, those being Genovefa and Drust.
Anways, we proceed to kill the ogre who was guarding the room to the Lemurian sun (same ogre mentioned in the above paragraph by the way) and make it to Nox once again... where it's revealed that the room is a trap, and Nox goes on to mock us. And then she tries to kill us with nerve gas, but no worries, Aurora and friends escape and go to confront Nox! After some dialogue, Nox turns into a white dragon and we eventually slay her after a long, gruelling boss battle.
Mitigating Factors/Freudian Excuse[]
At her rotten core, Norah (or should I say, Nox) is a xenophobic, utterly sadistic liar who pretends to be a good half-sister to Aurora, only to betray her by the end of chapter six, and she just gets worse from there. And even before then, when she had her facade on, she was still pretty horrible to the party (see the wanting to kill Robert part). And to contrast with her mother, Umbra, who does love her family and did her actions to avenge her own mother's exile, Nox has no love for her family, feeling no remorse for what happened to her older sister Cordelia and not even bothering to mention her after she died.
All in all, Nox is incredibly heartless.
Heinous Standards[]
She stands out like a sore thumb. The torture of Aurora and her allies during their imprisonment aside, she also committed outright genocide on the Pisceans. Thankfully only two of them survived, but that doesn't change the fact that every other Piscean is dead. To hammer home that she's the one responsible for the genocide, the ogre outright tells us that it guards the door leading to the Lemurian sun. Who else is in that room? Nox, of course! And she's the one waiting on the other side of the door that the ogre is guarding.
Overall, Nox stands out with her extremely manipulative and sadistic personality, not being above manipulating her little half-sister and instigating a genocide.
Final Verdict[]
A resounding yes.