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Char jafar
Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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The Usurper is one of the two overarching antagonists (the other being Eredin) of The Witcher franchise.

He is the unnamed general of the Nilfgaardian army, who killed the Nilfgaardian Emperor Fergus var Emreis and seized the throne for himself. During his rule, Nilfgaard successfully conquered Metinna, Nazair and Maecht.



Of the Usurper's past, it is known that before he became a Nilfgardian officer, he was an ordinary boy brought up in a lower social class. The Usurper, thanks to his courage and ability to fight with a sword, became an officer of the Nilfgaardian army, where he once sought the loyalty of the Nilfgaardian emperor despite Fergus's undermined decisions. However, this changed when he realized that the people he loved were poor and discontented among the inhabitants, merchants, aristocrats and oppositionists when he met with Gaunter O'Dimm offering him a pact that would make him emperor, to which the Usurper agreed.

After the conclusion of the Gaunter O'Dim pact, the Usurper, apparently aided by Gaunter's powers, began to climb the ranks of Nilfgard until he eventually became a general. After that, the Usurper began to grow in power, and eventually became close to Emperor Fergus himself, whom he despised, considering him weaker than himself and undeserving of being Emperor.

The usurper preparing a plan of a coup d'état on Emperor Fergus while serving in the army was able to falsify the emperor's orders into effective maneuvers for conquests and then incorporation into the Nilfgaardian empire, such as Etolie, Gemmera'e and Vicovaro.

Usurpation of the throne[]

When, in 1230, the Usurper and his opposition group begin to gain massive support among people opposed to Emperor Fergus and his House of Emreis. When the Usurper obtained a huge number of people to lead a revolution in Nilfgaard and seize the throne for himself.

In 1233, the usurper and the oppositionists launched a coup d'état, successfully overthrowing the modern emperor Fergus var Emreis. After taking the throne, the Usurper ordered his retainers to torture Fergus for resisting him, but torturing Fergus had no effect, so the Usurper hired the sorcerer Braarhens to mentally destroy Fergus by turning his son Emhyr who was 13 years old into a humanoid hedgehog because the sorcerer had an idea because emhyr in the Nilfgaardian language means hedgehog, hoping Fergus will come to obedience.

It didn't work for Fergus though, it would break him mentally to call his obedience. The Usurper ordered Fergus to be executed by regicide. And Emhyr himself turned into a humanoid hedgehog, knowing that he would bring no use to the Usurper himself, was banished from the empire and sent to the forest to be hunted by dogs and hunters. However, Emhyr managed to survive on the people who hunted him and managed to escape from the south to the north thanks to Ardal aep Dahy and Xarthisius.

Ruling over Nilfgaard[]

During his reign over Nilfgaard, the usurper restored order at the imperial court and announced an amnesty for all those who had been punished by the previous emperor, except for those who were guilty of high treason, such as Vysogota of Corvo. The usurper imposed strict military laws in Nilfgard, for disobedience was punishable by flogging, or for a gravely unforgivable crime was punishable by torture and the death penalty.

The usurper restored order to an empire that had been aggravated in chaos, with the result that many were unhappy. Wanting to strengthen his authority in the empire, the usurper tried to seemingly legitimize the rights in the empire. The usurper ordered all Nilfgaardian cities to build monuments about him, he rented to all poets for thousands of frolens to write balads favorable to him and ordered historians to find and confiscate documents that he was in fact the bastard of the former emperor Torres var Emreis so that no one would know about his true origin.

First Northern War[]

In 1239, the Usurper began to conquer the northern kingdoms that were adjacent to expand the Nilfgardian Empire, starting the First Northern War. The first conquered state among the kingdoms and absorbed into the ranks of the Nilfgaardian Empire during the Usurper's time was Ebbing, then the Nilfgaardian army conquered two small states taking control over the areas, such as Nazair and Metinna. Eleven years ago, the Nilfgaardian Empire expanded to include another conquered region called Maecht.

At some point, the usurper suspends the decree of March 8 to reduce the religion of the great sun in Nilfgaard to have comfort in power.


  • The name of the Usurper is unknown and will probably never be revealed in the Witcher universe, regardless of books or games, etc., but in the Polish paper RPG game called The Witcher: Game of Imagination, his name was Torres. It has not been determined whether this is a real name or it may be an error given by accident.
    • Especially since one of the emperors of Nilfgaard was named Torres and came from the Emhreis family.

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