Images and videos of the Utrom Shredder /Ch'rell from the 2003 TMNT TV series.
Gallery [ ]
Images [ ]
Ch'rell threatening Mortu.
Ch'rell's first appearance.
Ch'rell in training, just when
Hun bringing him the Sword of Tengu.
The Utrom Shredder in his armor.
Ch'rell showing his claw.
Ch'rell facing the Turtles.
Ch'rell fighting Leonardo.
Ch'rell destroying Leonardo's katanas.
Ch'rell confronting the Turtles for the second time.
Ch'rell wielding the Sword of Tengu.
Ch'rell showing his claw.
Ch'rell first meeting the Turtles outside his exo-suit.
Utrom Shredder in his armor.
The Utrom Shredder clenching his fists.
Ch'rell smashing the table in anger.
Ch'rell controlling his very powerful exo-suit.
Ch'rell's exile on Mor Gal Tal.
The Utrom Shredder in Turtles Forever .
Ch'rell's giant exo-suit.
Ch'rell horrified when the Mirage Comics Turtles appear on his screen.
Karai trying to reason with her father about crushing the Mirage Turtles, for he will destroy himself along with everything.
Ch'rell refuses to stop and resume his insanity.
Ch'rell meeting his well-deserved end.
Miscellaneous [ ]
The Utrom Shredder's first exo-suit seen in the series.
The Utrom Shredder's second exo-suit seen in the series.
The Utrom Shredder's Third exo-suit seen in the series.
The Feudal Utrom Shredder
Ch'rell in a larger, more powerful four-armed exo-suit
Artwork crop of Ch'rell being healed by worms (Biocytes).
Videos [ ]
TMNT 2003- Ch'rell-Utrom Shredder (All scenes)
The great quotes of The Shredder (Ch'rell)
TMNT 2003 Shredder First Fights